DeSoto Parish Louisiana

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the state of Louisiana
and to the motto for which it stands:
A state, under God, united in purpose and ideals,
confident that justice shall prevail for all of those abiding here."

Keatchie College

DeSoto Parish Louisiana

Keatchie College was founded in 1857 as Keatchie Female College by the Grand Cane Association of Baptist Churches. Eventually it became the coeducational Keatchie Male and Female College. Its second president was Rev. Jeremiah H. Tucker. In 1899 the Louisiana Southern Baptist Convention assumed management of the college, which closed sometime after 1917.

The following images are courtesy of Courtney Tompkins

Some links below are to text files;  use your browser's 'back' function to return to this page.

Annual Catalogue -1886-1887, p. 8-9 About the College
Annual Catalogue -1887-1888, p. 8-9 Students
Annual Catalogue -1889-1890, p. 8-9 Students
Annual Catalogue cover -1891-1892 Students
Annual Catalogue -1891-1892, p. 8-9 Students
Annual Catalogue -1891-1892, p. 10-11
Annual Catalogue -1891-1892, p. 20-21
Keatchie College Info.
From The Boardman, June 19(6)1, Published by LA School Board Assn.
112 Geo. Peabody Hall, LSU, University Sta, Baton Rouge, LA 78803, p. 4-10
Keatchie College Info.
From The Baptist Messenger, March 14, 1957, p. 6-7
Keatchie College Report Card, March 1859
Keatchie College Info.
From The Eulalian, Keatchie, LA, December 1902, Vol. 1, No. 1

Keatchie College Historical Marker

The following images are courtesy of Ross Patrick.

Various snapshots of campus life


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Page Modified: 11 September 2024

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