Austin County, Texas

Austin County Cemeteries


Please remember that many of the older cemeteries are located on private property. Please respect not only the cemetery but also the property owner's rights. Always obtain permission to enter private property.

Grave markers and tombstones may have less information than researchers have discovered and provided on this website.


Cat Spring Cemetery AKA Kollatschny Cemetery

AKA: Cat Spring Kollatschny Cemetery, Cat Spring Cemetery | Near Cat Spring

Location: 7522 Cat Spring Cemetery Road Cat Spring, Texas 78933.
Going from Sealy, take FM 1094 West for 11 miles to Cat Spring. At the Crossroads take FM 949 to right. Go .2 mile and turn left on Sandy Road and travel .8 mile. After you cross creek, turn left on paved road and travel .4 mile. Cemetery is on your right.

Little History of the Cemetery

The Kollatschny Cemetery's official name today is the Cat Spring Cemetery. Locals have called it the Kollatschny Cemetery for years because the Kollatschnys were apparently early caretakers of the cemetery. That's the name that appeared on older funeral notices and death certificates, and it was the one most commonly used for years. If you look at the Funeral Notices section on the this site, you will often see see Kollatschny Cemetery because that is what was printed on the funeral notices that were placed around Austin County towns. At the time that Austin County Historical Society cemetery inventories began in the 1980s, that's the name that was used on these cemetery records.

Thanks to Carolyn Zaskoda for history updates to these files May 2020. and for updates December 2022 for military records.

Also see:

There are several unmarked graves

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Name Born - Died Notes

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Page Last Updated: 18 February 2025