Austin County, Texas

Military Veterans
of Austin County, Texas

"...the people of Texas do now constitute a free, Sovereign, and independent republic..."
- from the Texas Declaration of Independence, 2 March 1836

We must thank the previous coordinators, Joy, Steve and Linda for all the hard work and hours they have put into this project. TXGenWeb needs more volunteers like them so if you are interested contact me.

Our thanks to Joy Neely who compiled most of this information. Our sincere appreciation for her ongoing efforts to supply genealogical data to us all!

If you are aware of other records or can provide us with such records, or have any history stories of Austin County, please share it with everyone here. You can contact us for history content donations.

Note: The Source references are: BT = Bellville Times, SN = Sealy News.
Other abbreviations are: DC = Death Certificate, DF = V.A. Death File, DR = Discharge Record.

Confederate Indigent Families Index

| Confederate | Union | Wauls Texas Legion | Confederate Indigent Index | Legacy Page |

Please be aware that only an index of names appears at this site. Linda Mearse has transcribed the records on file in the State Archives in her book, Confederate Indigent Families Lists of Texas 1863-1865. In order to help preserve the original records, please request the Mearse transcription through interlibrary loan. Please contact your local library for further details.

Abel, W
Abel, Mrs W
Abel, Mrs W
Adams, Mrs A
Adams, B F
Adel, J
Afflerback, C
Albert, C
Albert, Mrs C
Albert, C F
Albert, Mrs C F
Albert, H
Albert, Mrs H
Albert, Mrs H
Albrecht, W
Allen, W
Allen, Mrs William
Andersen, Mrs E F
Bader, G
Bader, G
Bader, John
Bader, Mrs John
Bader, Mrs W
Baeder, G
Baker, Mrs Sophia
Baller, C
Baller, Mrs C
Bardin, Mrs J J
Barker, H
Bastian, Mrs C
Bastian, Mrs E
Bastian, Jacob
Bastian, Mrs Jacob
Belcher, Mrs
Belk, Mrs
Belk, T
Bemer, Mrs R
Berner, R
Bernshansen, J
Berry, Mrs Harriet
Berry, Mrs Rebecca
Bieuple, L
Binger, Mrs Joachim
Bivians, J
Bivians, Mrs Joseph
Boadeka, Mrs Otto
Boediker, August
Boeshe, H
Borim, J
Boromann, Mrs Ann
Boyd, F W
Boyd, Mrs S W
Bremer, Mrs A
Breshe, Mrs H
Brooks, Mrs
Brosig, F
Brune, Henry
Brune, Mrs Henry
Brune, W
Brune, Mrs W
Buchtien, Mrs
Buenger, Joachim
Buescher, H
Buldebock, H
Buller, H
Bullock, Mrs
Bullock, A
Bullock, Mrs Alf
Bulow, Mrs L
Burgess, Mrs W
Burleson, Mrs
Butler, A
Butler, Mrs G
Cady, Mrs
Carr, Mrs T
Cloud, Mrs Jerry
Colby, S A
Cole, J
Cole, Mrs James
Cook, Mrs Huldah
Cook, John
Cook, Mrs Mary
Cooper, Mrs L C
Couch, Mrs
Crumpler, J
Dattner, Mrs August
Deharpe, Mrs
Dettloff, C
Dettmar, Mrs Christian
Dettmer, A
Dettmer, C
Dodson, S L
Dreyer, H
Dreyer, Mrs H
Dry, Mrs Harriet
Dueckert, H
Ebel, W
Eben, E
Eben, Mrs F
Eber, Mrs G
Eber, Mrs Gustave
Eckerman, A
Eckerman, E
Eckermann, L
Elser, Mrs M
Elshik, John
Elshyk, Mrs John
Etlinger, Mrs
Evetts, L J
Fishap, F
Fishass, Mrs F
Flaentye, F
Foster, G W
Foster, G W
Franks, A
Franks, Mrs A
Franx, F
Frederick, Mrs G
Frodel, A
Fuchs, C
Fuchs, Mrs C
Fuget, Mrs Sarah
Fugit, M
Gabrish, Mrs T
Gamble, Mrs F
Garlin, F
Garrett, D
Garrett, Mrs Dan
Geltmacher, Mrs W
Georgee, Mrs W
Georgit, W
Gezel, Mrs Doris
Gieseck, A
Glass, H
Gobrish, Stephen
Gobrish, T
Goesh, C
Good, Mrs John
Gornbel, F
Graf, J
Graff, Mrs Joachim
Gramlick, Mrs John
Graulick, John
Haak, Mrs
Haebner, J
Hahn, Joachim
Hahn, Mrs Joachim
Hanbald, F
Hanley, Mrs
Harman, John
Harmon, Mrs John
Harms, H
Harpe, D
Harrigal, F
Harrigal, Mrs F
Harris, Mrs H
Harrison, Mrs Dolly
Hart, Mrs
Hartmann, L
Hartmann, Mrs L
Hasty, Mrs A
Haverlaw, M
Haverlaw, Mrs Mary
Heidemann, W
Hendrickson, Mrs A
Hendrickson, E
Hess, A
Hickman, Mrs P C
Hill, G
Hill, Mrs G
Hill, Mrs John
Hinsson, H
Hinze, August
Hinze, Mrs August
Hohle, Mathias
Hook, A
Houk, Mrs
Howe, C
Hughs, Mrs
Humble, Mrs
Hutchins, John
Hutchins, Mrs John
James, Mrs Jane
James, John
Janes, Henry
Jeager, Mrs Joan
Jeffries, Mrs
Jeuger, John
John, Mrs Martha
Johns, Mrs
Johns, W
Johnson, John
Johnson, Mrs John
Johse, Mrs C
Jones, A B
Jose, C
Jovionick, J
Judkins, Mrs N J
Junker, Mrs C
Kalatshny, Mrs C
Kalatshug, C
Kechele, Mrs
Kechele, Mrs C
Kechele, F
Kemper, Mrs
Kidding, J
Kihlholz, H
King, T
King, Mrs T
Kinney, G
Kippen, W
Klaus, G
Klensman, R
Klensmann, Mrs B
Klinger, Mrs Rebecca
Knapp, John
Kneippe, Mrs P
Koch, C
Koch, Henry
Kollhoff, C
Korth, J
Krancher, J
Krautz, A
Kreuger, Mrs L
Kriger, Mrs H
Krueger, H
Kruneck, J
Kuhn, Mrs Dora
Leaches, J
Lehmann, Moritz
Letter, Mrs William
Leudecke, L
Litter, W
Lloyd, J
Lloyd, Mrs J
Longer, Mrs Mary
Luhr, Joachim
Luhr, Mrs Joachim
Man, John
Man, Mrs John
Mankey, Mrs Henry
Mann, A J
Marburger, Mrs H
Marburger, L
Marburger, Mrs L
Marburger, W
Marburger, Mrs W
Margenroth, H
Marsh, D L
Marsh, Mrs L
Mccleska, Peter
Mccliska, Mrs A
Mccloud, Mrs R
Mccracken, J
Mccrackin, Mrs Mary
Mcpeters, S
Mcpeters, Mrs S
Meister, A C
Menkey, Mrs H
Menking, F
Mernits, O
Meyer, Mrs H
Meyer, John
Michaels, C
Michaels, Mrs C
Miller, Mrs H
Minssen, Mrs H
Mitchell, Mrs
Mitchell, John
Mittank, F
Moeller, H
Molina, J
Moore, Mrs E
Moore, Elijah
Morris, F E
Morris, Mrs F E
Muller, Herman
Muske, John
Muskey, Mrs J
Nelins, Mrs C
Nelms, Charles
Nesby, Mrs
Neville, M
Newman, J
Newman, R
Newman, Mrs R
Nichols, T
Nichols, Mrs T
Noack, W
Nolte, Mrs Fritz
Nolte, Mrs G
Nolty, F
Nolty, G
Odam, Mrs
Oliver, Mrs D
Oliver, Dew
Osterhout, Mrs D
Osterhout, David
Palm, Mrs J
Palm, R
Palm, Mrs R
Palson, J
Patterson, K F
Patterson, Mrs K F
Peasky, Mrs
Perry, Mrs V L
Peschel, A
Pesseck, F
Peters, C
Peters, Mrs H
Peters, Mrs John
Pierce, Mrs
Pinckart, Mrs F
Pollard, Mrs Martha
Pope, C
Pope, Mrs Christoph
Powers, Mrs L J
Powers, Mike
Prater, Mrs M A
Prausse, A
Praussse, Mrs A
Quillan, C
Rainey, Mrs Elizabeth
Raulee, F
Ray, Mrs
Redika, Mrs
Reincke, F
Rick, J H
Rinake, C
Ringner, Christian
Ringner, Mrs Christian
Ringner, Mrs Harmon
Ringner, Herman
Rinn, Mrs E M
Rinn, Lewis
Rinn, Mrs Lewis
Robertson, Mrs
Robinson, Mrs
Rovine, Mrs J
Ruppert, H
Ruppert, Mrs H
Sanders, Mrs F
Sassenberg, F
Sassenberg, Mrs F
Sassenberg, W
Sassenberg, Mrs W
Sassenberg, Mrs W
Sayer, Mrs
Schaefer, A
Schanick, J
Schaufner, J
Scheurig, A
Schiller, L
Schiller, Vinz
Schluns, Mrs
Schmidt, C
Schram, Mrs F
Schroeder, F
Schuett, H
Seehans, H
Seigfried, John
Seigfried, Mrs John
Seioleman, Lewis
Shafner, Mrs J
Shaver, Mrs
Shelburne, Mrs Frank
Shoemaker, Mrs
Shoemaker, Mrs F
Shrader, Mrs W
Shrader, Mrs W
Shruder, W
Shulte, H
Shupack, J
Siebel, G
Siegart, B
Smith, Jacob
Smith, Mrs Jacob
Smith, Mrs Margaret
Spence, John
Spence, Mrs Nancy
Spies, John
Steck, Mrs E
Steffka, Mrs Anna
Stefka, John
Stephenson, H N
Stephenson, Mrs H N
Strussel, C
Sturm, C
Surghner, Mrs E
Sutton, Mrs
Swearingen, Sam
Swearingen, Mrs Sarah
Tabor, Jeff
Teubert, J
Thiel, H
Thimens, Mrs
Thompson, Mrs Ann
Thornton, I
Thornton, Mrs Sarah
Trader, August
Trader, Mrs August
Traybig, F
Traybig, Mrs F
Trenkmann, E
Uchick, Mrs
Urbanke, Mrs
Vaxter, Mrs Van
Vierick, Mrs Dora
Voelkel, C
Voelkel, G
Voelkel, J
Vorbeck, J
Vorbeck, Mrs J
Wagner, Mrs
Wagner, Fritz
Wagner, R
Walleyk, J
Wallingford, Mrs E
Wallingford, J E
Wallsuk, J
Walter, John
Walter, Mrs John
Ward, Ruffin
Washam, T
Washam, Mrs T
Weise, B
Wells, W
Wendt, Mrs Mary
Werner, J
Wevills, Mrs
Whatley, Mrs Jane
Whited, Mrs J K
Whitley, B
Whitley, Isaac
Whitley, Mrs Jesse
Whitworth, Mrs W
Williams, Mrs Mary
Williamson, Mrs
Williamson, Mrs Amanda
Williamson, Mrs Harriet
Willroth, E
Wills, Mrs W
Wood, W
Worthington, Mrs C
Worthington, J N
Woss, L
Wouk, Henry
Wright, Alex
Young, Alex
Young, Mrs Alex
Zbitofsky, Mrs