Bellville Genealogy Resource Center
In addition to the family trees listed below, there are numerous historical artifacts available at the center, as indicated at the Bellville Historical Society webpage:
Index of Surnames
Below are Surnames of compiled family trees which may be seen at the Genealogy Resource Center which is open on the 4th Saturday of the month starting in March, 2012, from 10:00a to 3:00p. at 15 N. Masonic, Bellville, TX. Copies may be made of the family trees for $1 per page. Proceeds go to help maintain the library. Our appreciation to Martha Parker for contributing this current list. Sept. 2011.
8/1/2020 NOTE, this page is no longer accurate.
Abel | Henry | 1867 | 1970 |
Abel | William | . | . |
Abel | Christian | 1795 | 2000 |
Albert | Johann Carl | 1808 | 2000 |
Albert | Herman Carl | 1848 | 1973 |
Alexander | William M. | 1813 | 2006 |
Allen | Miles N. | 1805 | 2001 |
Allen, Capt. | Henry D. | 1782 | 2002 |
Amthor | August | 1837 | 2002 |
Armstrong | William Tucker | . | . |
Ayres | Silas | 1749 | 2001 |
Bader | John Otto | 1874 | . |
Bartay (Von Bartfa) | Andreas | 1799 | . |
Bell | John Gideon | 1820 | . |
Bell | William G. | 1859 | . |
Bidwell | Eli | 1834 | 2002 |
Black | Coatsworth | 1860 | . |
Bocker | August | 1833 | 2002 |
Boelsche | Friedrich | 1833 | . |
Bollinger | Catherine | 1825 | 2002 |
Bosse | Frederick W. | 1848 | 2002 |
Bowers | David Giles | 1858 | 2008 |
Bradbury | William | 1859 | . |
Bravenec | Jan | 1842 | . |
Breihan | Heinrich | 1807 | 2000 |
Brewer | Rufus J. | 1831 | . |
Brewer | Benton D. | 1836 | 2002 |
Bridgham (See Abel Thayers) | Henry | 1675 | . |
Brill | Henry | 1844 | 2003 |
Bryan, M.D. | Louis A. | 1825 | 2002 |
Buenger | Andreas | 1824 | 2000 |
Buenger | William Andreas | 1852 | 2000 |
Buescher | Gottfried | 1810 | 2001 |
Burns | A.L. | 1833 | 2002 |
Bush | John | 1618 | . |
Calloway | Nancy | 1780 | 2003 |
Chernosky | Anton Paul | 1852 | 2003 |
Cochran | Thomas | 1812 | 1972 |
Coffee | John Charles | 1917 | 2003 |
Cumings | Rebekah Russel | 1857 | 1999 |
Cunningham, Jr. | Thomas Jefferson | 1828 | 2002 |
Dahse | Adolf | 1838 | 2001 |
Dankworth | William James | 1843 | 1992 |
Davis | John M. | 1815 | 2000 |
Dittert | Christian (Chris) | 1874 | 1997 |
Dixon | William Zimmerman | 1823 | 2001 |
Douglass | Authur | 1853 | 2001 |
Eckelberg | Friederick | 1797 | |
Eckermann | Louis | 1831 | 2002 |
Edwards | Gustavus E. | . | 2003 |
Einkauf | Fred | 1904 | . |
Emshoff | Christoff | 1846 | 2002 |
Engelking | Ferdinand Friederick | 1810 | 2001 |
Engleholm | Gilbert Herbert | 1919 | 1999 |
Falk | Otto | 1848 | 2001 |
Falk | Gus | 1851 | 2001 |
Find | Daniel Webster | 1872 | 2001 |
Findeisen, Sr. | Carl Christoph | 1799 | 1989 |
Finn | Edwin E. | 1850 | 2001 |
Fischer | Bernhard | 1804 | 1992 |
Fisher | France | 1850 | 2002 |
Fordtran | Charles | 1800 | . |
Fort | Dewitt Clinton | 1868 | 2002 |
Francis | George | 1790 | 2003 |
Frank | Fritz | 1818 | 2001 |
Franke | John | 1839 | 2002 |
French | Rowlene Eastman | 1822 | 2001 |
George | John Wesley | 1849 | 2002 |
Gilbert | Richard William | 1877 | 2001 |
Glenn | James A. | 1779 | 2001 |
Glenn | Glenn | 1814 | 2000 |
Gluck / Glueck | Franz | 1819 | 1983 |
Grabow | Christian | 1819 | 2002 |
Grabow | Christian | 1843 | 2011 |
Granau | Henry | 1817 | . |
Grawunder | Ludwig | 1838 | 2002 |
Grawunder | Herman Arthur | 1928 | 1998 |
Grimm | Ferdinand (Fred) | 1884 | 2006 |
Groth | Anna Maria Dorothea Elisabeth | 1826 | . |
Grube | Albert F. | 1885 | 2000 |
Hartman | Dorothea | 1838 | . |
Hejl | Joseph | 1852 | 2003 |
Helweg | Carl Johann | 1829 | 2002 |
Hensche | Wilheim | 1800 | . |
Hill | Sami | 1830 | 2002 |
Hill | Samuel Albert | 1862 | 2006 |
Hill | Johann Heinrich | 1807 | 2001 |
Hill | Jacob (John) | 1827 | . |
Hill | Robert | 1833 | . |
Hintz | Joe | 1917 | 2004 |
Hintz | Joachim | 1819 | 1998 |
Hintz | Johann Joachim Frederich | 1819 | . |
Hoff | Jacob Henry | 1825 | 2008 |
Hoff | Carl | 1861 | 2001 |
Hoff | Dorothea Maria Elisbeth | 1850 | . |
Hoff | Wilhelm Theodor Heinrich | 1864 | . |
Hoff | Johann Jacob Heinrich | 1848 | . |
Hoff | Edgar Albert | 1903 | 2001 |
Holland | Nehemiah | 1821 | 1999 |
Huebner | Hugo | 1879 | 2000 |
Huebner | Joseph | 1840 | 2002 |
Hunt | William | 1783 | 2001 |
Janssen | Harm | 1675 | 2006 |
Janssen | Ufke Gerdes | 1775 | . |
Jenkins | J.T. | 1906 | 1996 |
Johnson | Daniel Webster | 1843 | 2002 |
Johnston | Sir William | 1725 | 2001 |
Johnston | John L. | . | 2001 |
Joseph | Francis | . | 2000 |
Jurchak | John | 1862 | 2002 |
Kaechele | Fritz | 1837 | . |
Keilberg | Charles Louis | 1833 | 2008 |
Kenter | Bernard Henry | 1859 | 1994 |
King | Terry D. | 1807 | 2001 |
King | Mary Jane (Polly) | . | 2001 |
Kinney | John Wesley | 1799 | . |
Klenz | Johann Christian Friedrich | 1852 | . |
Klopsteck | Wilheim | 1808 | 2001 |
Knolle | Anton H. | 1754 | 1997 |
Kocurek | Martin | 1838 | 2002 |
Koy | Franciscan Michael (Franz) | 1816 | 1998 |
Krampitz | Karl | 1859 | . |
Krampitz | Simon Herman (Karl) | 1843 | . |
Kretzschmar | William | 1820 | . |
Kroulik | John | 1872 | 2003 |
Krueger | Henry F. | 1822 | . |
Krueger | Christian | 1813 | 2010 |
Krumrey | Wilhelm Heinrich | 1838 | . |
Krumrey | John | 1870 | . |
Landrum | George Lewis | 1767 | 2001 |
Landrum, M.D. | Benjamin Lewis | 1818 | 2001 |
Langhammer | Franz J. | . | 1997 |
Lesikar | Jirik | . | 1981 |
Lesikar (Leshikar) | Frantisek (Frank) | 1819 | 2003 |
Louwien | Gustav | 1853 | 2000 |
Luckemeyer | Christian | 1856 | . |
Luhn | Gustav Adolph (Adolf) | 1838 | 1997 |
Luhn | Frederick Wilhelm | 1802 | 1998 |
Luhn | Gottfried Wilheim | 1800 | 2000 |
Lydick | Andrew | 1730 | 2002 |
Machemahl | John | 1816 | 2002 |
Machemehl | Paul | 1845 | 1997 |
Machemehl | Bernard Henry | 1896 | 1997 |
Machemehl | Michael (Michel) | 1787 | 2000 |
Manley | John | 1818 | 2001 |
Mardaus | John Fritz | 1815 | 2010 |
Maresch | John | 1830 | 2001 |
Martin | Abner | 1814 | 1983 |
McGinty | Fannie Louise Manning Leary | 1858 | 2006 |
Meinecke | John Friedrich Wilhelm August | 1804 | 2010 |
Meissner | Charles | 1824 | 2004 |
Menke | Joseph Henry | 1792 | . |
Mewis | John Arthur | 1854 | 2001 |
Mewis (Mewes) | Johann Friederich Wilhelm | 1810 | 2001 |
Milatz | Carl | 1821 | 2000 |
Minton | Alfred | 1809 | 2001 |
Mittanck | Frederick | 1826 | 2001 |
Moore | Austin | 1843 | 2001 |
Morgan | Earl Volney | . | 2001 |
Mueller (Miller) | Friedrich W. | 1835 | 2001 |
Muller | Friedrich Wilhelm | 1818 | 2000 |
Nelius | Charles Henry | 1837 | 2002 |
Neumann | John | 1823 | 2009 |
Nichols | Thomas | 1849 | 2001 |
Nichols | Claus Hinrich | 1828 | 2000 |
Nichols | Joseph | 1847 | . |
Ogg | Reese Blake | . | . |
Ottmer | Heinrich | 1828 | 2001 |
Paine | Robert Treat | 1812 | 2001 |
Palm | Joachim | 1846 | . |
Peschel | Adolf (F.A,) | 1823 | 2001 |
Pier | James Bradford | 1813 | 2004 |
Pomikal | Josef | 1820 | . |
Price | Sheri Gail | 1805 | 2001 |
Reams | Sherwood Young | 1812 | 2002 |
Reese | Kinion Wilkerson | 1842 | . |
Reichardt | Carl | . | 1984 |
Reinecker | Edward | 1872 | 2002 |
Reinecker | Ferdinand | 1823 | . |
Reiniker | F. | 1823 | 2002 |
Roench | Fritz | 1859 | 1997 |
Sander, Sr. | August | 1807 | 1997 |
Sapp | William Jasper Lafayette | 1827 | 2003 |
Scales | Joseph Henry | 1779 | 2001 |
Schaffner | Jacob | 1838 | 2001 |
Schamer / Shomer | John | 1822 | 2002 |
Schanick | John | 1830 | 2002 |
Schenk | Elisabeth Gertrude | 1826 | 2000 |
Schluns | Johann Joachim Christoph Friedrich | 1795 | . |
Schneider | Wilheim | 1817 | 1998 |
Schomer | Christian | 1835 | 2002 |
Schroeder | Joachim | 1843 | 2002 |
Schultz | William Carl | 1877 | 2002 |
Schulze | Charles | 1870 | . |
Schulze, Sr | Adolphus (Adolph) | 1826 | 2000 |
Schumann, Sr. | Friedrick "Fritz" Andreas | 1860 | 2001 |
Schweke / Schwecke | Herman Heinrich | 1805 | 2001 |
Shaffner | Jacob | 1838 | 2001 |
Shelburne II | Samuel P. | 1799 | 2002 |
Shewmake | Wilbur Lafayette | 1884 | 2001 |
Shiller | Johana Balcar. | 1790 | 1982 |
Sieper | John | 1805 | 2000 |
Sonsel | George | . | 1999 |
Spence | John | 1780 | 2002 |
Spence | John Thomas | 1814 | 2002 |
Springfield | Anson-AL | 1815 | 2001 |
Spurlock | Charles | 1838 | 2001 |
Stafford | Charles | 1852 | . |
Stahlbaum | John | 1825 | 2004 |
Stahlbaum | Jacob | 1820 | 2010 |
Stein | Diettrick | 1812 | 2000 |
Sternenberg | Johann Abraham | 1767 | . |
Stiles | L.S. | 1850 | 2002 |
Stockham | John | 1817 | 1999 |
Stokes | James P. | 1837 | 2002 |
Stone (Rev.) | John H. | 1808 | 2000 |
Stuth | Johann Christian David | 1841 | . |
Suhr | Joachim Jacob Heinrich | 1834 | . |
Thaemar | Theodor(e) J. | 1848 | . |
Thayer | James N. | 1841 | 2002 |
Thompson | Clayton | 1790 | 1975 |
Thompson | Robert Watson | 1842 | 2001 |
Trenckmann | William Andreas | 1859 | 1997 |
Ueckert | Wm. | 1838 | 2001 |
Van Horn | Andrew N. | 1844 | 2002 |
Viereck | Fritz William | 1853 | 2001 |
Vornkahl | Heinrick | 1817 | 2004 |
Wamel | Franz Van | 1807 | 1978 |
Warmke | William | . | . |
Washam | Thomas Jefferson | . | 1993 |
Weber | Robert | 1839 | 1985 |
Weige | Albert | 1810 | 2004 |
Weiss | Fritz | . | 2001 |
Wendt | Frederich | 1788 | 2001 |
Westerman | Harry | 1889 | 1994 |
Wier | Joseph | 1842 | 2003 |
Wiley | H.P. | 1836 | 2002 |
Wiley | Alexander | 1753 | . |
Williams | Samuel May | . | . |
Wingate | Leona Aloza Zade Sapp | 1861 | 2003 |
Witte | Frederich Christian George | 1845 | 2000 |
Wittner | Kaspar | 1825 | 2001 |
Wolnitzek | Peter Paul | 1824 | |
Wood | Samuel Thomas (Sam) | 1852 | 2002 |
Zander I | George | . | . |
Zapalac | Willie | 1921 | . |
Zvolanek M.D. | Jan (Johann) | 1815 | 1985 |

Page Last Updated: 02 January 2025