Austin County



Turnverein Membership 

7 January 1895 

The minutes of the organization were kept in German from 1895 until February 1909 by F. C. L. Seyer, secretary (pp. 1-94).  Starting March 1, 1909 on page 94, still written in German, the minutes were written by C. Schauerhammer, secretary up to 1 May 1911 page 107.  On page 108 June 22, 1911 F. C. Roensch signed as secretary still writing in German.  On page 109 J. B. Bailleux is shown as President.  Page 130 is the last entry by F. C. Roensch and August 2nd, 1913 on this same page L. A. Machemehl signed as secretary.  On page 136 we learn that von Rosenberg was president.  Page 146 is the last entry signed by L. A. Machemehl, sec. and a short item dated 17 Aug. 1914 is signed O. H. Kloss, sec.  On the next page 47, 5 Oct. 1914 the secretary is O. H. Kloss and president is W. C. Westermann.  On 151 W. C. Westermann is still president but the secretary is A. J. Laas date is 5 April 1915.  On page169 we see the Vice President is Ed Meissner.  Page 175 shows Wm. Willrodt is secretary and Ed Meissner is president  date is 21 January 1918.  This is the last minutes taken in German.  When these pages can be translated we can determine more accurately when the officers were elected. 

Page 175

May Meeting

Meeting called to order by Vice President E. Meisner  13 men be present G. G. Krueger, L. A. Machemehl, E. W. Hellmuth, Otto Krueger, C. Schauerhammer, W. A. Werner, Aug. Liermann, H. Miller, F. C. L. Seyer, A. Meissner, J. E. Edmundson, and Wm. Schneider and A. Meissner secretary protem.

Motion carried that the resolution presented by H. Miller, C. G. Krueger and L. A. Machemehl be adopted and spread on the minutes. 

p. 176

Resolution.  Resolved that due to the existing conditions of a state of war between the United States of America and the Imperial government of Germany  Being a           of opinion of this organization The Bellville Turn Verein in accord with true patriotism and that there be no misgivings as to the loyalty of the membership of this organization  Be it there fore resolved, that our meetings be conducted in the English language and that the secretary be instructed to record the same in English in the minute book. 

Motion carried.


1. J. B. Baileux

 2. Wm. Bader

 3. Wm. Birkmann

 4. C. Brossmann

 5. John Buelow

 6. Julius Dodt

 7. R. Duerbach

 8. C. Engelking

 9. Oscar Finn

10. Herman Granau

11. Otto Granau

12. W. B. Glenn

13. Emiel Harrigel

14. Adolf Hellmuth

15. C. F. Hellmuth

16. Sam Hill

17. C. A. Jenke

18. Adolf Kopisch

19. Gust Kopisch

20. Ernst Laas

21. C. Langhammer

22. H. Lagemann

23. Isaac Lewis

24. B. Lewis

25. Gust Maetze

26. Hans Machemehl

27. Herm Miller

28. Gust Miller

29. Franz Niemann

30. Fritz Roensch

31. A. Regenbrecht

32. C. Schauerhammer

33. Harm Schlosser

34. F. C. L. Seyer

35. Jim Shelburn

36. F. G. Steck

37. Max Stern

38. W. A. Trenckmann

39. A. Wolf