1870 Mortality Schedule Montgomery County Texas |
All information shown on the schedules has been transcribed as accurately
as possible and an effort has been made to copy exactly as recorded. |
Obvious misspellings are copied then underlined. Where items have been
typed and marked through , it is as shown on the records. |
It would serve the best interest of the researcher if the original document
from which these records have been copied is read for any discrepancies. |
These mortality schedules have been abstracted from microfilm at the Montgomery County Library, Conroe, Texas. |
Persons who Died during the Year ending 1st June 1870
in 19th Subdivision, in the County of Montgomery, State of Texas, enumerated
by me, John E. George, Ass't Marshal.
Headings: Number of the Family as given in the 2nd column of Schedule 1; Name of every person who died during the year ending June 1, 1870, whose place of abode at the time of death was in this family; Age last birth-day; Sex; Color; Married or widowed; Place of Birth; Father of foreign birth; Mother of foreign birth; Month in which person died; Profession; Cause of Death. |
Page 1 of Schedule 2 –
19th Subdivision |
1. SIMONS, Mary, age 3/12, female, black, born Texas, died January, of
Pneumonia. |
2. GLENN, Sallie, age 60, female, black, married, born Virginia, died
June of |
3. FAIR, Lizzy, age 5, female, mulatto, born Texas, Father foreign born, died August of
4. THOMASON. Corietta, age 8/12, female, white, born Texas, died
January of Pneumonia. |
5. SHILLER, Robert, age 2, male, black, Texas, died October of
Teething. |
6. YOUNG, Walter, age 11, male, black, born Texas, died March
of Pneumonia. |
7. HICKS, Margaret, age 1, female, white, born Texas, died November of Pneumonia.
8. PRUETT, Pruetta, age 50, female, black, married, born Virginia, died August, of Acute Reumatism, Keeping House.
9. PRUETT, George age 112, male, black, widowed, born Maryland,
died Dec of |
10. HARRISON, Betsy, age 40, female, white, widow, born
Mississippi, died March-of |
11. WILLIAMSON, James, age 30, male, white, widowed, born Louisiana,
died January of inflamation of Stomach, farmer. |
12. EDWARDS, Martha, age 28, female, white, married , born Alabama,
died November, Keeping House, Inflamation of Stomach. |
13. TOLES, Elmira, age 3, female, black, born Texas, died July
of Worms. |
14. NORRIS, Major, age 2/12, male, white, born Texas, died August
of Eresipelas. |
15. MARTIN, William F. 10, male, white, born Arkansas, died November,
16. COPELAND, Emma T. J., age 3, female, white, born Texas, died
July of Inflamation of Bowels. |
17. VICK, Vincent C., age 58. male, white, married, born
Louisana, farmer, died December of Pneumonia. |
18. BLAKE, Julia, age 24 female white,, married, born Georgia, Keeping
house: died January of |
19. McWILLIAMS, Willis, age 4, male, black, born Texas, died January of
20. GAYLES, John, age 2, male, black, born Texas, died November of
21. JOHNSON, Benjamin, age 7, male, black, born Texas, died May
of Billius Remittent Fever. |
22. GAYLE, William, age 4, male, black, born Texas, died February of Pneumonia.
23. McFERSON, Rena, age 11/12, female, black, born Texas, died
March of Pneumonia. |
24. GEURY, Lizzy, age 32, female, black, married, born Virginia,
Farm laborer, died August of Child |
25. HAMES, Willis, age 6/12, male, black, born Texas, died July
of Fever. |
26. JONES, Fannie, age 3, female, black, born Texas, died August of |
27. SHANNON, Carrie, age 1, female, black., born Texas, died October
of Teething. |
28. TAYLOR, Daniel, age 1/12, male, mulatto, born Texas, died May of |
29. LUCKY, George M., age 12, male, white, born Texas, died October of |
30. SHOEMAKER, Amanda, age 1, female, white, born Texas, died
March of Pneumonia. |
31. MORRIS, Alexander, age 12, male, white, born Texas, died June
of |
32. SHIELDS, William, age 3/12, male black, born Texas, died October |
33. OUTIAW, Lucy, age 1/12, female, black, born Texas, died December of Pneumonia. |
34. SIMS, Jemima, age 42, female, white, married, born Tennessee, keeping
house, died February |
35. 6BAY, Andrew F., age 70, male, black, married, born Virginia Farmer, died July of |
Enumerators remarks: I found the colored people not well posted as to the real cause of death in their family in many instances, especially at a distance from Danville and Montgomery. I find they have physicians. I also find among that class a mat indefinite idea as to age and time of death. Information gathered is in the main correct as to name, age, color, sex, place of birth, month of death, occupation and cause of death. |
Page 2 of Schedule 2 – 19th Subdivision |
1. FOSTER, John, age 1, male, black, born Alabama, died November of Bronchitis. |
2. HENDRICKS, James, age 6, male, white, born South Carolina, died July of |
3. SCOTT, Clara, age 5, female, white, born Texas, died November of |
4. CUDE, Candis A., 5/12, female, white, Texas, died September, of
Diptheria. |
5. DAVIS, Martha, age 16, female, white, married, born Georgia,
Keeping House, died May, of Childbed Fever ?Pherperal. |
6. AUTRY, Josephine, age 3, female, white, born Texas, died November, of |
7. BRANTNER, Romeo, age 12, male, white, born Texas, died March of
Inflamation of Bowels. |
8. JOHNSON, Adriana, age 2, female, white, born Texas, died July,
of Worms. |
9. DECKER, Virginia, age 12, female, white, born Texas, died April,
10. DECKER, Willmington, age 11, male, white, born Texas, died
July, of Dropsy-of-Body Ascites? |
11. DECKER, Annie, age 2, female, white, born Texas, died September, of Pneumonia. |
12. DECKER, Jane, age 33, female, white, married, born Michigan,
Seamstress, died September, of Dyspepsia. |
13. DECKER, James C., age 3, male, white, Texas, died October, |
14. STROTHER, Eliza, age 18, female, black, married, born Georgia, Farm Laborer, died August, of |
15. GALTIN, Mary, age 26, female, married, born Alabama, Keeping
House, died April, |
16. WEST, Virginia, age 2, female, white, born Texas, died September of Brain |
17. DUPREE, George M., age 3, male, white, born Texas, died September, of Brain |
18. JACKSON, Julia, age 15, female, black, born Texas, died December |
19. BOONE, Anna, age 3/12, female, white, born Texas, died January, of Conjestion of Lungs. |
20. BURLEY, Zilpha, age 35, female, mulatto, married, born Alabama, Keeping House, died June of Disease of lungs |
21. UZZELL, Margaret, age 60, female, white, married, born North
Carolina, Keeping House, died July of |
22. BROOKS, Peter, age 1, male, black,born Texas, died December of
Conjestion of Lungs. |
23. SIMMONS, Mary, age 8/12, female, black, born Texas, died January,
of Pneumonia. |
24. SHANNON, Texas, age 2, female, black, born Texas, died January of |
25. PALMORE, Washington, age,13, male, black, born Texas, died January, of |
26. KENDER, Dick, age 14, male, black, born South Carolina died November,
of |
27. DEBIS, Henry, age 9, male, black, born, Texas, died March, |
28. ?DEFSAN, Artectoo, age 8, male, black, born Texas, died March, of |
29. SANDERS Memmet, age 18, black, born Alabama, Farm
Laborer, died February, of Pneumonia. |
30. ROBINSON, William, age 4, male, black born Texas, died March
of |
31. HARRIS, Ella, age 2, female, black, born Texas, died March, of |
32. GAYLE, Levi, age 4. male, black, born Texas, died January, of
Pneumonia. |
33. PRUETT, Simon, age 5, male, black, born Texas, died November of
34. BONDS, Alice, age 8, female, black, born Texas, died November,
of |
Remarks by Enumerator: This Enumeration shows very few deaths over 2O. in most cases I do think death was on account of exposure to Cold and want of proper cure and medical aid. this is general no comparison with other years an exceedingly healthy year, for instance at the grave yard for Danville Precinct, Since the epidemic of 1867 there has been but 2 adults buried there. |
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Page Modified: 18 October 2016 |