1880 Mortality Schedule Montgomery County Texas |
All information - shown on the schedules has been transcribed as accurately
as possible and an effort has been made to copy exactly as recorded. |
Obvious misspellings are copied then
underlined. Where items have
been typed and marked through , it is as shown on the records. |
It would serve the best interest of the researcher if the original document
from which these records have been copied is read for any discrepancies. |
These mortality schedules have been abstracted from microfilm at the
Montgomery County Library, Conroe, Texas. |
5. Persons who DIED during the Year ending May 31, 1880, enumerated by me in Precinct One & 6, in the County of Montgomery, State of Texas, M. C. Leslie. |
Page No. 1;
Supervisor's Dist: No. 4; |
Headings: Line number, Number of the family as given in column numbered
2 - Schedule l.; Name of the person deceased: Age at last birthday; Sex; Color;
Single; Married; Widowed/Divorced, Place of Birth; Where was Father born;
Where Mother born; Profession; -Month died; Disease or cause of death; How
long a resident of the county, If disease was not contracted at place of
death, state the place; Name of attending Physician. |
1. BURNS, Sammy, age 11/12, male, white, single, born Texas, Father born
Tenn., Mother born Texas; died May of Dysentery, resident 11/12, physician:
W. P. Powell. |
2. GLENN, Elias, age 5/12, male, black, single, No entry on place of birth,
Father born Florida, Mother born Louisiana, died June, no entry on cause
of death, resident 5/12, physician: M. A. Woodson. |
3. SCOTT, Mariah, age 80, female, black, widowed, born Alabama, Father
& Mother born: no entry, Keeping house, died June of Dropsy of the chest,
resident 12 years, physician M. A. Woodson. |
4. RICHARDS, Mary, age 50, female, white, married, born Ireland, Father
born Ireland, Mother born Ireland, Keeping House, died March of Overdose
of opium, resident 32 years, physician: Dr. W. P. Powell. |
5. TOMLINSON, Elizabeth, age 46, female, white, married, born North Carolina,
Father born North Carolina, Mother born North Carolina, keeping house, died
Nov. of Consumption resident 20 years, physician: Dr. W. P. Powell. |
6. BASS, Richard, age 61, male, white, married, places of birth not identified,
Merchant, died May of apoplexy, resident 7 years, physician: W. P. Powell.
This entry has been marked through and a note in the margin: "E.D.32 (and unidentified Twp.)" |
7. URBAN, Joseph, age 55, male, white, married, born Georgia, places of
birth of Father'& Mother not identified, Blacksmith, died June of Abscess
of lungs, resident 12 years, physician, W. P. Powell. |
8. DUNLAP, Charlotte, age 95, female, black, widowed, born Virginia Father
& Mother born Virginia, died May of old age, resident 3 years, no
physician. |
9. DAVIS, Thomas, age 48. male, white. married, born Mississippi,
Father & Mother born Mississippi, Carpenter died January of
Pneumonia, resident 2/12 year, disease contracted in Liberty County, Texas,
physician: M. A. Woodson. |
10. HENDRIX, B. C., age 30, male, white, married, born South Carolina,
birth place of Father & Mother not identified, Dentist, died January
of Consumption, resident 3 years, physician: W. P. Powell. |
11. HOLMES, Lola, age 1, female, white, single, born Texas, Father born
N. Y., Mother born Texas, died August of Teething Dysentery, resident
1 year, physician, W. P. Powell. |
12. NICHOLS, Martha age 28, female, white, married, born South Carolina,
Father & Mother born South Carolina, Housekeeping, died May of Diarrhoea,
resident 11 years, physician: J. L. Irion. |
13. HOY, Thomas W., age 76, male, white, married, born South Carolina,
Father born England, Mother born Ireland, farmer, died July of Paralysis,
resident 43 years, physician: S. D . Wooldridge. |
14. PINSON Leona, age 1, female, black, -single, born Texas, Father's
birthplace not identified, Mother born Virginia, died May of Dysentery, resident
1 year, physician. None |
15. ?ARNOCA, ?Bessen, age 16, female, black, single, born Texas, Father
& Mother born Alabama, Laundress, died Oct of Typhoid Fever, resident
16 years, physician: ?M. A. Woodson. |
16. GALE, Mariah, age 4/12, female, black, single, born Texas, Father
& Mother born Alabama, died April of Spasm, resident 4/12, physician:
none. |
17. DUNCAN, Martha, age 3, female, black, single, born Texas, Father &
Mother born Alabama, died April, drowned, resident 3 years, no physician. |
18. EZELL, Mary L., age 8/30 (?8 days), female, white, single, born Texas,
Father & Mother born Alabama, died September of Hemorrhage of bowels,
resident 8/30, disease contracted Falls County, physician: ?D. S. White. |
19. DAVID, Geo. age 10/12, male, black, single, birthplaces: Texas died
April of Teething, resident 10/12, physician- M. A. Woodson, |
20. HUBBARD, Lou, 2/30 (,?2 days), female, black, single, born Texas,
Father born Louisiana, Mother born Mississippi March of Teething, resident
2/30, no physician. |
21. GRAY, Dicey, age 40, female, black, widowed, birthplaces not identified,
Farm Hand, died June of Hemorihage of lungs, resident 18 years, physician:
? |
22. TAYLOR, Etta, age 1, female, black, single, born Texas, Father's
birthplace not identified, Mother born Texas, died September of ?Teething,
resident 1 year, no physician. |
23. POOL, Pinkney, age 1, male, black, single, born Texas, Father &
Mother born Texas, died May of Conjestive, resident 1 , year, no physician. |
24. WILSON, Jesse, age 1, female,. black, single, born Texas Father & Mother born Texas, died October of Convulsions, resident 1 year, disease contracted Grimes Co., physician: Keisler. |
25. DAVIS, Joe, age 1/30 (?1 day), male, black, single, born Texas, Father
born Texas, Mother born Alabama, died August of Convulsions, resident 1/30,
physician: none. |
26. McCOWAN, Anderson age. 30, male, black, married, born Texas, birthplaces
of parents not identified, farmer, died Jan of Pneumonia, resident 30 years,
physician: J. L. Irion. |
27. ABBOTT, Lewis, age 75, male black, married, born Alabama, birthplaces
of parents unidentified, farmer, died August of Chronic Rheumatism, resident
30 years, physician: S. D. Wooldridge. |
28. ROSE, Mary C. , age 3, female, white, single, born Texas, Father born
Georgia, Mother born Louisiana, died December of Flux, resident 3 years,
physician: W. P. Powell. |
29. MUSGROVE, Eliza, age 30, female, white, married, born Mississippi.,
both parents born Mississippi, keeping house, died December of Flux, resident
20 years, physician: S. D. Wooldridge. |
30. CASEY, J. J., age 40, male, white, married, born Georgia, both parents
born Georgia, Physician, died November of Cancer of the head, resident 10
years, physician: Dr. Autrey. |
31. KING, Perry, age 1, male, white, single, born Texas, Father born Illinois,
Mother born Tennessee, died April of Colic, resident 1 year, no physician. |
32. KIMMIE, Mark, age 12/30 (?12 days), male, white, single, born Texas,
Father born Alabama, Mother born Texas, died December of Hives, resident
12/30, physician: S. D. Wooldridge. |
33, WILLIAMS, Infant, age 6 0 (?6 days), male, white, single, born Texas,
Father orn Mississippi, Mother born Georgia, died August of hives, resident
6/30, no physician. |
34. BRUCE, Lethie, age 35, female, white, married, born Louisiana, parents birthplace unidentified, died March of Consumption, resident 20 years, no entry of physician. |
35. RUSE Sophia, age 2, female, black, single, born Texas, Father born
Alabama, Mother born Louisiana, died July of Typhoid Fever, resident 2 years,
physician: Dr. White. |
36. STRAWDIN, Jeff, age 1/12, male, black, single, born Texas, Father
& Mother born Louisiana, died September, smothered, resident 1/12 year,
no physician. |
37. WOODSON, Infant, age 6/30, female, black, single, born Texas Father
born Georgia, Mother born Arkansas, died August ?Chol. Infanting, resident
6/30, no physician. |
38. TAYLOR, Robt., age 60, male, white, married, born Scotland, both parents
born Scotland, mill hand, died January of Delirium Tremens & Pneumonia,
resident 12 years, physician: Dr. Throckmorton. |
39. SHELL, F. S , age 32, female, white, widowed, born Alabama, Father
born Alabama, Mother's birthplace not identified, died May of Pneumonia,
resident 3 years, physician: Dr. Throckmorton. |
40. ?FREUND, Jno., age 18, male, black, single, born Louisiana, Father
born Georgia, Mother born Arkansas, Day laborer, died December of Hemorrhage
of lungs, resident 2 years, no physician. |
41. FREUND, Donia, age 16, female, black, single, born Louisiana, Father
born Georgia, Mother born Arkansas, Day laborer, died June of Convulsions,
resident 2 years, no physician. |
42. RHODES, Mary, age 3, female, black, single, born Texas, Father born
Texas, Mother's birthplace not identified,. died November of Flux, resident
3 years, physician: W. P. Powell. |
43. McMILLAN, Gus, age 20, male, black, single, born Texas, Father born
Texas, Mother's birthplace unidentified, died Dec of Pneumonia, resident
18 years, Physician! S. A. Wooldridge. |
44.1 KIRBY, Elizabeth, age 80, female, white, married, born Georgia, Father
born Georgia, Motheris birthplace unidentified, Keeping Housse, died November
of Paralysis, resident 30 years, no physician. |
45. HALL, Infant, age 2/30, male, white, single, born Texas, both parents
born Georgia, died November of Spasms, resident 2/30, physician: M. A.
Woodson. |
Precinct 1 & 6 (continued) |
Page No. 2, Supervisor's Dist: No. 4, Enumeration Dist: No. 121 |
The entry for column l: "Number of the family as given in column numbered 2-Schedule 1." for this page is PR. The birthplaces of parents are not entered. No of years resident not entered. |
1. CLAY, no given name, no age, male, black, single, born Texas, died
July, Still Born., W. P. Powell, physician. |
2. CAMPBELL, Mrs. , age 50, female, white, married, born Texas died April
of Dropsy, W. P. Powell, physician. |
3. FREEMAN, Dan 'l, age 1, male, black, single, born Texas, died December,
cause not given, W. P. Powell, physician. |
4. MAY, no given name, age 1, female, black, single, died may, no cause
of death given, W. P. Powell, physician. |
5 . HAWK, Jas. (?Jos), age 60, male, black, married, born Texas, Blacksmith,
died October, Boiler Explosion, W. P. Powell, physician. |
6. McPHERSON, no given name, age 1/30, male, white, single, born Texas, died July, of Convulsions, W. P. Powell, physician. |
7. HARLAN, Frank, age 5, male, ?mullato, single, born Texas, died August,
Mal. Fever, W. P. Powell, physician. |
8. CHAMBERS, Anti, age 65,.female white , married, born Texas, Farmers
wife died July of Mal. Fever, W. P. Powell, physician. |
9. AIKERS, no given name, age 2, female, black, single, born Texas, died September, Dentition, W. P.-Powell, .physician. |
10. ANGLE, no given name, age 10/12, female, white, single, bon Texas, died October, Dentition, W. P. Powell, physi-cian. |
11. SAPP, Mrs. Wm. , Age 25, female, white, married, died March of ?Leucocythermid, M. A. Woodson, physician. |
12. THOMAS, no given name,age 4, female, black, single, born Texas, died October of Typhoid fever, A. Woodson, physician. |
13. WILLIAMS, no given,name, age.1, female, white, single, born Texas, died January, no cause given, M., A. Woodson, physician. |
14. CLARK, Esaw, age 74, male, black, married, born Texas, Farmer, died September, Mal. Fever, M.A. Woodson, physician. |
15. PETERSON., no given name,, age 6/12, male, white, single, born Texas, died October, Whooping Cough, S. D. Wooldridge, physician. |
16. PETERSON, L. E., age 2, female, white, single, died September Whooping Cough no physician given. |
Schedule 5.-Persons who DIED during the Year ending May 31, 1880, enumerated by me in E. Dist #122, in the County of Montgomery, State of Texas, J. P. Maddox, Enumerator. |
Page No. 1; Supervisor's Dist: No. 4; Enumeration Dist: No, 122: |
1. OUTLAW, Alex r age 48, male, white, married, born Tennessee, parents born North Carolina, Farmer, died September of Dropsy of heart, resident 20 years, Throckmorton, physician. |
2. VICK, Mary Ann, age 59, female, white, widowed, born Louisiana, parents born Georgia, Keeping House, died July of Cancer resident 19 years, Wooldridge physician. |
3. STEWART, Charlotte age 40, female, black, married, born Mississippi, parents born Mississippi, Keeping house, died January of Pleasury Pneumonia, resident 15 years, disease contracted in Louisiana, Throckmorton,. physician. |
4. GIBSON, Jack, age 45, male, white, married, born Alabama, parents born Mississippi, Farmer, died August of Pneumonia, resident 19 years, Throckmorton physician. |
5. JONES, William, age 1, male, black, born Texas, Father born Texas, Mother born Georgia, died September of Bilious fever, resident 1 year, no physician. |
6. MOORE, unnamed, age 3/12, male, white, born Texas, parents born Louisiana, died October of Cholus infantle, no physician. |
7. HIGHTOWER, unnamed, 7/12, female white, born Texas, Father born Arkansas, Mother born Texas, died Dec. Cholus Inf, No physician. |
Schedule 5.-Persons who DIED during the Year endinp- May 31, 1880 enumerated by me in Subdivision No. 3, in the County of Montgomery State of Texas, J. M. Ray, Enumerator. |
Page No. 1; Supervisor's'Dist: No. 4; Enumeration Dist. No. 123 .No entries have been-made on this schedule for physician, nor for Col. 1. |
1. DAVIS, Lucy, age 3/12, female, black, born Texas. parents Mississippi, died February of Dysentery, resident born 3/12 year. |
2. DAVIS Mary, age 12, female, black, born Texas, parents born Mississippi, died November of Dysentery, resident 2 years. |
3. No entry. |
4. PROCTOR, James, age 17, male, white, single, born Texas, Father born North Carolina, Mother born Virginia, died November of Malerial Fever, resident 17 years. |
5. -- William, age 15, male, white, single, born Florida, Father born North Carolina, Mother born Virginia, died November of Malertial Fever, resident 15 years. |
6. BAKER, M. L., age 22, male, white, married, born Texas, Father born Virginia, Mother born Tennessee, Farmer, died November of Typhoid Fever, resident 22 years. |
7. WEAVER, Eliza, age 59, female, white, widowed, born New York, both parents born New York, died Jan. of Consumption, resident 30 years. |
8. MATHEWS, T. J., age 13, male, white, single, born Texas, both parents born Tennessee , died July of Dropsy of Heart, resident 13 years. |
9. RAY, Bulla, age 1/12, female, white, born Texas, both parents born Texas, died June, cannot read cause of death. resident 1/12 year. |
Schedule 5.-Persona who DIED during the Year ending May 31, 1880, enumerated by me in Precinct No. 4, E.D.#124, in the County of Montgomery, State of Texas, R. H. Whitman,, Enumerator.. |
Page No. 1; Supervisor's Dist: No. 4, Enumeration Dist, No. 124: |
1. ?557, NOBLES, S. C., age 29, female, white, married, born Georgia,, both parents born Georgia., Housekeeping, died June of ?Puerpered Septisemia, resident 19 years, J . L. Irion, physician. |
2. 556, NOBLES W. C., 3/12, male, white, single, born Texas, Father born North Carolina, Mother born Georgia, died September of Diarrhea, J. L. Irion, physician. |
3. 26, PRICE, S. V., age 42, female white, married, born Tennessee, both parents born,Virginia, Keeping house, died January of Consumption, resident 20 years, J.L,Irion, physician. |
4. 82 (?32), SPRINGER, C. L..Jr., 9/12, male, white, single, born Texas,.Father born Texas, Mother born Mississippi, died November of Spasm, resident 9/12 year, McClanhan, physician. |
5. 11, ?GATEN M. E., age 40, female, white, widowed, born Alabama, both parents born Georgia, died April of Pneumonia, resident 4 years, Irion,J. L., physician |
6. 19, BURRELL, M. L., age 4, female, black, single, born Texas Father born South Carolina, Mother born Georgia,died August,spasm- Worms, resident 4 years, McClanahan,, physician. |
7. 428 WINSTON, Sarah, age 8/30, female, black, born Texas, Father born Alabama, Mother born Arkansas, died February of LockJaw, resident 1/12, no physician named. |
8. 255, FROLICK, J. P , age 5, female, white, born Texas, Father born Texas, Mother born Alabama, died March, Burnt, Kerr, J. H., physician. |
9. 256, BUTLER, M.,A., age 31, female, white, married, born Texas, both parents born Alabama, Keeping house, died October of ?Puereral,Septisemia, resident 31 years, Irion, J. L., physician. |
10. 84, PINCHBACK, M., age 60, male, black, married, born Georgia, both parents born Georgia, Farmer, died December of Pneumonia, resident years not entered, disease contracted in Kansas, no physician named. |
11. 266 ?Insell, Elisha, age 1, male, black, born Texas, Father born Missisippi, Mother born Texas, died July of spasm Worms, resident 1-7/12 years, Irion, J. L., physician. |
12. 271, WILLIAMS, Frank, 110, male, mulatto, married, born Louisiana, both parents born Louisiana, Farmer, died November of 01d Age & Neglect, resident 25 years, no physician named. |
13. 288, SIMMONS, J., Aae 6/30, male, black, born Texas, both parents born Texas, born September of Neglect, Irion, J. L., physician. |
14. 288, RODGERS, Mary, age 28, female, mulatto, married, born Texas, Father born Texas, Mother born Georgia, keeping house, Died April of Dropsy, resident 24 years, disease contracted Grimes Co. Kerr, J. H. Physician. |
15. 58, MURREY, Jerry, age 2/12, male, black, born Texas, both parents born Texas, . died,May of Lock Jaw (another cause given, unable to I read),Price, physician. |
16. 63, FAGAN, P., age 23, female, mulatto, single, born Texas Father born Louisiana, Mother born Alabama, Farm Hand died May of Dropsy, resident 23 years, Kerr, J. H., physician. |
17. 413, WREN, L. W., age 76, male, white, married, born Virginia, both parents born Virginia, Farmer, died June of Old Age, resident 18 years, Iron, J.L. physician. |
18. 262, FOWLER, John, age 2, male, mulatto, single, born Texas, both parents born Texas, died August of Worms, resident 2 years, no physician given. |
19. 1420 DUPREE, Mimy, age 70, female, black, married, born Georgia, both parents born Georgia, Keeping house, died February of Old Age, resident 18 years, Stone, G. B., physician. |
20. 151, THOMAS, John, age 23, male,,black, single, born Texas Father born Georgia, Mother born Alabama, R. R. Employ, died August, killed accident, resident 4/12 year, no physician named. |
21. 152, WARREN, Tom, age 75, male, black, married, born Alabama, both parents born Alabama, Farmer, died .April of Old age, resident -no entry, Neely, J. J. physician. |
22. 153, JOHNSTON, Salley, age 4, female, black, born Texas, Father born South Carolina, Mother born Texas, died June of Worms, resident 4 years, Neely, J.J., physician. |
23. 157, FULTON, Salley, age 8, female, black,, born Texas, both parents born South Carolina.- died July of Billious Fever, resident 8 years, Neely, J. J., physician. |
24. 162, BUTLER, M. A., age 34, female, black,, married, born,. South Carolina, both parents born South Carolina, Keeping house,died May of Billious Fever, residency not entered, Neely, J. J., physician. |
25. 181, GREEN, Alice, age 24, female, black, married, born both parents born Virginia, Keeping house, died January of Pneumonia, resident 18 years, no physician named. |
26. 187, HUBBARDO Prince, age 104, female, black, widowed, born South Carolina,both parents born South Carolina, At home, died December of Old Age, no residency given, no physician named. |
27. 187, HUBBARD, J., age 2, male, black, single, born Texas, Father born Alabama, Mother born Georgia, died January, Drank consentor Cyn., resident 2 years, no physician named. |
28. 193, BROWN, Issey, age 21, female, black, married, born Texas both parents born Alabama, keepinghouse, died November of Consumption, resident 21 years, Iron, J. L, physician. |
29. 194, JOHNSTON, Mahala, age 64, female, black married, born Virginia, both parents.born Virginia, keeping house died April of Syphytis, resident 20 years, Irion: J. L., physician. |
30. 212, JOHNSTON, Lee A., age 6, female, black, born Texas, both parents born Alabama, died February, Chronic Maliatial . resident 6-1/12 years, Irion, J. L., p YS clan. |
31. 213, BELL J. K., age 43, male, white, married, born Mississippi, both parents born Alabama, Farmer, died November of Consumption, resident 11 years, Irion, J. L., physician. |
32. 218, GLENN, J. W., age 21/30, male, white, single. born Texas, Father born Georgia, Mother born Louisiana, died March of Spasms & Neglect, residency not given physician not given. |
33. 292, GATES, E., age 52, female, white, widowed, born Alabama, both parents born Alabama, keeping house, died April of Gastro Enteretis, resident 20 years, Irion, J. L., physician. |
34. 235 JAMES, Dick, 7/30, male black, born Texas both parents born Alabama, died February of Lock Jaw, resident 7/30 days, no physician named. |
35. 243, JONES, Rubin, Jr., age 3/30, male, black, born Texas, Father born Texas, Mother born Alabama, died January of Neglect, resident 5/30 days, no physician named. |
36. 342, TAYLOR, Lucy, age 30, female, black, married, born Texas, both parents born Virginia, Keeping house, died May of Neglect Pneumonia, resident 30 years, Irion, J. L physician, |
Page 2, Supervisor's D ist: No. 4, Enumeration Dist-. No. 124: |
1. 451, TALLEY, J. W., age 6/12, male, white, born Texas, birthplaces of parents not given, died May of Flux, Spasms-&-Neglect, resident 6/12, McClanahan, physician. |
2. 457, HORTON, G. ?P., age 21, male, white, single, no birth places given, died May of Epilepsy, Irion, J. L. physician. |
3. 484, LONG, Finch, age 7, male, white, single, born Texas, Father born Florida, Mother born Texas, died July of Dropsy, resident 7 years, Irion, J. L. physician. |
4., 491, GAFFORD, ?J. O., age 57-1/12, male, while, married, born Alabama, both parents born Georgia, Farmer, died December of Pneumonia, no residency given, McClanahan, J.D., physician. |
5. 493, RADLIF, A. C., age ?2, male, white, born Texas, Father born Mississippi, Mother born Alabama, died September, Scolded, McClanahan, J. D., physician. |
6. 495, PINCHBACK, S,. N., age 61, female, white, widowed, born Tennessee, Father born New York,Mother born North Carolina. Keeping house, died November of Pneumonia, Irion J. L., physician. |
7. 517, JEFFISON, S., age 2, ?female, black, born Texas, both parents born Texas, died April of Spasms-& Neglect, ?Worms, Irion, J. L. physician. (This entry is very dim -And hard to read) |
8. 523, ?PITTS, E., age 80, male, black, married, born North Carolina. both parents born North Carolina, farmer, died January of Old Age, Irion, J. L.,physician. |
9. 574, CARTWRIGHT E. M., age 20, male, white, single, born Texas, parent's birthplaces not given, died January of Abscess of Spleen, Irion, J. L., physician.. |
10. 374, CARTWRIGHT, H. P., age 16, male, white, single, born Texas, parent's birthplaces not given, died November of Abscess of Spleen, Irion, J. L.,physician. |
11. 315, SLEDGE, Dick age 7/30, male, black, born Texas, birthplaces of parents not given, died February of Neglect, Irion, J. L. physician. |
12. 342, TAYLOR, Clarisy, age 35, femaleblack, married, born Georgia, both parents born Georgia, died Jan of Chr Diareer, resident 19,years, Irion, J. L., physician. |
13. 397, BANGUSS, V., age 60, male, white, married, born North Carolina,both parents born North Carolina, farmer, died Oct. of Chr. Diareer, resident 14 years, Irion, J. L. physician |
14. 440, HAYNES, Sena, age 23, female, black, married, born Alabama, both parents born Alabama, Keeping house, died November of Neglect resident 21 years, Irion, J, L., physician. |
15. McNEAL, Sam, age 94, male, black, widowed, born' South Carolina both parents born South Carolina, Farmer, died January of Old Age, resident 29 years, Irion, J. L, is physician. |
16. 649, ADDERHOLD, Q. D., Jr., age 45, male, white, married, born Georgia, both parents born.Georgia, Farmer, died May of Conjestion, resident 2 years, Montgomery listed as physician. |
17. --McCOWN, Anderson, age 35, male, black, married, born Texas, both parents born Alabama, Farming, died January of Pneumonia, no residency listed, Irion, J. L. physician. |
18. 335 , CAMPBELL, Henry, age 50 male, Color smeared -cannot read, married, no birth places given, Farmhand, died January of Pneumonia, resident 10 years, Irion, J. L., physician. |
19. 362, GRIFFETH, Infant, age 3/30, ?female, white, born Texas, parents birthplaces not given, died October of Over does ?Landamey, Irion, J. L.,Ohys,ician. |
20. --TERRELL, Harriett, age 40, female, black, married, born Georgia, both parents born Georgia, Keepinghouse, died January, Softening of Brain, resident 30 years, Irion, J. L., physician. |
21. --PARKS, John, age 50 male, white, single, born Louisiana,.both parents born Louisiana, Insane Pauper, died March of Softening of Brain, resident 12 years, Irion J.L., physician. |
22. 540, SCOTT, Nancy, age 35, female, black, married, born Alabama, both parents born Alabatma, died February of Paralysis, resident 33 years, Irion J. L.,physician. |
23. --FINCH, W. A., age 56, male, white, married, born Virginia, both parents born Virginia, Farmer, died December, Run over by Wagon - accident,resident ?25 years, Irion, J. L. physician. |
24. 24, WHITMAN, H. E., age 1, male, white, born Texas, Father born Tennessee, Mother born Texas, died August, Fever, Irion, J. L. physician. |
Enumerator Remarks: I find upon strict inquiry that the great number of deaths occur from neglect, want of medical advice, good houses, propper food & necessary protection. this, to the Colored population mostly. |
Page 2, Supervisor's.Dist: No. 4, Enumeration Dist: No. 124. |
The entry for Column 1,- "Number of the Family as given in Column numbered 2-Schedule l." for this page is PR. The birthplaces of parents are not given. Number of years resident not given. |
1. TUTTONS, no given name, 7/12, male, black, single, born Texas, died
September of Convulsions, J. L. Irion, physician. |
2. BECKWORTH, no given name, age 1/12, male, white, single, died August
of Convulsions, J. L. Irion, physician. |
3. SPRINGER, Minnie, age 1, female, white, born Texas, died November of
Worms, J. L. Irion, physician. |
4. HARRISON, Dewitt, age 4, male, black, born Texas, died October of Worms,
J. L. Irion, physician. |
5. DEAN, Mary, age 3, female, black born Texas, died October of Worms,
J. L.Irion, physician. |
6. JOHNSON, no given name, 4/30, female, black, born Texas, died October
of ?Trisums, J. L. Orion, physician. |
7. UZZLE, Lewis, age 70, male, white, married, born Texas, Gentleman of
Leisure, died July of Bronchitis, J. L. Irion, physician. |
8. MORRIS, no given name, age 3/12, male, white, born Texas, died ,October,
Abscess Liver, J. L. Irion, physician. |
9. BELL, I. K age 47, male, white, married, born Texas, Planter, died
Nov. of Abscess Liver, J. L. Irion. |
10. DEAN, no given name, age 3/12, male, black, born Texas, died October
of Neglect, J. L. Irion, physician. |
11. JOHNSON, Julia, age 38, female, black, married, born Texas, Housekeeper,
died April of Dropsy, J. L. Irion, physician. |
12. BATH, Mariah, age 2 female, black, born Texas, died September, Burned,
J. L. Irion, physician. |
13. HOCKLY, Lucy,age 2, female, black, born Texas, died December of Diarrhoea,
J. L. Irion, physician. |
14. IDAHOE, Jas., age 38, male white, married, born Texas. Farmer, died
May of Inflam. Brain, J. L. Irion. physician. |
15. MINTER, no given name, age 1, male, white, born Texas, died November
of Enteritis, J. L. Irion, physician. |
16. BRISTO, Catherine age 27, female, white, married, born Texas, died
April, Puerperal? Fever, M. R. Keister?, physician |
17. BRISTO, Ella, age 6, female, white, born Texas, died April, Mal. Fever,
M. R. Keister, physician. |
Schedule 5. Persons who DIED during the Year ending May 31, 1880 enumerated by me in District #5, #125, in the County of Montgomery State of Texas, J. H. Bay, Enumerator. |
Page No. ?, Supervisors Dist; No. 4; Enumeration Dist: No. 125: |
1. 72, Ida ROOS, age 2, female, black. single, born Texas, Father born
Virginia, Mother born Texas, died June of Worms, resident 2 years, D. A.
Keister, physician. |
2. 87, Mary BRESLER, age 25, female, white, married, born Texas, parents
born Alabama, Keeping house, died April, of Typhoid Pneumonia, resident 25
years, Dr. Carr, physician. |
3. --Josephine BRESLER, age 3, female white, single, born Texas, Father
born Mississippi, Mother born Texas, died April of Pnuemonia, resident 3
years, Dr. Carr, physician. |
Additions to Montaomery Co. from Supplemental Schedules: S.D.Ch. 4.4
E.D. 155, Texas: |
11. COLLINS, J. B., age 40 male, white, married, born South Carolina, parents birthplace not listed, died February of Meningitis, J. A. White, physician. |
Additions to County from P. R. S.: |
19. SINGLETON, Mrs M., age 45. female. white, married, born Texas, Farmer
's wife, died. August, Mal. Fever, J. A. Throckmorton, physician..(?same as
below?) |
20. SINGLETON, Mrs M., age 45, female, white, married, born Texas, Farmer's
Wife, died August of Congestion Brain, J. A. Throckmorton, physician.(? same
as above?) |
21. WILBURN, David, age 18, male, black, single, born Texas, Farmer, died
March, of Typhoid Fever, T. B. ?Lant, physician. |
22. MUCHLEUWEG, Gus, age 32, male, white, married, born Texas, parent's
birthplaces not listed, Farmer, died December of Typhoid Fever, T. B. ?Laut,
physician. |
23. WALKER, Mr., age 55, male, black, married, born Texas, no listing for parents birthplaces, Mill hand, died February, of unknown causes. No physician named. |
Vote Montgomery County TXGenWeb County of the Month
Montgomery County Texas Banner graphics were designed by and remain the property of Jean Huot Smoorenburg. If you are being charged to view/use any of this information or have questions or comments, please contact Jane Keppler. |
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Jane Keppler.
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Page Modified: 18 October 2016 |