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Jane Keppler and Jean Smoorenburg Receive The William Harley Gandy Distinguished Service Award

Photo Courtesy of the Montgomery County Historical Commission

The Montgomery County Historical Commission presented its "William Harley Gandy Distinguished Service Award" at the County Commissioner's Court Tuesday Morning, November 19, 2019. This year's recipients were Jean Huot Smoorenburg and Jane Sanford Keppler. Jane was unable to attend the ceremony. Jean is pictured here with Larry Forester, Montgomery County Historical Commission Chairman, left, and County Judge Mark Keough, right. This award is given periodically by the historical commission to those unsung heroes in our county who promote and advance the research and archiving of significant Montgomery County history. Jean and Jane are the editors of a unique genealogical and historical online website: http://www.countygenweb.com/txmontgomery/. Previous recipients of the award have been Kay Dawes, an east county historian, and Sondra Hernandez, the Features editor for the Courier newspaper.


The Nomination for the Award


Jean's Thank You

I am so honored to be chosen as a recipient of the Montgomery County Historical Commission “William Harley Gandy Distinguished Service Award.” My passion is of course genealogy that goes in tandem with history. My interest in Montgomery County’s history began researching the family of my stepchildren’s ancestor, Hugh Davlin, in Montgomery County and continued from there to eventually volunteering as a coordinator of the Montgomery County TXGenWeb site along with Jane Keppler. It’s been a wonderful journey learning about and recording Montgomery County’s rich history over the last fifteen (15) years.

Thank you again for choosing me for this prestigious award.

Jean Huot Smoorenburg


The Courier , November 22,  2019. page A6

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Page Modified: 24 March 2025