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Preserving History

Photo Courtesy of Pat Spackey
Dignitaries and descendants in front of the Nat Hart Davis Museum and
new Lake Creek Settlement Marker as they are seated behind the Twin Sisters Cannon The historic marker was dedicated on Feb. 25 in Montgomery


A Texas Historical Commission Marker recording the history of the Lake Creek Settlement, the earliest Anglo-American settlement in Montgomery County, was unveiled on Feb. 25 at the Nat Hart Davis Museum and Pioneer Complex in Montgomery.

Photo Courtesy of Pat Spackey
The new Lake Creek Settlement Historic Marker in front of the Nat Davis Museum in Montgomery

The Lake Creek Settlement was a settlement in Stephen F. Austin's Second Colony located between the West Fork of the San Jacinto River and the stream called Lake Creek. In 1837, the town of Montgomery was founded in the middle of the Lake Creek Settlement. Many descendants of the Lake Creek Settlement were on hand to celebrate, including Kameron Searle and his family and Pat Spackey and family, who are descendants of W.W. Shepperd, the founder of the town of Montgomery. Larry Foerster, chair of the Montgomery County Historical Commission thanked Kameron Searle for his tireless efforts of 10 years of research and introduced the Marker dedication Committee Chair, Sharon Russell of the Montgomery County Historical Commission.

Photo Courtesy of Pat Spackey
From Left, Marisa and Kameron Searle and Pat Spackey, descendants of W.W. Shepperd, founder of the town of Montgomery with Will Metcalf, Texas House of Representative District 16, who presented Kameron Searle with a Proclamation on Feb. 25.

The Lake Creek Settlement had been forgotten by Texas Historians and Kameron's research culminated in this marker which was dedicated in a ceremony that included more than 150 in attendance.

Photo Courtesy of Pat Spackey
Texas Army re-enactors do a gun salute at the unveiling of the Lake Creek Settlement Historic Marker Feb. 25.

Greetings, resolutions and proclamations were brought by Will Metcalf, Texas House of Representatives, District 16; Luine Hancock, District Co-ordinator for Senator Robert Nichols District 3 Montgomery Office; a letter from Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and a proclamation from Gov. Greg Abbott.

Conroe Courier

March 5, 2017

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Page Modified: 24 March 2025