MCG&HS Hall of Fame Recipient 1994 Jack Morton
The following is a copy of the Hall of Fame Presentation to Jack Morton, written by Vera Wimberly, and presented by Gene Tannery:
It is time, once again, to honor one of our members by inducting her or him into the Montgomery County Genealogical & Historical Society's Hall of Fame.
Katherine & Jack Morton
Had the membership not been able to vote on the honoree for this prestigious award, the Hall of Fame Committee would have had to have the approval of the President of our selection. That might have been a bit awkward. for you see, our President, Jack Morton, is the 1994 recipient of The Hall of Fame Award. I was prepared to lie - if needs be to keep this a secret from him. But he never asked. So sure he was that he did not qualify.
It gives me a great
deal of pleasure to be the one to
carry out the
wishes of the society. Jack, I would tell you
to come up here
so we can talk in your face but this
presentation is going to be somewhat
lengthy, so you can just stay where you are until I get through. Okay?
Before I tell you
all the neat things about our new
inductee - I would like to introduce the members who are past
recipients of this Hall of Fame award.
Would you stand as I call your
names and remain standing until all have been introduced. I will ask
that you hold your applause until all have been introduced.
I shall
tell you something about Jack before we discuss the criteria for this award. To give you just a
little background on Jack. You probably didn't know that he was a Fifth
Generation Texas. He grew up in Houston, He attended the University of Texas
in Austin. |
After he was
graduated, he worked for Shell Chemical &
Oil Company in Texas, New York &
California for 17 years. I suppose he
tired of living all over the states, so he came back to Houston and
worked for Mitchell Energy for another 17 years.
In 1982 retired from Mitchell and spent
his time taking care of family business and doing church work. When Katherine, his wife, became
interested in joining the DAR, Jack became interested in genealogy. They
share their interest in genealogy now and I understand he loves maps and is
always planning trips for them to take in their car. Of course, most of
their trips now include some genealogy along the way. |
Now to
answer the qualification questions:
Jack and Katherine
joined our society in April of 1989,
just barely getting him in under the wire of being a member in good
standing for at least five years.
He just hung
around for a year - not doing much of
anything in the
Society except being a member of our "Call
Boys". Then he was tapped to fill the
unexpired term of our President, Leon
Kennedy, who died in February 1991. And we are so glad he was
As far as
publishing is concerned. He has not published
a family history, but feel that "as soon
as the research is over" it will be forthcoming. He did help Katherine when
she abstracted the Deed Records of Montgomery County, which were published
by our Society.
Their latest project is
to get Katherine's grandfather's and great-uncle's diaries published. These
diaries were kept when they made a trip from California to Texas in 1871,
which should make interesting reading.
contributions he has made to our Society are many.
He has been "on hand" at
anytime we need him. He keeps our work
crew happy with his keen sense of humor and his willingness to take
on anything worth while that comes up
He has attended several of the Texas State Genealogical
Society's yearly affairs and has personally brought back many
awards our society has earned, including the Best Society
Project in 1991 and a
$300.00 check for that award.
He served our Society as head of our Grants Writing
Committee and personally delivered these requests - and
followed up on them. Not only when we were trying to find housing for the
genealogical collection at the Montgomery
County Library, but also after the bond passed and the new
library was being built.
We were not successful, but we
worked hard on the project, especially Jack.
He also
represented our society on the Friends of the Library Board.
He headed the group that "staffed" the table at the
week-long National Genealogical Society meeting in Houston in
June. And was our
Number One Public Relations Officer.
Jack was re-relected [reelected] to the Presidency in 1992, 1993,
and 1994. He has taken his job as President very seriously
and we have grown and prospered under his leadership, for
which we thank him.
Jack, before I give you the plaque that proclaims you a
member, I just want to read a few remarks that were on the
the time has come. Jack,
will you please come up
I am so very happy to give you this plaque on behalf of the society. It is a small reward for all the hard work you have done, but one you should be very proud of for you now belong to a very elite group - the M.C.G.&H.S. Hall of Famers.
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Page Modified: 18 October 2016 |