Pool School
Elaine McNeill elained@dsainc.org
My grandmother, Minnie Edna Stovall, was born and raised near
Richards, Texas, and (as her daughter/my aunt LaVerne Simmons Carter who is
92 and still living told me) she attended the Pool School. LaVerne also
told me that the school was located near the Union Grove Church.
Also, after moving around the state of Texas a lot, my Grandmother
is buried at the Pool Cemetery
The second photo taken of a few of the girls-- left to right: Thula
Foster, Minnie Edna Stovall, Vivian Leonard, Eva Harmon, Pauletta Linzy,
Lillie Taliaferro, Ollie Price, Maudine Poole, Eula Foster, and Pearl Harmon
(my sister and I have the original photos). |

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