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Texas Czech Genealogical Society All-Day Seminar
“Missing Our Elusive Family Members – MIAs, Orphans, and Adoptions”
July 20, 2019

The Texas Czech Genealogical Society (TCGS) invites all to attend the upcoming July 20, 2019 program “Missing Our Elusive Family Members – MIAs, Orphans, and Adoptions”. 8:00 AM Registration and Refreshments; 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Program at the Caldwell Civic and Visitor Center, 103 Texas Hwy. 21 West, Caldwell, TX 77836 Map: https://goo.gl/maps/SXikBLkG6mo.
Membership in TCGS is not required to attend. The Texas Czech Genealogical Society is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.


Linda Fogg – “Meeting Birth Family and Discovering Czech Heritage at Age 91”.  Recently she discovered her 91 year old mother’s Czech heritage after having her do a DNA test. Her mother was adopted and never knew who her birth parents were.  Linda has spent time over the last few years researching her genealogy, discovering and meeting many new family members.

Kenneth Breaux – “America’s 20th Century Wars and the Search for the Missing". He created a not-for-profit MIA Recovery Network which serves as a global focal point for working towards the identification and recovery of 78,000 remaining WWII missing in action. He has authored two books: Courtesies of the Heart and TRANSFORMING! How Managers Become Leaders.

Jenna Hayes McEachearn – “Grandmother’s Trip on the Orphan Train”.  Currently she is doing research for a book about her Irish grandmother, who was born in New York, orphaned at age 2, and sent to East Bernard, TX on an Orphan Train. Her three published books - What It Means to be a Longhorn, 100 Things Longhorn Fans Should Know Before They Die, and DKR:  The Royal Scrapbook - are about The University of Texas Longhorn football.

Sarah Vitek - TCGS Culture Feature – “Making Traditional Czech Strudel”.  Originally told she was German but discovered she has some Czech blood. She is an avid strudel and kolache baker receiving many requests for fund raisers and church suppers. She has graciously agreed to demonstrate making apple strudel, which we will be enjoying as our noon dessert.


For more information and registration forms, please go to the TCGS website at www.txczgs.org. Registration: includes a catered  lunch. Postmarked on/before July 10, 2019: TCGS Members $40 and non-Members $45; Postmarked after July 10, 2019 TCGS Members $45; non-Members $50; At the door Members & Non-members $55. Cancellations accepted up to one week prior to event.

To register by credit card: 

If you have questions, please contact Carolyn Holub at
214-577-0029 or 

Please find attached the event flyer and registration form.




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Page Modified: 24 March 2025