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Robert Melvin Westmoreland

Robert Melvin Westmoreland was greeted in Heaven by his Lord and Savior, on August 1, 2017. He was born on November 13, 1927, to Robert Sims Westmoreland, and Gracie Alberta Westmoreland, in Galveston, TX, and graduated from Galveston Ball High School, where he was a member of the ROTC. He met his future wife, Margie Hepler, at ten years of age, in Alta Loma, TX. They would later marry in 1948 at the First Baptist Church of Alta Loma. After several moves, and two little girls later, they moved to Conroe in January of 1956, where their son would be born in 1960. They immediately joined the First Baptist Church of Conroe, where two weeks later he would sing his first solo. He always told us he was shaking in his shoes that day. In 1964 he was ordained as a Deacon, later becoming a Trustee, and 5 th grade Sunday School teacher. He will be remembered for his artistic talent of drawing cartoon characters for art classes in several elementary schools, with Bugs Bunny being his favorite! He loved oil painting as well. He was known as the 'man with the green thumb' at the Friendship Garden, who shared his vegetables with everyone. Through the years Mel was involved in many organizations, which helped shape the future of Conroe. He is the past Director of the Conroe Chamber of Commerce, and Charter Member and past President, Secretary, and Treasurer of the Conroe Evening Lions Club, earning a 50 year perfect attendance award. He is past President of the Conroe Genealogical Historical Society, past member of the United Merchants of Conroe, a past member of the Conroe Planning and Zoning Committee, and a Montgomery County Election Judge for 16 years. He owned Ben Franklin Variety Store in downtown Conroe, and eventually became the Assistant Manager of Everett's Hardware. He delighted in being a 20+ year member of Volunteer Christian Builders, having helped erect over 60 new churches in Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Colorado. Not surprisingly, he was a 53 year member, and past President of the First Baptist Church Choir, having sung many solos throughout the years. His favorite was 'His Eye Is on the Sparrow' that he sung in church for the last time, at the age of 87. He was known for his singing, as well as being a prayer warrior for many. He had become amazed at how long his life had become, but he was reminded that God was still using him here. Even after a very humble beginning, he loved his life, he loved his Lord, and he loved helping others. His kindness was evident to everyone who knew him. He was the best Daddy to his children, and the best Dooda to his grandchildren, and great grandchildren, and never forgot to tell them all how much he loved them. He was faithful in praying for them every single night, and they knew it.

He is preceded in death by his parents, Robert and Gracie, his infant sister, Gracie Louise, his sister Effie Owens, and his grandson, Robert Jacob (Bobby) Westmoreland. He is survived by his wife, Margie, with whom he was married for over 69 years. Surviving children are Holly York, and husband Al, Melvalyn Roberts, and husband Joe, and Robert Melvin Westmoreland, Jr. (Bob) and wife Lori. Grandchildren are Lindsey Chance, and husband Scott, Justin Roberts, and wife Wendy, Ryan Rutherford, and wife Faith, Hailey Miears, and husband Aaron, Scott York, Heather Westmoreland, Kari Westmoreland, and Kyle Westmoreland. Great Grandchildren are Ben and Brooke Chance, Cole, Jackson, and Ruby Roberts, Emily Presswood, Cooper Jones, Claire Miears, and Max Westmoreland. Survivors also include one brother, Ray Westmoreland, of Deer Park, and two sisters, Lois Kraus, of Katy, and Esther Lolley of Bacliff. Many other nieces and nephews also survive.

Pallbearers will be Justin Roberts, Ryan Rutherford, Kyle Westmoreland, Herb Hepler, Jeff Hepler, Aaron Miears, Scott York, and Glenn Withrow. Honorary pallbearers are the Deacons of First Baptist Church, Conroe, and Grandson Bobby Westmoreland. Visitation will be on Friday, August 4 th , from 5 to 7pm at Metcalf Funeral Directors. Services will be on Saturday, August 5 th , at 10 a.m. at the First Baptist Church of Conroe, at 600 N. Main St. Interment will be Monday, August 7 th at 11 a.m. in the Alta Loma Cemetery in Santa Fe, Texas. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Volunteer Christian Builders, in his memory.


Conroe Courier

August 3, 2017

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