Celebration to honor Dr. Wally, his Legacy |
While Dr. Walter D. Wilkerson Jr. may be a soft-spoken man, his legacy in Montgomery County can be heard loud and clear. |
Known to most as “Dr. Wally,” Wilkerson, 84, is celebrating 50 years as chairman of the Montgomery County Republican Party; and the retired doctor is credited with making the county a GOP powerhouse. |
“I can’t go anywhere in Texas without Republican leaders asking about Dr. Wally,” said U.S. Rep. Kevin Brady, R-The Woodlands. “Like many others, I would not be serving in public office without his support, friendship and wise counsel. |
“He and his wife Neddie Jane, who has been with him every step of the way, are simply remarkable people.” |
But Wilkerson’s tenure at the helm of the MCRP wasn’t something on his bucket list when he launched his medical career in Conroe under the wing of Dr. Deane Sadler in 1958. But soon after, Wilkerson said he was “bitten by the bug” and found him-self very interested in politics. |
“At the time, everybody in the county was a Democrat,” he said. “That’s just the way it was. But they were very conservative-minded people. They didn’t know it until later that they were really Republicans.” |
Members of the Montgomery County Republican Party will honor Wilkerson and his dedication to the party and the county at a special celebration beginning at 5:30 p.m. Oct. 9 at the Lone Star Convention Center. Deadline to order tickets is Oct. 1. |
“At 50 years as GOP county chairman, Dr. Wilkerson stands atop his peers in Texas and the nation,” Brady said. “Because he cares so deeply about Montgomery County and our nation, he is beloved, respected and widely admired by presidents and precinct chairmen alike.” |
The early years |
Wilkerson grew up in Bryan, where his father Walter D. Wilkerson Sr. served as superintendent for the Bryan Independent School District. In 1949, his family moved to Conroe when his father became superintendent for the Conroe Independent School District. |
“By the time they moved here, I was in college at Texas A&M University,” he said. |
Following his graduation from Texas A&M in 1951 and from medical school in 1955, Wilkerson did his internship at the Veteran Assistance Hospital in Houston. However, due to the Doctor’s Draft Act, he enlisted in the military in 1956. |
The Doctor’s Draft Act was a federal statute providing for the induction of members of the medical profession into military service for assignment to the Medical Corps as commissioned officers. |
“I had a wife and a small child and no money, so I thought I might as well get my two years done and get on my feet financially,” said Wilkerson, adding he had his hopes set on becoming a part of the U.S. Air Force. |
Wilkerson was advised to put his third branch of service pick first because it was uncommon for men to get their first choice. So Wilkerson listed the U.S. Navy first, followed by the Army and then the Air Force. |
“I was thinking I’ll probably get the Air Force. Nope. I got the Navy,” he laughed, adding he was assigned to the USS Hooper Island. |
Wilkerson was shipped out to the Southwest Pacific, where the last atomic weapons were tested. |
“I was aboard this ship with all this equipment, just a dentist and myself,” said Wilkerson, noting the ship had about 600 crew members. “I witnessed probably eight aboveground atomic explosions and about two or three underwater explosions.” |
Discharged in 1958, Wilkerson and his family returned to Conroe, where they lived with his parents. |
The USS Hooper Island was decommissioned July 15, 1959, according to NavSource.org. The ship was struck from the Naval Register in July 1960 and then scrapped in 1970. |
Making a home |
Once back in Conroe, Wilkerson started to look for a city to open his own family medical practice. |
“My father said, ‘Before you make up your mind, I want you to be sure and talk to Dr. Sadler.’ He happened to be on the school board at the time,” Wilkerson said. |
With that advice, Wilkerson met with Sadler; and before long, the two were working together and Wilkerson and his family were settling in to make Conroe their home. |
“He held out his hand, I held out mine, and we shook hands,” Wilkerson said. “I never signed a piece of paper. Back in those days, a handshake was your contract.” |
Wilkerson said Sadler was instrumental in the success of his medical practice. |
“Dr. Sadler was a unique person,” he said. “He was my mentor. I miss him; he taught me a lot. He had a tremendous business mind and he was a great physician.” |
County Judge Alan B. Sadler, son of Dr. Sadler, said he remembers the first time he met Wilkerson. |
“I was home with the chicken pox when I was 11 years old,” said Judge Sadler, adding Wilkerson had come to his house to meet with his father. “The relationship (between his family and the Wilkersons) transcends politics.” |
Sadler credits Wilkerson with growing the Republican Party in the county to where it is today. |
“I think that goes without saying,” he said. “There is no doubt about it. I’m glad he has stayed on as long as he has.” |
Sadler added the next person to take over for Wilkerson “will have extremely large shoes to fill.” |
Going red |
With a successful medical practice, Wilkerson became active in the community and met Jim Wester. |
“We became friends,” he said. “One day, he called me and said, ‘The Chamber of Commerce is having a political action seminar on Saturday; let’s go.’” |
Wilkerson said he was mildly interested in politics and noted his first vote was in the 1956 election. He then met John Dowdy, of Athens. Dowdy was a member of the House of Representatives from the 7th District of Texas from 1953-67 and then served as a congressman for the 2nd District of Texas until 1973. |
“He was a real conservative guy and he needed someone to run his campaign in the county, and we agreed to do it,” Wilkerson said. “We helped him get re-elected twice. But as I got to know people in the Democratic Party and their philosophy, I thought, ‘I don’t think I belong here.’” |
In 1962, Phillip Dickinson, a Sun Oil Company engineer, was appointed as county chair of the Montgomery County Republican Party. That same year was the first Republican primary election in the county, where 38 people voted. |
However, Dickinson was transferred to another area for work, leaving the spot of chairman up for election. |
Wilkerson switched parties in 1963 and became a Republican. In 1964, he was elected as the chairman of the Montgomery County Republican Party. |
“There had never been a local Republican candidate for any local office,” he said. “I decided if I was going to build a Republican organization, I’m going to have to build from the bottom up. So I talked four people into running for local office. The Democratic chair said, ‘You won’t get 10 percent of the vote.’ |
“I said, ‘We got to start somewhere.’ Our goal was to create a two-party system.” |
In 1978, Montgomery County elected Ruth Ruffin as justice of the peace as the first Republican candidate to win office in the county. |
“It continued to be a very Democratic county until the late 1980s,” he said. “It wasn’t until 1988 that the number of people voting in the Republican primary exceeded the number of the Democratic Party. |
“In 1990, (the county) just turned over completely.” |
Looking ahead |
Wilkerson said he is more than confident that the Republican Party will continue to reign in Montgomery County. He added he expects to see big changes in politics in the upcoming years. |
“There are a lot of people frustrated and they have a right to be frustrated,” he said. “Our government is not operating as it should be. And I’m not saying that is totally the Democrats’ fault; but right now, they are the ones in power. |
“I think there are going to be some changes.” |
Wilkerson said although he isn’t looking to retire in the next couple of terms, he said he does have someone in mind to fill his shoes when he decides to step away from the elected position. |
However, he didn’t want to name that person. Wilkerson said he enjoys staying active with the organization. |
“I don’t know how I got so involved,” he said. “It’s like golfing or fishing, I just got involved and I really enjoyed it.” |
May Etie, with the Montgomery County Republican Women, said Wilkerson has been the longest-reigning elected official because he is so good at working with people. |
“That may be an overlap from his doctoring skills, his bedside manners,” she said. “Several have come in and tried to put him out of that position and none have measured up. I think his personality has kept him in there for 50 years.” |
Etie said Wilkerson is great at getting along with people but won’t compromise his values. |
“He exudes confidence,” she said. “He knows the Republican philosophy.” |
For ticket information about the Oct. 9 event honoring Wilkerson, call Montgomery County Republican Party Headquarters at 936-441-5621, email info@mcrp.org or vist www.mcrp.org. |
September 21, 2014 |
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