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Old G. I. Dean Cemetery
aka Old Dean Cemetery
Montgomery County, Texas

This is a private cemetery located deep in the woods just off Jackson Road in the Griffith survey out of Dobbin known as the Old G. I. Dean place.  Information was submitted by Barrie Dean Rosier July 1987. Reprinted February 10, 2003 with permission

If you would like your name added as a contact on any of the people that is listed in any cemetery, please Jane Keppler and I will add this information.  This would be a great way to find someone else that may be researching the name you are researching.

There is only one headstone:

LOCKETT, Lucile, Infant daughter of G. I. & Annie Dean  Born April 1, 1903 – Died Aug. 12, 1904
"Borne by Angel's hands away to a home of peace and love."

Others Who Are Buried There But Have No Stone Are:

George DEAN - died in 1959

H. H. HYATT- plantation overseer and married to George Dean's widow

Henry Ingraham DEAN died 1903

Sarah Elizabeth (Tucker) DEAN - wife of Henry I. Dean, died before 1900.  Sara Elizabeth and Henry I. were parents of George I. DEAN.

Tessie DEAN died before 1909, wife of John Jefferson DEAN who was the son of Henry I. and Sarah

SPRINGER girl-a DEAN married a Springer, but this girl is unknown.

Little Rufus died ca 1910/1911-son of G. E. and Annie DEAN

Two other children of G. I. and Annie DEAN are buried here.

Old Dean Cemetery


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Page Modified: 24 March 2025