Fostoria Montgomery County Texas Patriotism
Fostoria, April 11 — A large crowd of whites and negroes gathered at the flag pole near the Foster Lumber Co.’s office today where patriotic services were held. The services were opened by singing America. Rev. D. W. Gardner offered prayer, following with several fitting remarks for the occasion. He then introduced Rev. L. B. Saxon of Palestine, who spoke for several minutes in eloquent terms regarding patriotism and loyalty to the old Stars and Stripes. Old Glory was then hoisted, and the patriotic spirit was plainly manifested. |
Enlist In The Navy |
Louie Cable and Maurice Alley went to Houston last Saturday, enlisted in the navy, stood examination and were accepted. They passed through Conroe Sunday afternoon en route to Chicago where they will be fitted out with clothing and will then go to the training camp at Great Lakes, Ill. About fifty of their boy and girl friends went to the train with flowers and words of cheer and good wishes. If not transferred to some other camp they will be at Great Lakes for six months. |
Cecil Lanmon, who is also to join the navy left for his home at Kossee Saturday and will go to Waco to join. |
Albert Fuller, who has been here about a year, joined the army and left Monday for Houston to report for examination and duty. |
Loubie Cain enlisted in the
navy and went to Houston on Monday to pass the examination. He passed through
Conroe on the Sunshine Special Tuesday afternoon and was met at the train by a
number of friends who bade him good bye. |
For more information on the town of Fostoria, click here. |
Vote Montgomery County TXGenWeb County of the Month
Montgomery County Texas Banner graphics were designed by and remain the property of Jean Huot Smoorenburg. If you are being charged to view/use any of this information or have questions or comments, please contact Jane Keppler. |
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Page Modified: 18 October 2016 |