For many of us, Barbara Franz has been the only Montgomery County genealogy librarian that we've known. We saw her continue the efforts started by Imogene and continue to grow the genealogy department into what is it today. I know many of us are extremely thankful to Barbara for her nineteen years of service and dedication to the genealogy community of Montgomery County Texas.
Her staff sent out an invitation to all to say our goodbyes to Barbara and wish her well. On March 31, 2011, almost 100 patrons answered the call and came by to wish her well. During the day, Barbara was presented with a Silver Good Citizenship Medal from the local chapter of the SAR. Please join me in viewing the photos of that memorable last day and thank you Barbara for all the help you've given us over the years and for a job well done. We'll miss you.
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Montgomery County Texas Banner graphics were designed by and remain the property of Jean Huot Smoorenburg. If you are being charged to view/use any of this information or have questions or comments, please contact Jane Keppler. |
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Page Modified: 18 October 2016 |