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William J. McGrew might have been a hero, but unfortunately he turned out to be
a scalawag. Born in 1844 in either Claiborne or Copiah County, Mississippi, his
roots were Old Alabama, but his destiny was an early grave in unholy ground in
Texas. |
He joined the Porter’s Guards, Co. H of the 4th Texas Infantry C.S.A., at the
beginning of the Civil War in Montgomery, Texas, but was discharged in 1861 as
being disabled. He was only seventeen at the time. He returned home to
Montgomery in Montgomery County, Texas, to eventually become a lieutenant of the
home guard, Co. K, 20th Texas Regiment, basically assigned to duty in Texas and
the Indian Territory. |
Remaining in the Porter’s Guards of Hood’s famous Texas Brigade were the
Cartwright brothers of Montgomery's Bear Bend. Unfortunately, E. W. "Ras"
Cartwright became the first casualty of the company. As the group was being
shipped to the Virginia battlefields, the train stopped at Holly Springs,
Mississippi. “Ras,” six feet six, borrowed a sword and was impersonating an
officer in order to impress the Southern belles gathered on the platform.
Evidently, he was enjoying himself so much that he was the last man to leap
aboard the moving train. Somehow the sword caused him to trip and fall beneath
the train, severing both legs and resulting in his death. The Cartwright's bad
fortune continued when brother James G. W. Cartwright was killed in the bloody
Wilderness Campaign in Virginia, and brother Lemuel, the eldest, was wounded and
lost an arm in the last major conflict before Appomattox. Their unit was
devastated, and of the 143 men of Porter's Guards, Hood’s Texas Brigade, only
nine remained to surrender with Lee in April of 1865. However, the survivors of
the Cartwright family would soon cross paths with the McGrew-Oliver clan. |
Following the war in 1867, William J. McGrew/McGraw was appointed county
attorney during Reconstruction. His reputation among town folks was "a
Republican appointee by day, a KKK by night, and a horse thief in between,"
according to Montgomery County Historical Society’s “Choir Invisible.” Added to
his list of misdeeds were the actions of John P. and Robert O. Oliver, his
younger half brothers, teenagers who maddened the town folks by riding their
horses into business establishments, shooting up the town, robbing and
stealing. |
These boys had
inherited a terrible legacy. Their father and William McGrew’s stepfather, Egbert O. "Eg" Oliver, had been shot down in 1853 in old Montgomery when the
boys were small children. From The Autauga Citizen, Prattville,
Autauga County, Alabama, issue of Thursday, Oct. 20, 1853: |
To make matters worse, William's real father had been an outlaw in his own
right. William "Red Bill" McGrew and his cousin William "Black Bill" McGrew, in
their early twenties, had killed two teenage boys in Sumter Co. AL in 1835. In
May, Alabama Governor John Gayle put out an $800 bounty for their apprehension.
From the Commercial Register of Mobile: |
Notices of
the reward appeared in Mobile, New Orleans, and even in Texas. Soon another
reward of three thousand dollars was raised by the citizens of Sumter and
Marengo with this descriptions of culprits: " William P. McGrew (“Black Bill”)
is about twenty four years of age, hair a little dark, fair skin and blue eyes;
mild, and retiring look when sober; six feet high. William McGrew, (“Red Bill”)
the cousin of the other, is about 21 years old, red hair, fair skin, eyes
between gray and blue, six feet high, down look and forbidding countenance. Both
addicted to intemperance." This was published in Mobile, New Orleans and in the
Brazoria, Texas Republican 24 October 1835. |
Ironically, his name "William" had once been an honorable one, passed down from
“Black Bill's” father, William McGrew, Territorial Representative, Colonel and
commandant of the 15th Regiment Militia, Clarke County, Alabama, and
a hero of the Creek War, killed by Indians at Bashi Creek in Alabama in 1813.
“Bill” was only two years old when his father was ambushed, and his mother Nancy
Hainsworth McGrew Phillips did not maintain such an honorable family
reputation. In the Voice of Sumter, August 9, 1836,she was denounced by
Regulators, as a “Jezebel” for harboring mixed Indians and borderers among her
clan, and for aiding and abetting the Kemp-McGrew feud. The article by Louis C.
Gaines called for her to be driven from the country, but she said she would “die
on the grit.” Evidently, she did choose to return to Texas, She had been
listed in the failed Wavell’s colony in Texas in 1830, causing her to remain in
Alabama, but 1850 she was in Leon County, Texas, whether by choice or force is
unknown. |
“Red Bill” McGrew was arrested in St. Stephens, Washington Co. AL. in June of
1836. He was arraigned, plead not guilty, but evidently was never tried,
probably due to the inconsistencies brought out in his cousin’s trial. The
Voice of Sumter reported his court appearance: |
Economic depression occurred in Alabama beginning with the Specie Circular, and
by the early 1840's the cotton market was in shambles. The McGrews had once been
very influential and wealthy planters. The patriarch of the family, John McGrew,
had arrived on the Tombigbee River above Mobile in 1779, settling in what would
become old Washington and Clarke counties. He had survived the English, the
Spanish, and the Indians, carving out the largest holdings in the area. The
chiefs of the Choctaw Nation had deeded him 1500 acres of the best river land
because "in his kindness he had saved them from famine." He ran more than 1,000
cattle on his plantation. The infamous "Bills" were his grandsons. With the
economic crash, Caroline McGrew, “Red Bill's” mother, moved her family to
Claiborne County, Mississippi, after seeing her once-fine plantation sold for
taxes after the death of her husband, John Jr., in 1842 in Texas. Bill and
family evidently accompanied her at this time, eventually succumbing to the
greener and fresher pastures of Texas in the 1840's. |
How “Red Bill” ended his days is uncertain, but McGrew cousins who lived in old
Milam, Sabine Co TX, passed down a story of two men who arrived sometimes in the
mid-to-late 1840's at their home. One was a McGrew cousin they called "Red," and
he was wounded. The men had saddlebags full of gold which they were taking to
Mississippi. During the night, “Red” crept out, buried the gold, and returned
to bed to die before morning. The gold was never found, and he was buried north
of the house. His mother's estate papers in 1853 in Claiborne County, MS,
revealed that Bill was dead in Texas, survived by several children, including a
son William - William J. McGrew who would come to no good end in Montgomery in a
few short years at the hands of a group of vigilantes lead by the Cartwright
family. |
Ironically, the Cartwrights and McGrews knew each other back in old Washington
County, Alabama. Thomas Peter Cartwright, the patriarch of the family, had
served on juries with the McGrews. He was a Methodist minister, and he and his
wife Elizabeth Shaw, had eleven children, all were born there . Old John McGrew
and his sons John Flood McGrew and Col. William McGrew were judges and
representatives of that area to the Mississippi Territorial Legislature. Flood
McGrew had been appointed by President John Adams as a member of the
Territorial Council of five men who served as a virtual Senate of the
Mississippi Territory. So the families certainly knew each other. When they
moved to Texas, the Cartwrights also became influential in county government,
with old Peter Cartwright becoming a Justice of the Peace in 1836 and Samuel
Cartwright becoming sheriff of Montgomery County. For an unknown reason,
Samuel resigned in 1866. Records do not show how or when William J. McGrew
became the county attorney, but records indicate he was in office in 1867. |
About this time,
according to Robin Montgomery’s History of Montgomery County, Jesse James
had camped at McGraw's crossing of the San Jacinto River for a few weeks. When
the gang departed, they left behind Charles "Tex" Brown, a Yankee sympathizer,
with whom Jesse had grown weary. “Tex,” also
to be a murderer and deserter from Wheeler’s Cavalry,
then fell in with the McGrew-Oliver clan. He was described by J. W. DeForest in
Harper’s Weekly, December, 1868, as “Twenty-three or twenty-five years of
age, of medium height, slender, sinewy, and agile, with a dark complexion,
piercing black eyes, and a jaw disfigured by a pistol shot, and an expression of
brutal ferocity.” |
caused the shootout in late December of 1868 is not recorded in the county
records, but two old citizens of Montgomery County, Mrs. W. C. Cameron and Mr.
Buck Martin recounted the following, according to Narcissa Boulware of the
Montgomery County Times: |
citizen and local judge, Nathaniel Hart Davis, recorded the bloody event on page
33 of his journal, “McGrew-Oliver Killing of Dec. 28, 1868: |
The desperadoes were not buried in the consecrated ground of the old cemetery,
but rather outside the gates in what would become Montgomery's New Cemetery.
There is a CSA marker on Lt. William McGrew/McGraw's grave, but his young
stepbrothers, buried near him lie unmarked. The only good thing said of William
McGrew was recorded in the Houston Times, picked up by the Texas News,
dateline January 23, 1869, "Tragical affair at Montgomery County. Death of
William McGraw, county attorney. Mr. Brown of San Antonio and two brothers named
Oliver...William McGraw was in no way connected with the difficulty. He was
trying to prevent the parties from using their pistols." |
This article first appeared in the Oct. 29 and Nov. 5, 2003, editions of the Montgomery County News, Montgomery, Texas. |
Text of New
Cemetery Historical Marker
"Because the people of the town did not want to bury the
outlaws in their existing cemetery, they were buried outside the consecrated
ground in an area simply called the "New Cemetery." The first to be buried
here, McGrew is the only one who has a marker, but his half brothers, the Olivers, are said to be buried beside him."
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Page Modified: 07 January 2024 |