Montgomery Cemetery
Location: Old Plantersville Road just south of Texas 105
Burial place of many honored Texans, including Dr. Charles B. Stewart, a signer of the Texas Declaration of Independence and first secretary of state; also wife of Gen. Memucan Hunt, Texas soldier and statesman. Other noted individuals here include soldiers of the Texas army and veterans of the Civil War and other wars engaged in by the United States. This cemetery was founded Dec. 1, 1868, to relieve “Old” Methodist plot.
Shelton-Smith House
Location: 811 Caroline St.
A part of this house may have existed as early as 1855, when site and improvements were sold to John E. Shelton. He was a master craftsman who built other fine houses prior to 1860. Shelton built the main portion about 1858 for his friend and business partner, Thomas Wesley Smith (1829-1902), who later was a leading cigar manufacturer in this county. Smith and his heirs owned the house until 1924. A granddaughter added the dormers in a 1922 remodeling. The 1924-1970 owners were the Thomas A. Gay family. Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Whisenant now (1976) preserve it.
Location: Pond and Caroline streets
Baptists in Montgomery organized a fellowship in 1850 and purchased land at this site the same year. In 1853, the Rev. Thomas Chilton became the church's first full-time pastor. This vernacular Gothic revival sanctuary was constructed in 1902, during the pastorate of O. P. Stark, who is said to have designed the building himself. A 1918 storm destroyed the upper part of the steeple, and an education wing was added in the 1940s. The congregation met here for worship until 1979. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1985.
Old Methodist Church and Churchyard
Location: Pond Street, just north of Texas 105
In Jan. 1839, the Rev. Isaac Strickland organized a Methodist Church whose members soon built a log meetinghouse on this site donated by founders of the town of Montgomery. The churchyard came into use for burials during the 1840s. When Pastor G. W. Rabb was dying in 1851, he requested burial beneath the altar of the frame church then being built to replace the log cabin. His grave and a monument commemorating pioneer circuit riders now (1976) mark the original Methodist Church site. The church and the nearby parsonage, which is said to have been the first Methodist parsonage built in Texas, were relocated in 1908. A tabernacle later erected beside the cemetery has also been demolished. A stone in this cemetery commemorates a soldier of the American Revolution who helped settle this county and died here. Churchyard burials included veterans of the War of 1812, the Texas War for Independence, Mexican War, and Civil War, as well as many other pioneers, state and county officials, merchants, ministers, and physicians. In some of the unmarked graves are travelers who died here among strangers. Although a new cemetery opened in 1868, this one was also used until no space remained.

First State Bank of Montgomery
Location: 211 Liberty
One of first state banks in Texas. Chartered Dec. 11, 1906, it began operations in a frame building on lot south of here. Present building was finished 1908 and is now oldest existing commercial building in this once-thriving trade center. As the town's only bank, it served small farmers while cotton was king in area. Safe was once stolen and the vault still has scars from a robbery. Bank was voluntarily liquidated in 1934. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1934.

Davis Cottage / Museum and Davis Law office
Location: 308 and 306 Liberty (FM 149)
Davis Cottage: Home of Judge Nathaniel Hart Davis and wife, Sarah E. White. Built 1851, from 1831 log house received as legal fee. Kitchen area attached 1880. Texanna Snow's school here 1881-1891. J. F. Davis added south wing in 1895. Still in family. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1966.
Davis Law Office: Built in 1845, this frame structure was first used for the law office and living quarters of Judge Nat Hart Davis. Many young attorneys read law here under Judge Davis' supervision. From 1848 to 1854 the structure was the meeting place for the mayor and Montgomery City Council, and later was used as a school. It served as a U. S. Post Office from 1923 to 1936 and now is a reminder of Montgomery's early days. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1967.
Rabon-Fullen house
Location: 825 Eva St.
Built circa 1890, it became the home of Vol and Florence Burden Rabon. In 1937, Rabon heirs sold to the Horace Fullen family.
Monument to Charles Bellinger Stewart
Location: Near Montgomery Community Building, Liberty
and College streets
Charles Bellinger Stewart was the First Secretary of State in Texas (1806-1885). Came to Texas 1830. Secretary of State, Nov. 1835-Feb. 1836. Signed Declaration of Independence; helped to write Constitution of the Republic in 1836 and the State in 1845; served Montgomery County as District Attorney and three terms as State Representative. Highest appointed official in Texas, keeper of the state seal, the Secretary of State is named by the Governor with advice and consent of the Senate.
Montgomery County marker
Community Building Grounds, Liberty and College streets
This marker designates the site of the county courthouse when it was located in Montgomery.
In 1889, there was an election to chose the county seat between Montgomery and Conroe. Conroe won and the county seat was moved to Conroe.
Town of Montgomery marker
Location: Liberty St. in front of Community Building
Montgomery traces its roots to 1823 when Andrew J. Montgomery established a trading post a few miles to the west of the current townsite.
The town was founded in 1987 by W.W. Shepperd. The town was incorporated in 1848.
On Dec. 14, 1837, the town named for Andrew Montgomery became the first county seat of Montgomery County. It remained the town seat until 1889.

Homewood home
Location: 303 Mason St.
Built in 1887 by William Baker Wood with wife Amelia Davis Wood. A typical modified Victorian mansion, it is built with square nails and remains relatively unchanged except for attaching the kitchen wing.

Arnold-Simonton Home
At Fernland Historical Park off Clepper Street
The Arnold-Simonton House is an early Texas Greek Revival structure.
Dr. E. J. Arnold who had come to Texas from Connecticut, settled in Montgomery in 1835. In 1845 he replaced his original log residence with this frame structure, using the old house as his office. A prominent local physician Arnold was also active in state politics, served on the early Board of Medical Censors for the Republic (1837), donated land for the Montgomery Academy chartered in 1848 and served on their Board of Trustees.
The home is now at the Fernland Historical Park in Montgomery. It’s the only structure in the county to be on the National Register of Historic Places.

The Oaks Home
Location: 202 Prairie St.
Built in 1876 for Nat Hart Davis by craftsmen John Bishop with plans drawn by Thomas Godden. Extensive restoration has been done by new owners Don and Mary Sue Timmerman.
Nathaniel Hart Davis Home originally called "The Oaks", built in 1876 is located at 202 Prairie Street in Montgomery Texas in 2013. According to Larry Foerster, Nat Davis began practicing law in Montgomery in the 1840’s, served in various civic and judicial capacities in Montgomery County, and was the first mayor of the town of Montgomery in February 1848. His law office on Liberty Street in Montgomery is the oldest law office in our county.
The Crane Cabin
Nickolas Crane (b. 1830) came to Texas from Alabama, 1848, and in 1850s married Mary Ann Havard. A Confederate veteran of the Civil War, he built this large cabin on the Angelina County land claim that he occupied in 1867. Walls were of pine logs split and hand-adzed to give smooth finish to the interior. Cabin had a stick-mud-and-moss chimney; a cypress board roof. Kitchen was detached. Carroll and Mae Tharp moved and restored the cabin in the 1970s. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1974

Melrose home
Location: 202 Eva
Built in 1854 for Richard S. Willis,
it was named for his home back East. It has been
occupied by many leading citizens of Montgomery.
Cathalorri aka Melrose House
Location: Texas 105 E, one block east of FM 149 (Liberty St.)
Built in 1854 for merchant, R. S. Willis, by craftsman J. E. Shelton. Hand-planed siding, pegged and mortised framework. Restored in 1965 by Mr. and Mrs. R. Waldrop. Named for their two granddaughters. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1966. Now the Hodge Podge Lodge.
The Courier
January 22, 2012
Magnolia home
Location: 801 College St.
Built 1854 for Peter J. Willis and wife, Caroline Womack; named for their daughter, first child born here (later Mrs. Geo. Sealy, Galveston; Magnolia Petroleum Company was also named for her). Ilai and Melissa Davis bought house furnished in 1868. Occupied continuously by their descendants who have preserved much of the original furniture brought here by boat and wagon from New York. Anna D. Weisinger, present owner, was only other child born here. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1966.
"Magnolia" home of
P. J. Willis
801 College
Another view Of
Magnolia House
"Magnolia" in 2013 and was built in 1854 by P. J. Willis a prominent merchant for his daughter Magnolia. Per Larry Foerster, the home was one of several built by John Shelton during that time period. (The Magnolia Oil Company was named for her in the late 1800’s.). P. J. Willis and his brother Richard Willis later sold land known as “Mockingbird Hill” to the International and Great Northern Railroad in1870 for the construction of its railroad. The town of Willis is named for these brothers. They were also contemporaries of Dr. Charles B. Stewart who designed the Texas flag.