Photos of Richard
Williams and Carroll Cemetery Restoration for Montgomery County
Historical Commission by Ross Ohendlaski for his
You may find it interesting to see these photos taken of the historic Richard Williams family cemetery and adjacent Carroll family cemetery which were cleaned as a Eagle Scout project by Historical Commission Youth Advisory Board (YAB) member Ross Ohendalski.
Ross was assisted by a number of people including YAB members Robert Lynch and John Taylor.
Richard Williams was a soldier in the Texas Revolution whose family land grant was east of present day Willis. Richard Williams also served as a captain of the Texas Army in 1842 in the Somerville Expedition and in the 1840’s and 1850’s, a County Commissioner for Montgomery County.
Larry L. Foerster,
Richard Williams Cemetery Restoration for Montgomery County
Historical Commission
Thank you Montgomery County Historical Commission and Ross Ohendalski and the YAB for allowing Montgomery County TXGenWeb website to post the restoration photos of Richard Williams Cemetery and the adjacent Carroll Cemetery Restoration. Thank you all for a job well-done.
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Page Modified: 18 October 2016 |