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Womack-Cawthorn-Sturges Cemetery

Montgomery County Texas

To get to the WOMACK Cemetery; turn South onto Old Plantersville Road  (right beside the Police Department off of Hwy 105 in Montgomery). There is a cemetery directly right behind the PD called Montgomery New Cemetery, but that's not the one (We did find 2 Womack graves in their before it got dark).  Continue down Old Plantersville Road (being careful not to turn onto Huffman Road-the map shows that it's a dead end),  RIGHT AFTER YOU GO OVER THE RAILROAD TRACKS, there will be a road that doesn't have a name sign on it on the Left, TURN left onto that road, continue down this "unnamed?" road and then turn right onto WOMACK CEMETERY ROAD. Go about 3/4 of a mile down and the cemetery will be on your right hand side.   If you get to the dead end you'll know you've passed it.   The cemetery probably isn't more than 5 miles from Hwy 105.

Directions and pictures furnished by Shelia & Jeff Womack.



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Page Modified: 01 January 2023