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Wood Cemetery Montgomery County Texas

The Wood family cemetery is located in a small grove within what was formerly Greenwood plantation (1850-1866), a short distance from the town of Danville, lying within the Joseph Lindley Survey near the northern boundary of Montgomery County. Today the cemetery is located on gated private property off Shepard Hill Road, west of the Old Danville Cemetery. Eight grave markers have survived, in varying conditions, and one other burial in the cemetery has been recorded. Efforts are under way to restore and preserve the cemetery to some extent.  Bill Wood & Elsa Vorwerk in Georgetown, Williamson County provided the following information.

Elsa was tragically killed in Georgetown, Texas on 31 July 2017. Please contact Bill Wood via email

rom an email from Bill dated, November 12, 2019:

Yes, you can add my name and email address to the TXGenWeb site.  However, I am a poor substitute for Elsa. This was a “labor of love” for her.  The genealogy work that she did for the Wood family is documented and available at the Wood/Vorwerk families website https://www.woodvorwerk.com/ 

She understood the subtle connections between families and events, and had the websiteShe understood the subtle connections between families and events, and had the ability to uncover “evidence” in a way that was accurate and professional.  I could never begin to do what she did. 
The Wood Family Cemetery is located west of I-45, just off of Shepard Hill Road which is between Willis and New Waverly Turn right off of Shepard Hill Rd. at Viniarski Rd.  Viniarski Rd. dead ends at private property which is where the cemetery is located.
The last time I was there (about 2 years ago), the gate which used to be locked all the time, was open and appeared to be open all the time. The cemetery is in poor condition and not all of the stones are intact, upright or visible. Below is Green Wood’s.

We used to contact the owner or his caretaker every time we wanted to visit the cemetery.  But in more recent times, that hasn’t been necessary.

In February 2008, all stones were found that appeared in earlier transcriptions, with the exception that part of one stone is missing. (A survey of this cemetery appears in the Montgomery County Texas Cemeteries book, Vol. V, with some typographical errors.)

In Memory of / GREEN WOOD, / BORN / January 31st, 1792, /  DIED / February 12th, 1866


EVELINA A. WOOD / Wife of  / GREEN WOOD, / Born / OCT. 23, 1806, / Died / APRIL 1, 1888.


In Memory of / LIZZIE G. / Wife of / R. M. POWELL, / Daughter of / G. & E. A. WOOD, / Died / June 14th 1856.


In Memory of  / WILLIS B. WOOD / SON OF / G. & E. A. WOOD /  BORN / Dec. 12th 1826, / Died / Dec. 15th 1854.


[SARAH ANNE HARRIS / Wife of Willis B. Wood] / BORN / SEPT. 2, 1828, / DIED / Oct. 28, 1867.


WILLIS EASON WOOD, / Son of / WILLIS B. & SARAH A. / WOOD, /  BORN / SEPT. 2, 1849, / DIED / Jan. 28, 1890.


MITCHELL, / Son of / Wm B. & C. J. WOOD / BORN / Aug. 31, 1857; / DIED / Dec. 13, 1859.


In memory of / LIZZIE POWELL / Infant daughter of / C. & J. M. Abercrombie, / BORN / July 31st 1856, / DIED / Jan. 10th 1857.


On Sunday, 1 January 1866, Green Wood recorded in his daily account book, "Mrs McIver wife of Doctor McIver was Buried here today." (Book 14: 1863-1866, page 162, Greenwood Plantation, Montgomery County, Texas, 1850-1866, DVD 3, Folder 13.) Evidence suggests that this was Nancy/Ann McIver, born about 1811 in North Carolina, wife of David McIver; they are found in the 1850 and 1860 censuses in neighboring Grimes County.

Click here for Wood Cemetery Photos


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Page Modified: 24 March 2025