Newton County - 1878 Fugitives from Justice
Roan, Henry . . . . Assault to murder; committed 01 Dec 1869; indicted 21 Aug 1871
Crawford, James . . . . Theft of hogs; committed 05 Nov 1871; indicted 23 Dec, same year.
Beard, W A . . . . Assault to kill; committed 04 Sep 1871; indicted Dec 23, same year; supposed to be in Louisiana
Delany, Tobias . . . . Robbery; committed 10 Jan 1870; indicted 23 Dec 1871; supposed to be in western portion of Texas
Brooks, George . . . . Theft from a house; committed 01 Nov 1872; indicted 20 Dec, same year
Green, Charles . . . . Assault to murder; committed 01 Apr 1873; indicted 20 Dec, same year
Foster, Dan . . . . Assault to murder; committed 01 Feb 1873; three indictments
Green, Charles . . . . Assault to murder; committed 15 Feb 1873; indicted 23 Apr, same yar
McFarland, Henry . . . . Assault to murder; committed 01 Aug 1873; indicted 21 Aug, same year
Haygood, John . . . . Theft of hogs; committed 01 Dec 1873; indicted 19 Dec, same year
Sweatman, Green . . . . Assault to murder; committed 01 Feb 1874; indicted 30 Jul, same year
Sweatman, Ben . . . . Assault to murder; committed 10 May 1874; indicted 30 Jul, same year
Landy, J O . . . . Swindling; committed 01 Dec 1875; indicted 27 Nov, same year; it is rumored Landy is in jail
in Mississippi
Brooks, Joseph . . . . Theft of hogs; committed 01 Oct 1875; indicted 27 Nov, same year
Jordan, James . . . . Theft from a house; committed 01 Dec 1875; indicted 19 Jun 1876
Bevel, Bayley . . . . Assault to murder; committed 04 Jun 1876; indicted 19 Jun, same year
Smith, George . . . . Assault to murder; committed 25 Nov 1876; indicted 22 Dec, same year
Newton County - 1891 Fugitives from Justice
Davison, J R - Burglary. Age 18 years; height 5 feet 7 inches; weight 140 pounds; color white; complexion dark; eyes black;
occupation laborer. Heavy built; great talker; stutters badly in talking; drinks to excess.
Young, Henry - Attempt to commit rape. Age 35 years; height 5 feet 8 inches; weight 150 pounds; color white; complexion
light; eyes blue; hair light; occupation laborer.
Go here for the complete listing for 1878 Texas:
1878 Adjutant General's Report List of Fugitives From Justice
Go here for the complete listing for 1891 Texas:
1891 Adjutant General's Report List of Fugitives From Justice
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Newton County
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31 July 2022