Welcome to
Newton County, Texas

Welcome to the Newton County Texas USGenWeb Project Genealogy site.

Newton County was formed on April 22, 1846, from the eastern half of Jasper County. It was named in honor of John Newton who was a verteran of the American Revolution. The first county courthouse was built in Burkeville in 1848. A new courthouse was built in Newton in 1853 after the county seat had been moved there. Unfortunately, the county courthouse burned in 2000. It was rebuilt and rededicated on 8 Dec 2012. Pictures and description of the courthouse can be found here: Newton County Courthouse

Eleanor Colson is the county coordinator and Carla Karbowski Clifton is the co-coordinator for this county.  We have adopted this site as part of the TXGenWeb Project.  It is our goal to provide you with a great source for genealogical information on Newton County Texas. Thank you Jane Keppler for coordinating this site for many years!

Eleanor has a number of ancestors from Newton County who were residing in the county in 1850, including Enoch S. Phelps, Henry A. Jordan, and Matthew Marshall. Many of them are buried in Newton County.

What's New


Join us on Facebook!

We have a new group on Facebook for Newton County, TXGenWeb. It is private but visible to join. The mailing lists are no longer active so I thought we would try this version. Click on the link to join. Newton County, Texas Genealogy Facebook Group

Newton County wins the TXGenWeb COUNTY OF THE MONTH AWARD for December 2022

Thank you so much to all of our volunteers. Without you, Newton County TXGenWeb would never have won this award.

How you can help Newton County TXGenWeb


Newton County Historical Commission on FB


County of the Month Winners Circle!

Click here to nominate Newton COUNTY!!!!


Do you enjoy "surfing" the TXGenWeb county websites and have a few extra hours available each month?  Then contactLaura Gregory Roberts for more information on joining the surfing committee. 

If you are interested in adopting a county, please check out the Orphan page.   

If you or your genealogy group would like  to sponsor a county, please contact TXGenWeb State Coordinator: Paula Perkins .

Assistant State Coordinators:
Lela EvansRebecca Maloney   and Carla Clifton




Copyright � 1997-present by Eleanor Colson. This information may be used by individuals for their own personal use, libraries and genealogical societies. Commercial use of this information is strictly prohibited without prior written permission from Eleanor Colson If material is copied, this copyright notice must appear with the information and please email me and let me know. Neither the Site Coordinators nor the volunteers assume any responsibility for the information or material given by the contributors or for errors of fact or judgment in material that is published at this website.