Robertson County




County Coordinator is Jane Keppler.

County Co-Coordinator is Jean Huot Smoorenburg

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12/22/2020: by Stephen Regan Smith

MIASMA: A Compendium of early Shreveport, Louisiana, and the 1853, 1867, and 1873 Yellow Fever Epidemics. Paperback - November 3, 2020


TXGenWeb Robertson County Books & Master's Thesis

Author / Researcher Areas Of Interest
Michael Waters
Texas A&M University Associate Anthropology Professor Dr. Michael Waters has extensively researched Camp Hearne (Hearne's World War II prisoner of war camp) and has created a Camp Hearne website. Additional information is available at Camp Hearne Collection. As part of his on-going research, Dr. Waters wishes to hear from people who have pictures, correspondence, artifacts, any other information or items relating to the camp. If you have information relating to Dr. Waters' research that you wish to share, contact him at  Dr. Waters' book on Camp Hearne is slated for release by Texas A&M University Press in early 2003.
Dale Baum
Texas A&M University History Professor Dale Baum ( is researching the genealogy & history of Robertson County's Hearne & Lewis families. Of particular interest are: Asaline Hearne, an illiterate freedwoman who immediately after the Civil War managed to test the limits to achieving racial justice in Robertson County; & Matthew Gaines, an ex-slave of Christopher Columbus "Lum" Hearne, who after slavery, served as Senator in the 12th Texas Legislature. Additional Matthew Gaines information is at If you have information relating to Professor Baum's research that you wish to share, contact him at
"Robertson County Books & Master's Theses" Professor Baum's recent book about Robertson County during the era of the Civil War and Reconstruction entitled Counterfeit Justice.  In the same location,  you also could include my forthcoming article about Robertson County scalawag gang leader Benjamin Brown:  

Dale Baum, "The Old Hero of Many Cowardly and Bloody Murders":  Scalawag Gang Leader Ben Brown" in Kenneth W. Howell, ed.,
 "Still the Arena of Civil War": Violence and Turmoil in Reconstruction Texas, 1865-1874  (Denton: University of North Texas Press), forthcoming.


Please note:  this work was done many years ago therefore the emails may no long be good.

Title Of Literary Work Description Carnegie
War Activities Of
Robertson County
By Seldon Bain Graham, 1933 University of Texas Master's Thesis. Volunteer Jo Ella Snider Parker typed a detailed index to this work. It is at Robertson County War Activities 1917-1919. Yes
History Of
Robertson County
By Lawrence Ward St. Clair, 1931 University Of Texas Master's Thesis.  Volunteers Jo Ella Snider-Parker  ( & Kent Brunette retyped this work.  Yes
The Men & Women
In World War II From
Robertson County
A copy of this book was loaned to this site by Clarence and Margaret Petty Adams.  Volunteer Jo Ella Snider-Parker ( retyped this work.  It is at World War II.
 [A copy of this book is needed]
Carnegie Needs Copy
Early Development
Of Robertson County
By Ivory Freeman Carson, 1954 North Texas State College Master's Thesis. Volunteer Jo Ella Snider-Parker ( beautifully retyped this work.  This thesis is at Early Development Of Robertson County. Yes
A History Of
Cotton Culture Along
The Middle Brazos River
By Manford Eugene Jones, 1939 University of New Mexico Master's Thesis. Texas A&M University History Professor Dr. Dale Baum purchased a copy of this thesis from the university's library and contributed it to this site.  It is used with permission of Manford Allen Jones, son of the author Manford Eugene Jones. This work is at Cotton Culture. Yes
Hearne On The Brazos By Norman McCarver, Sr. & Norman McCarver, Jr., Century Press of Texas, San Antonio, TX, 1958, 369 pages (including a 234-page "Biographical Sketches" section of Hearne-related individuals & their families). Price is $46 (including shipping). Contact to make purchase arrangements (including credit card sales). Before his March 2002 death, co-author Norman Lowell McCarver Jr. granted permission for this book to be displayed at this site. It is at Hearne On The Brazos. Yes
The National Hotel By Ruth Rucker Lemming, Eakin Press, Austin.  (about Rucker family hotel in Franklin)  The author's daughter Jean Willette Lemming Chaney has granted permission for this work to be placed online at this site at National Hotel. Yes
Ghost Towns
Of Robertson County

By Mary Kathryn Spiller Briggs.  This book is at Ghost Towns Of Robertson County.

The Irish Of
Staggers Point
By Mary Katherine Thompson Galloway, Mary Kathryn Spiller Briggs, Marjorie DeMaret Hicks, 1973, 42 pages. This book is at The Irish Of Staggers Point. Yes
Deutsch Colony
Of New Baden
By John George Meyer, 1882, New Baden, TX, 16-page booklet (with large fold-out map), University Of Texas At Austin, The Center For American History Collection. A copy of this booklet promoting New Baden to potential European settlers has been translated from its original old-style German to English by volunteer Jens Heik. This booklet is at Deutsch Colony Of New Baden. Yes
Robertson County
Probate Index
1838 - 1939
This index was published in September 1941 by the Works Projects Administration.  The names of deceased persons, minors, and people who were declared non-competent mentally are neatly typed & arranged alphabetically.  Filing dates and case numbers are also provided.  This soft cover book totals 75 pages. This index is at Probate A - G, Probate H - O, & Probate P - Z. This book can be purchased online at Mountain Press for $24.50. Shipping is $3.50 for the first book plus $1.00 for each additional book.   NOTE: the price may not be correct as this page was made several years ago. Yes
1850 Robertson
County Census
A soft cover, spiral bound, 36-page, indexed book containing actual photocopies of the handwritten records of the 1850 Robertson County Census can be bought online for $5 plus shipping/handling from SK Publications.  A typed transcript of this census is at 1850 typed censusNOTE: the price may not be correct as this page was made several years ago. Yes
1860 Robertson
County Census
Compiled by Mary Collie-Cooper. A soft cover, spiral bound, 72-page list 1860 Robertson County Census information. This book is dated July 1985. Cost is $6.50 (includes shipping). Contact to make purchase arrangements. Author Mary Collie-Cooper has granted permission to display this work online at 1860 transcript.

NOTE: the price may not be correct as this page was made several years ago.

Robertson County
Marriage Bonds 1838 - 1873
By Inez Boswell Biggerstaff, 4 volumes. These marriage bond records are at Book One, Book Two, Book Three, & Book Four. Yes
Robertson County
Tombstone Inscriptions
By Inez Boswell Biggerstaff, 19 leaves, published between 1945 & 1968. Tombstone inscriptions & readings from Calvert, Franklin, Hearne Norwood, Owensville, & Wheelock cemeteries. This work's information has been incorporated into the lists available for the indicated cemeteries. Yes
1941 WPA
County Inventory
The "Historical Sketch" chapter & "Bibliography" from this work have been beautifully retyped by volunteer Darlene Klonaris for inclusion on this site.  These are at 1941 WPA County Inventory. Yes
My Tall Mountain (historical recollections of early Hearne with information on Belcher & Stewart families). By Harper C. Stewart (brother of Lutie Stewart Wilson immediately below). This work appears at My Tall Mountain. Yes
It Used To Be (historical recollections - includes many references to early Hearne)
By Lutie Stewart Wilson (sister of Harper C. Stewart immediately above).
This 1892 - 1893 ledger of a general store in Franklin was purchased in 10.2002 at an e-bay auction.  It contains hundreds of surname entries, including many full names (not just initials).  This list is available at Franklin Store Ledger; see also New Baden Immigrants On Franklin Store Ledger.  The original ledger is at the Carnegie. Yes
Brief History &
Genealogy Of The
Hearne Family
The 1907 revision of William T. Hearne's book, complete with the 1912 addendum, is at Carnegie Needs Copy
Port Sullivan:
Ghost Town
By John Martin Brockman, 1968 Texas A&M University master's thesis, 187 pages. Port Sullivan was in Milam County, just across the Brazos River from Robertson County. [A copy of this work has been obtained & the author has granted permission for it to be placed online at Port Sullivan: Ghost Town. A copy of this thesis will be donated to the Carnegie.] Yes

Please note:  this work was done many years ago therefore the emails may no long be good and the prices may not be correct.

Title Of Literary Work Description Carnegie
Lone Star Stalag:
The Story Of The World War II German Prisoner Of War Camp Of Hearne, Texas
By Texas A&M University Anthropology Professor Dr. Michael Waters.  This long-awaited book is now available for purchase.  Contact for purchase information & details!
Cost: $19.95 + $4 shipping & handling = $23.95 
NOTE: the price may not be correct as this page was made several years ago.
Historical Recollections
Of Robertson County
By Richard Denny Parker. Edited By Nona Clement Parker, 1954, Anson Jones Press, Salado, Texas, 254 pages, index, maps. This county history book details the development of Robertson County by the original settlers through the mid-20th century. It contains family history & historic information on Benchley, Bremond, Calvert, Franklin, Hearne, Mount Vernon, Owensville, Port Sullivan, & Wheelock.  The Robertson County Historical Commission has reprinted this important book.
Contact for purchase information & details!
Cost: $35 + $4 shipping & handling = $39.00 
NOTE: the price may not be correct as this page was made several years ago.
Folks Of Robertson County By Edwin H. Cooper.  Short stories from The Franklin Advocate, The Hearne Democrat, and The Calvert Tribune newspapers.  For purchasing information, contact:  Edwin H. Cooper, 9365 Clyde Acord Road, Franklin, TX 77856, 979.828.3460, Carnegie Needs Copy
A History Of
Robertson County
By John Walter Baker. The fifth edition of this book is available for purchase through the Calvert Historical Foundation. This well written, 560-page, hard cover book is a "must have" for people researching Robertson County and its families (sample chapters on New Baden & Wootan Wells). Price is $41 (including shipping). Contact to make purchase arrangements (including credit card sales). The table of contents for this book is at A History Of Robertson County NOTE: the price may not be correct as this page was made several years ago. Yes
History Of The Snider
Family of Robertson County
By Leonard & Daniel James Kubiak, 1987. Available for purchase online for $27.95 at   NOTE: the price may not be correct as this page was made several years ago. Yes
Polish Footprints,
November 1999,
Summer 2000
The November 1999 and Summer 2000 editions of the Polish Genealogical Society Of Texas (PGST) publication Polish Footprints are almost entirely devoted to "Poles Of Robertson County, Texas."  Copies of these issues can be purchased from PGST for $12.65 each (includes shipping and handling). For further information, go to NOTE: the price may not be correct as this page was made several years ago. Yes
Cemetery Book
The Franklin Cemetery Association has recently published a book ($25 donation requested) that contains an up-to-date list of burials in this cemetery.  An accompanying CD (an additional $10) contains pictures of many of the tombstones.  This book does NOT include information on the adjoining Franklin North-South African American Cemetery.  To purchase a copy of this book or CD, contact Shirley Van Huss [] or write to Franklin Cemetery Association, Inc., P.O. Box 215, Franklin, TX 77856.  NOTE: the price may not be correct as this page was made several years ago. Yes
Sam Baker
Winston County's
By Edward Herring. Chapter 3 of this book contains information on Limestone & Robertson Counties as well as the Baker, Bates, Brooks, Brown, & Sanders families. $23.95. E-mail [Note: Edward Herring is donating a copy of this book to the Carnegie.  NOTE: the price may not be correct as this page was made several years ago. ] Yes
Robertson County
1838 - 1875
Compilation by Mrs. Frances Terry Ingmire. This 1980 work contains almost 3,000 vital records.  Recordation dates, groom's surname, and bride's maiden name are listed.  Spanning almost 40 years, information is clearly typed and neatly documented.  This soft cover book, which totals 58 pages, also contains a surname index.  This book can be purchased online at Mountain Press for $14.50. Shipping is $3.50 for the first book plus $1.00 for each additional book.  NOTE: the price may not be correct as this page was made several years ago. Yes
1844 & 1850 Robertson
County Census
Compiled by Barbara Sanford, 3301 Chestershire, Pasadena, Texas 77503, 1993, 33 leaves. Yes
Whistle In The Piney Woods:
Paul Bremond & The Houston,
East & West Texas Railway
By Robert S. Maxwell. University Of North Texas Press, 1999, $24.95. This book contains some information on Paul Bremond, H&TC and I&GN railroads, & no information on the town of Bremond or Robertson County.  NOTE: the price may not be correct as this page was made several years ago. Yes
Sandbars & Sternwheelers:
Steam Navigation
On The Brazos
By Pamela Ashworth Puryear & Nath Winfield Jr., With introduction by Joseph Milton Nance, Texas A&M University Press, 1976. Carnegie Needs Copy
Texian Odyssey: The Life &
Times Of Colonel Eleazar
Louis Ripley Wheelock
By Mary Foster Hutchinson. Released April 2003, $24.95, Eakin Press, P. O. Box 90159, Austin, Texas 78709, 800.880.8642,   NOTE: the price may not be correct as this page was made several years ago. On
Nazi Prisoners
Of War
In America
By Arnold Krammer.  This book contains references to Camp Hearne on pages 64, 70, 130, 149, 171, 173, 178, 185, 261, & 267.  Excerpts of passages containing significant information about Camp Hearne as well as this book's table of contents are online at Krammer POW BookAdditional information about this book, including sample chapters, is online at Nazi Prisoners Of War In America Book. Yes
The Lone Star
& The Swastika:
German POWs In Texas
By Richard P. Walker.  The index indicates that Camp Hearne or Hearne are mentioned on the following pages of this book:  3, 12-15, 27, 40, 51, 67, 69, 74, 75, 82, 83, 88, 89, 91, 96-103, 124, 125, 127, 134, 143, 145, 146, 148, 156, 157, 167, 181, 187, & 188.  Excerpts of passages containing significant information about Camp Hearne as well as this book's table of contents..  Available through Eakin Press, Austin, TX.  Yes
The Reluctant Warrior:
Former German POW
Finds Peace In Texas
By former Camp Hearne prisoner of war Heino R. Erichsen.  While references to Camp Hearne appear on pages 12 and 207, the description of this POW's experiences at Camp Hearne appears on pages 55 - 66.  Excerpts of passages containing significant information about Camp Hearne as well as this book's table of contents are online at Erichsen POW Book.  . Yes
Papers Concerning Robertson's Colony In Texas By Malcolm D. McLean, comp. and ed., (19 vols., Arlington: University of Texas at Arlington Press, 1974-93).  Additional information, including the full text of Volume I in a searchable format, is at Robertson's Colony. Yes
Fruits & Flowers
In The Wilderness:
 Thirty-Six Years
In Texas & Two

Winters In Honduras
By Z. N. Morrell, the entire book by this early day circuit-riding preacher in Robertson's Colony is on the University of Michigan website at
Fruits & Flowers In The WildernessThese pages may be freely searched and displayed.  Copies of this book can be purchased from:  (1) Christian Education Coordinating Board, 333 North Washington St., Dallas, TX 75246, 214.828.5240; (2) Texas Baptist Historical Center - Museum, 10405 FM 50, Brenham, TX 77833, 409.836.5117; (3) Baylor Book Store, Box 6325, Waco, TX 76706, 817.755.2161.

Out Of Print

Title Of Literary Work Description Carnegie
Cemeteries In
Robertson County
By Verna Corn Floyd & Vernelle Corn. 1980, D. Armstrong Co., Inc., Publishers & Printers, Houston, Texas, 303 pages, index, 53 cemetery lists. Website Needs Copy
Family Traditions By Mary L. Smart, 4-Pines Publishing Co., Bremond, TX 76629, copyright 1992.  A compilation of articles that appeared in the Calvert Tribune.  [Note: Mary L. Smart has loaned her copy of this book to this website.  Printed copies will be given to the Carnegie Library, Smith-Welch Memorial Library in Hearne, Bremond Public Library, & Robertson County Library in Franklin; selected chapters will be placed online at this site.] On
Franklin High
School Chaparral
Copies of pre-1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938, & 1939 Franklin Chaparral yearbooks are needed to help complete the Franklin High School Library's yearbook collection and for placement online at this site.
Franklin School Needs Copies
New Baden
School Yearbooks
No yearbooks from the New Baden school (open through 1955) are in local libraries or online.  Records from this school are needed to complete the Franklin High School Library's yearbook collection and for placement online at this site.
Franklin School Needs Copies
Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Vol. LXXXV, No. 2, October 1981 Texas State Historical Association, Austin, TX, John S. Garner article entitled "The Saga Of A Railroad Town: Calvert Texas 1868-1918." Carnegie Needs Copy
The Land Of Beginning Again: The Romance Of The Brazos By Julien Capers Hyer. 1st Publisher: Tupper & Love, Atlanta, GA, 1952, hard cover; 2nd Publisher: Texian Press, Waco, TX, 1970, hard cover. Yes

Books & Articles Written By Local Authors, About Robertson
County & Its Residents, Or Based In Robertson County

Title Of Literary Work Description Carnegie
Joshua Beene
& God
(loosely based upon Bald Prairie & its early citizens) By Jewel Gibson. Random House, 1946, New York, NY. Paperback By Texas A&M Press, 1997, College Station, TX. Yes
Black Gold By Jewel Gibson. Random House, 1950, New York, NY. Signet Paperback, 1951, New York, NY Yes
On She Goes (historical recollections - includes some very limited references to early Hearne), By Lutie Stewart Wilson (former Hearne, TX resident) Yes
Strings By David A. Williams (Franklin, TX resident) Yes

Church Records


Title Of Church Record Description Carnegie
Membership Records & Minutes Of The New Baden Little Flock Baptist Church In a private collection.  These frail church records are currently being processed for placement online at New Baden Baptist Church. The original hand-written work will be donated to the Texas Collection, Baylor University, Waco, TX. A printed transcript will be donated to the Carnegie. On
Membership Records Of The Easterly Baptist Church In a private collection. These frail church records will be processed for placement online at this site. The original hand-written work will be donated to the Texas Collection, Baylor University, Waco, TX. A printed transcript will be donated to the Carnegie. On
A History Of First Baptist Church, Calvert, 1869-1972 By The Historical Committee, Mrs. Gladys J. Casimir, Chairman.  In the Texas Collection, Baylor University, Waco, TX. Yes
A History & Reminiscences Of Bremond Grace United Methodist Church, 1861-1978 By James L. Turner. Texian Press, c 1978.  In the Texas Collection, Baylor University, Waco, TX. Carnegie Needs Copy
And The People Said:
The History Of The
Bremond First Baptist Church
By Carroll, Annie Hermoine Kirkpatrick. Eakin Press, Austin, Texas, c 1982.  In the Texas Collection, Baylor University, Waco, TX. Carnegie Needs Copy
The First One Hundred Years, 1872-1972 : A History Of St. Mary's Catholic Church, Hearne H. & K. Printing & Publishing, Bryan, TX, c 1972. In the Texas Collection, Baylor University, Waco, TX. Carnegie Needs Copy
A History Of The
Headsville Baptist Church
?, In a private collection. Carnegie Needs Copy

Here is an online book that contains some county histories of all the
states. Many Texas counties are not in the book but those that are are
quite interesting. This link will take you to the Texas section (scroll
down for Texas) but the other states can be accessed by using the links on
the left hand side of the page.

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Page Modified: 05 November 2024

Copyright @ 2014-present by Jane Keppler. This information may be used by individuals for their own personal use, libraries and genealogical societies. Commercial use of this information is strictly prohibited without prior written permission from Jane Keppler. If material is copied, this copyright notice must appear with the information and please email me and let me know. Neither the Site Coordinators nor the volunteers assume any responsibility for the information or material given by the contributors or for errors of fact or judgment in material that is published at this website.