Austin County, Texas

Military Veterans
of Austin County, Texas

"...the people of Texas do now constitute a free, Sovereign, and independent republic..."
- from the Texas Declaration of Independence, 2 March 1836

We must thank the previous coordinators, Joy, Steve and Linda for all the hard work and hours they have put into this project. TXGenWeb needs more volunteers like them so if you are interested contact me.

Our thanks to Joy Neely who compiled most of this information. Our sincere appreciation for her ongoing efforts to supply genealogical data to us all!

If you are aware of other records or can provide us with such records, or have any history stories of Austin County, please share it with everyone here. You can contact us for history content donations.

Note: The Source references are: BT = Bellville Times, SN = Sealy News.
Other abbreviations are: DC = Death Certificate, DF = V.A. Death File, DR = Discharge Record.

Index of Records of Discharge from Military Service

Many Austin County veterans registered their discharge from military services at the Austin County Courthouse. Others did not. Following is a transcription of the indexes, combined and alphabetized, of those registered. For copies of the actual discharge papers, which contain much more information than is shown here, contact the county clerk's office. Book 8, however, is not available to the public. Our thanks to the employees at the Austin County Courthouse for their assistance with this project.

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Records of Discharge from Military Service
Name Branch Book Page(s)
Records of Discharge from Military Service
Tarver, Clifton.4122
Taska, Allison DArmy374
Taska, Frank.166
Tate, B. Y..4459-60
Taylor, Adler H.Army3178
Taylor, George .284
Teague, James Milton.7391
Teal, Homer C..7237
Tefs, Herbert.4108
Teichmann, Wilfred Milton.5311
Telford, Tommy Lee.7197
Terry, Allen L.1118
Terry, Sam, Jr..2452
Teufel, Kermit K..2454
Thielemann, Alvin O..2389
Thielemann, Elton F..281
Thielemann, Milton Louis.5229
Thielemann, Robert.145
Thomas, Ben.2245
Thomas, George .1413
Thomas, Robyn Renee.8111
Thompson, Roy D..2489
Thomsen, Quincy F..220
Thorn, Berry B..5507-8
Thunann, Casey Amber.865
Thursen, John Darrell.7586
Tichovsky, John Albert.1487
Tiemann, Edgar A..2514
Tiemann, Melvin.210
Tiemann, Theodore W..4142
Tijerina, G. T..7549
Timme, Wilbert W..297
Tinker, Alvin FrankNavy3392
Tipp, Delmer.6373
Tipp, Harvey.5477
Tipp, Leaburn Louis FrankNavy3371
Tipp, Winston Eugene.5369
Toadvine, William Kelly.6685
Toelke, Lester William.7522-3
Toellner, Erwin H..487
Toellner, Norman H..414
Toellner, SidneyArmy351
Toland, Willie.1484
Toliver, Lloyd.4267
Toliver, Olen.4192
Tomlinson, Alan Everett.6119
Tomlinson, Alan Everett.7119
Tomlinson, Alvin EverettMisc.3491
Tomlinson, H. P.Navy3302
Tomlinson, Lloyd ElliottNavy3296
Tooley, Caroline Jean.5293
Torres, Cesar Enrique.830
Towns, Billy Lamar.898
Towns, Jefferey AllenAir Force7369
Townsend, Barton H..7247-8
Treadwell, Thomas Lynn.6617
Trenckmann, Ernst H.2443
Tryals, Willie.2550
Turner, Edmund DoyleNavy3388
Turner, Jessie Jr..745
Turner, JoeMisc.3431
Turner, Robert L..4483-4
Twardowski, Emil M.4306
Twardowski, Emil M.4342
Twardowski, Steve C..4329-30
Twardowski, Victor Peter.5343
Twiggs, Richard.5105-6
Twiggs, Richard, Jr.Navy3337
Tylajka, Stephan.130
Ueckert, Bruce Wayne.6263-4
Ueckert, Clifton L.Marine3414
Ueckert, Edwin.1155
Ueckert, Harry L.Army3125
Ueckert, Henry W..2239
Ueckert, Otis A..2199
Ueckert, Robert A.Misc.3458
Ueckert, Verder HardingNavy3271
Uhlig, Wayne Earl.620
Uhyrek, Frank JoeNavy3383
Uhyrek, Sylvester E.Army352
Ullrich, Herbert A..2118
Upshaw, Edgar A..5577-8
Upshaw, L. C..2295
Upshaw, Will.1120
Valentine, Billy E..4431-2
Valis, Joe Frank.6473
Vancik, Frank John.6456
Vancik, Joe Jr..2361
Vazansky, John Christopher.3397
Vazansky, John F..748
Vazansky, Joseph JohnNavy3305
Veith, Walter L.1247
Velasquez, Mike.2281
Verm, Ebbie.438
Verm, Louis Z.2377
Viaclovsky, Patrick Charles.6577
Vicenik, John L..2232
Vicenik, Jouis JamesNavy3301
Vicenik, Louis James.4559
Vicenik, Louis James.525
Viereck, Charles A..6423
Viereck, Charles Arthur.6370
Viereck, James W..2381
Viereck, Karmen Melynda.7317-9
Viereck, Wilburn B.Army355
Vierus, Wilbert E..4211
Villa, James.6443
Villa, James.6489
Villa, Jessie L.4375-6
Villa, Joseph ManuelNavy3414
Villarreal, SantesY..6487
Voelkel, August Fred.6161
Voelkel, August Fred.6321
Voelkel, August Fred.6383-5
Voelkel, Benjamin F..4545-6
Voelkel, Billy JackNavy3356
Voelkel, Ernest A. W.Army353
Voelkel, Norfleet C..4331
Voelkel, Oscar B. Jr..6449
Voelkel, Oscar Branch.1354
Vogelpohl, Ernst T..1440
Vogelpohl, Herbert.1113
Vogelpohl, William Ray.6355-6
Vopockie, Steve C..27
Vornkahl, Gussie CharlesMisc.3479
Vornkahl, Leroy.5401
Vornkahl, Meloin Earl.4555-6
Voskamp, Ardonie D. Jr..44
Voskamp, Artrie Dietrich.6173-74
Voskamp, Audrey A..4519-20
Vrablec, Alois J..2476
Vrablec, Alois J..4405-8
Vykoukal, Raymond F..2432
Vysockie, Steve .6661-62
Waak, Boxley W..2241
Waak, Herman Henry.176
Waak, James Allen.5101
Waak, Willie.7532-3
Waddle, Cleveland.2571
Waddle, Cleveland.6151-2
Wagner, Willie A.5187-8
Walcik, Edward.4131
Waldrop, Borden G..7205-06
Walker, Dallas E..6121-2
Walker, Dallas E.Misc.3456
Wallace, Robert Lee, Jr..6425
Waller, Crawford.195
Waller, Crawford.1486,95
Waller, Crawford.1486,95
Waller, Mathew Bell.1325
Waller, Overton.5505-6
Walsh, James R..1463-6
Walters, Joe FArmy3163
Walters, Joe F.Army494
Waltmann, Wilbert HermanNavy3366
Walton, Paul C.723
Walton, William B. .2234
Wangler, Edwin.1281
Wangler, Willie.1282
Ward, Ernest L..2155
Ward, Ernest L..6695-6
Ward, Lewis A..4118
Ward, Lewis D..4305
Ward, Lewis D..4411-12
Ward, Wesley Jr..5589
Warmke, Bobby Dale.5471-2
Warmke, BurneyNavy3406
Warmke, Freddy F.Army369
Warmke, Lee Odell.6217
Warmke, Lee Odell.6295
Warnasch, Arthur E..1435
Warner, Steve Allen.6707
Warner, Theodore.6537
Warner, Walter.1101
Warren, FloydArmy3181
Warren, Floyd J. Jr..754-55
Warren, Floyd James, Jr..6575
Warth, John W..649-50
Washam, John E..4309
Washam, John E.Army311
Washam, Thomas J..244
Washington, Gideon.17
Washington, Samuel N..2515
Washington, Tommy Lee.1498
Wasicek, John.1409
Wasicek, William John.7261
Waters, Robert Henry.4477-80
Watson, Arnold R..2119
Weatherspoon, Frank J..2409
Weaver, Horace.5191-4
Wehring, Jason Ray.7396
Wehring, Theodore B..461
Wehring, Weldon Lee.6357-9
Weige, Charles CArmy399
Weige, Lee FritzNavy1552
Weinecke, Floyd Ray (Meinecke?).6619
Weinert, Bennie A.2258
Weinert, Wilfred C..2145
Weise, Rhiney.1227-8
Wells, Isaac.1136
Wendt, Gus.1256
Wendt, Harold Neil.5111
Wendt, Harold Neil.5609
Wendt, Ralph W..2330
Wendt, Vernon Leslie.551
Wendt, Vernon Leslie.5321-24
Wendt, Vernon LeslieNavy3318
Wensel, Leslie Williams.53
Wensel, Leslie Williams.5225-6
Wensel, Leslie WilliamsNavy3303
Wensel, Walter H..2467
Werner, John D..4139
Werner, Walter HermanNavy3360
Westcott, Christine Sue.7358-59
Westcott, Paul Douglas.7360-61
Westendorf, Elec Glen.7336
Westendorf, William D..7257
Wheat, Tom H.Army3152
Whineblood, Parker Frank.899
White, Erica Monique.838
Whitmire, Frank.1441
Wichkoski, Zefer.2570
Widackie, Robert David.7511
Wiecker, Elroy Henry.5384
Wiede, James LouisNavy3297
Wienecke, Edward Lee.541
Wienecke, Edward Lee.5603
Wienecke, Floyd R..769-70
Wienecke, Leroy.771
Wienecke, Leroy.773
Wienecke, Monroe Allen.7215-16
Wienke, Louis.1473
Wietstruck, Larry Gale.6631
Wietstruck, Louis.1199
Wietstruck, Melvin Gene.6397
Wigington, Laren Ance.6107
Wigle, Arch T.Army3184
Wiktorek, Joseph.1224
Wiktorik, Joseph A, Jr..6673
Wiktorik, Joseph A. Jr..7489A
Wiktorik, Joseph Arnold Jr..7490
Wiktorik, Otto.7564
Wiktorik, Terry Otto.6689
Wilcox, Curtis A.7337-8
Wilke, Allen L.2496
Wilke, Arnold H.Misc.3443
Wilke, Arnold H.Misc.3506-7
Wilke, August E..413
Wilke, Daniel Henry.589
Wilke, Paul .4447-8
Wilke, Theo O..1230
Wilke, Virginia Ann.6591
Wilke, Virginia AnnNavy7105
Wilkerson, Tracey A..1469
Wilkerson, William A..1476
Wilkinson, Tracey A.Army377
Williams, Albert.216
Williams, Albert.559-60
Williams, Alvin.4423-4
Williams, Archie.6145
Williams, August Fred.2308
Williams, Eugene .793
Williams, Jason Allen.849
Williams, Jesse Bastian.5252
Williams, Jessie.1269
Williams, John.1132
Williams, Leonard.1127
Williams, Milton J..2133
Williams, Monroe Allen.2435
Williams, Nealy.258
Williams, PhillipArmy3195
Williams, Thomas.1133
Williams, Walton CharlesNavy3291
Williams, Wash, Jr.Army3201
Williams, Willie R..1130
Willingham, Loyd LeonNavy7234
Wilson, Daniel W..2304
Wilson, Daniel W..4239
Wilson, Edwin Butler.6419-20
Wilson, Edwin SterlingMisc.3484
Wilson, Gracie L..4237
Wilson, HazelArmy35
Wilson, MaurineArmy331
Wilson, Wilbert.1492
Winkelmann, Wilbert O..4217
Winkelmann, Willie T.Navy3364
Winkler, Ezra B. Jr.Army3188
Winkler, Ezra B., Jr.Misc.3514
Wise, James H.Army347
Witte, Earnest A..254
Witte, Gerhardt M.2338
Wittlif, Delphine Gus.5161
Wittneben, Harriet H..4287
Wittneben, Henry Frederick.1355
Wittneben, Herman .1505
Wittneben, Orville Henry.5413
Wittneben, Robert Lee H. E..4197
Wittner, Robert.124
Wobbe, Alvin.547-8
Wobbe, Alvin.5121-2
Woehst, Herman G. B. Jr..1162
Woehst, James E.Army3133
Woehst, Oren EdgarCoast Guard3375
Wofford, Nolan Manard.897
Wolchick, Frank C..1164
Wolchik, Earl W..4205
Wondrash, Cecil Edward, Jr..6421
Woodley, Louis B..454
Woodrick, Victor H..4541-4
Woods, Harold R..7580
Wosnitzky, Frank.15
Wosnitzky, Frank.7417-8
Wosnitzky, Innis Jr..453
Wright, Carl F..4270
Wright, Larry Lee.6693
Wright, Ronnie Lowe.7425-26
Wunderlich, Clinton Clarence.5117
Wunderlich, Dennis.2499
Wunderlich, Eldie.2501
Wunderlich, Hilbert E.Misc.3442
Wunderlich, Kermit K..4283
Wunderlich, Raymond R..280
Wyatt, Burke BondNavy3364
Wysocki, Charles.2233
Wysocki, Eugene Alois.6635
Wysocki, Joseph.2511
Wysocki, Steve.6661-62
Yancy, Andrew Jethro.5491
Yancy, CatarineArmy3135
Yancy, John W.2508
Yancy, Matthew .2537
Yeager, Richard L.2214
Young, Clarence O..2298
Young, Massey.6291
Young, Robert.1123
Young, Robert Kelly.7434-5
Youngblood, RayMisc.3519
Zahradnick, Emil.1288
Zahradnick, John.1286
Zahradnick, Johnnie A..253
Zajicek, Albert Emil.6271
Zajicek, Ben P..2154
Zajicek, Edwin J..4123
Zajicek, Larry Wayne.767
Zalesak, Emil A..245
Zalesak, Jerry Gilbert..4515-16
Zalesak, Jerry Gilbert.Marine3429
Zalesak, Joe J..2384
Zalesak, John J.Army341
Zalesak, Joseph B..2581
Zalesak, William Alphonse.557-8
Zalesak, William Alphonse.577-8
Zander, Harry RichardNavy3397
Zander, Herman G..4174
Zander, Isador F. A..2364
Zanek, Kerby Joe.6401-3
Zanfardine, Salvatore PaulNavy3415
Zapalac, Frank.5551-2
Zapalac, Henry B..2151
Zapalac, James Edward.6593
Zapalac, Jerry Ernest.5359
Zapalac, Joe Clarence.5115
Zapalac, Joe Clarence Jr..5613
Zapalac, John.6255-6
Zapalac, John F .2169
Zapalac, Josefina.7328
Zapalac, Leroy A. Jr..6501
Zapalac, Louis J. Jr..5213-14
Zapalac, Louis Joe Jr.4475-6
Zapalac, Louis Joe Jr.511
Zapalac, Max J..2111
Zapalac, Mike William.7329
Zapalac, Robert W.Misc.3468
Zapalac, Willie F.Army3110
Zapalac, Willie P..4177
Zapalac, Willie R.Misc.3428
Zaruba, Lawrence Charles Ray.521
Zaruba, RichardMisc.3463
Zaruba, Stephan R..1229
Zaskoda, Harvel Frank.5189-90
Zaskoda, Harvel FrankNavy3289
Zatopek, Charlie.24
Zboril, Robert C..233
Zboril, Rudy J..2149
Zbranek, Ernie D..4301
Zbranek, James Harley.6167
Zbranek, Joe Jr..641-42
Zeiner, TomArmy3182
Zeiner, Tom .1352
Zenkner, Melvin Charles.6485
Zettel, Alvin B..292
Zettel, Charlie JArmy366
Zettel, Frank Joe.115
Zettel, Franklin B..2231
Zettel, Jessie Gilbert.5159-60
Zettel, Jessie Gilbert.5619
Zettel, Johnnie B..4112
Zettel, Ladislav W..2216
Zettel, Willie BennieMisc.3429
Zettel, Willie EddieNavy3320
Zettel, Willie J..227
Zientek, Dominick Aloysius.6561-63
Zink, Willie.1342
Zuber, Jerry M.4338
Zuber, Jerry M.4425-6
Zuber, Lesher L.2134
Zubicek, Edwin J..6377
Zubicek, Robert L..6527
Zurek, August D..2552
Zurek, Frank S..2387
Zurek, Louis F..2397
Zurovec, Johnnie M..6223
Zurovec, Johnnie Max.5451

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Page Last Updated: 29 October 2024