Austin County, Texas

of Austin County, Texas


This information has been extracted and re-typed from the public record located at the Austin County Court House and as a courtesy of the Austin County Clerk's Office and the Austin County Historical Commission. Special thanks go to Joy Neely . This index shows Austin County citizenship records from early years (1849 - 1906) and some records as late as 1938. The alternative spellings shown in the index are from those records. Remember to scrol for alternate spellings of your ancestor's name, whether or not the Index provides other spellings.

This information was carefully copied from the INDEX in the Austin County Clerk's Office. It shows the type of additional information available at the Austin County Courthouse. The actual records are stored in various places If you want copies of the actual records, please write or visit; the Bellville County Courthouse in Bellville, Texas. (1 E. Main, Bellville, Texas, 77418) First, the location of that record will be determined from the actual Index, (i.e. County or District Court) then you will be directed to the appropriate location for the record to be copied.

If you have family information that you would like to share please send it to us. We will post it to this website and make it available for other researchers. You can contact us for Naturalization donations.

| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

Following are some explanations of the abbreviations shown in the Nature of Proceedings Column (on web pages that apply).:

Aff. of Arr. - Affidavit of Arrival
Cert. of Arr. - Certificate of Arrival - for Naturalization Purposes provided by the Dept. of Commerce and Labor.
Cert. Received - Probably Certificate of Naturalization was received.
Dec. of Int. - Declaration of Intent
Grant of Cit. - Grant of Citizenship
Pet. for Nat.- Petition for Naturalization
Oath of Alleg. - Oath of Allegiance

- B -

Baade, EdwardGermany.28 Oct 1878Grant of Cit.
Babik, LeopoldAustria-Hungary2 Nov 1887No DateStatement of Facts for Pet.
"..18 Mar 1916Dec. of Int.
"..27 Sep 1918Cert. of Arr.
"..10 Oct 1918Pet. for Nat.
"..11 Jun 1921Grant of Cit.
Babik, SimonAustia-Germany29 Dec 1880No DateStatement of Facts for Pet.
"..16 Mar 1916Dec. of Int.
"..27 Sep 1918Cert. of Arr.
"..10 Oct 1918Pet. for Nat.
"..11 Jun 1921Grant of Cit.
Backhaas, John R.Germany.28 Apr 1858Aff. of Arr.
"..28 Apr 1858Pet. for Nat.
Backhaus, August (A.) Martin (M) Carl ( C )Germany4 Jan 185614 Apr 1906Dec. of Int.
"..No DateStatement of Facts
"..1 Oct 1909Pet. for Nat.
"..3 Jan 1910Grant of Cit.
Bade, JohnGermany.23 Dec 1856Aff. of Arr.
"..23 Dec 1856Pet. for Nat.
Bade, WilliamGermany.27 Apr 1857Aff. of Arr.
"..27 Apr 1857Pet. for Nat.
Badeker, AugustGermany.12 Dec 1856Pet. for Nat.
"..12 Dec 1856Grant of Cit.
Bader, Charles WilliamGermany.27 Aug 1884Dec. of Int.
Bader, John (Johan) Michael (M)Germany.21 Jul 1849Dec. of Int.
"..9 Nov 1853Pet. for Nat.
"..9 Nov 1853Grant of Cit.
Baethe, GottliebGermany.4 Oct 1886Pet. for Nat.
"..4 Oct 1886Grant of Cit.
Baico, PaulGermany236 May 1887Dec. of Int.
Baaier (Bayor), PaulGermany236 May 1887Dec. of Int.
Bahar, CasperPrussia.7 Jun 1858Pet. for Nat.
"..7 Jun 1858Grant of Cit.
Bailleux, J. B...7 Jan 1887Pet. for Nat.
"..7 Jan 1887Grant of Cit.
Bailleux, John B. Jr.Holland2420 Feb 1903Dec. of Int.
Baletka, JohnAustria.16 Aug 1871Aff. of Arr.
"..16 Aug 1871Pet. for Nat. (Cert. received)
Baletka, JohnAustria Hungary7 Oct 1873No DateStatement of Facts
"..13. 1916Dec. of Int.
Balke, ChristianPrussia.28 Nov 1865Dec. of Int.
Balovsek, PaulAustria391 Nov 1886Dec. of Int.
Balschak, FranzBohemia.25 Aug 1871Aff. of Arr.
"..25 Aug 1871Pet. for Nat. (Cert. Received)
Balski, WilliamPrussia.25 Aug 1871Aff. of Arr.
"..25 Aug 1871Pet. for Nat. (Cert. received)
Balusek, AntonAustria-Hungary25 Mar 190021 Nov 1921Dec. of Int.
"..17 May 1924Pet. for Nat.
"..10 Jan 1925Grant of Cit.
Balusek (Balusk) Frank (FranzAustria343 Nov 1884Dec. of Int.
"..4 Oct 1892Pet. for Nat.
"..4 Oct 1898Grant of Cit.
Balusek, MartinAustria.25 Aug 1871Aff. of Arr..
"..25 Aug 1871Pet. for Nat. (Cert. received)
Bantling, WilliamPrussia.19 Dec 1871Aff. of Arr.
"..19 Dec 1871 Pet. for Nat. (Cert. received)
Barabas, JanAustria.17 Oct 1892Pet. for Nat.
Barbash, JohnBohemia.15 Mar 1890Dec. of Int.
Barborick (Barborik) FrankAustria418 Oct 1904Dec. of Int.
"..3 Jan 1906Grant of Cit.
Barda, JosephAustria.1 Feb 1876Dec. of Int. (Cert. received)
Bargas, AugustGermany.28 Apr 1858Aff. of Arr..
"..28 Apr 1858Pet. for Nat.
Baring, LouisPrussia.20 Sep 1871Aff. of Arr.
"..20 Sep 1871Pet. for Nat.
"..8 Aug 1872Pet. for Nat.
"..8 Aug 1872Grant of Cit.
Baritzki, JohnAustria.2 Sep 1871Aff. of Arr..
"..2 Sep 1871Pet. for Nat. (Cert. received)
Barnell, FrederickPrussia.25 Aug 1871Aff. of Arr..
"..25 Aug 1871Pet. for Nat. (Cert. received)
Baron, JosefAustria2410 Apr 1900Dec. of Int.
Baron, PhilipAustria331 Nov 1884Dec. of Int.
"..6 Dec 1893Pet. for Nat.
"..6 Dec 1893Grant of Cit.
Barosh, Flora (Florian)Germany277 Apr 1887Dec. of Int.
Barschiza, JohnAustria.4 Nov 1872Aff. of Arr.
"..4 Nov 1872Pet. for Nat. (Cert. received)
Barten, HenrichGermany.19 Apr 1854Pet. for Nat.
"..19 Apr 1854Grant of Cit.
Bartla, ThomasBohemia.7 Dec 1857Dec. of Int.
Bartram, WaldermarRussia.20 Jan 1854Dec. of Int.
Bartshak, StephenAustria.25 Oct 1858Aff. of Arr.
"..25 Oct 1858Pet. for Nat.
Basche, HenryGermany.12 Dec 1854Aff. of Arr..
"..12 Dec 1854Pet. for Nat.
Baspalitz (Bespaletz) (Bespalitz), AlbertAustria2927 Oct 1888Dec. of Int.
"...Grant of Cit.
Bastian, CharlesGermany.19 Jul 1852Dec. of Int.
"..12 Dec 1856Pet. for Nat.
"..12 Dec 1856Grant of Cit.
Bastian, FrederickGermany.19 Jul 1852Dec. of Int.
"..12 Dec 1856Pet. for Nat.
"..12 Dec 1856Grant of Cit.
Bastian, Frederick J.Germany.19 Jul 1852Dec. of Int.
Bastian, GustavGermany.19 Jul 1852Dec. of Int.
"..12 Dec 1856Pet. for Nat.
"..12 Dec 1856Grant of Cit.
Bates (Stafford) Elizabeth Mrs.England4 May 186614 Sep 1936Dec. of Int.
Batla, StephenBohemia - Austria361 Nov 1886Dec. of Int.
Bauch, Herman Adolph HansGermany.28 Jan 1850Dec. of Int.
Bauer, JosephGermany275 Nov 1888Dec. of Int
Baum, CharlesPrussia.22 Sep 1871Aff. of Arr.
"..22 Sep 1871Pet. for Nat. (Cert. received)
Baum, GottlobGermany6030 Oct 1886Dec. of Int.
"..11 Jan 1892Grant of Cit.
Baumruk, AnnaAustria30 Mar 18905 May 1936Dec. of Int.
Baumruk, Frank JoeCzechoslovakia19 Mar 190119 Mar 1928Dec. of Int.
Baumruk, (Baunruk)John (Jan)Germany - Austria - Hungary - Czechoslovakia28 Sep 1875No DateStatement of Facts
"..6 Jan 1914Dec. of Int.
"..25 Mar 1929Dec. of Int
"..5 May 1936Dec. of Int
Baumruck, John (Jan) FilipAustria - Czechoslovakia25 Mar 190319 Mar 1928Dec. of Int.
"..5 May 1936Dec. of Int.
Baumruck, Joseph (Josef) JohnAustria - Czechoslovakia25 Oct 190619 Mar 1928Dec. of Int.
"..8 Apr 1936Dec. of Int.
Baunruk, John (See Baumruk, John above)....
Bayer, RudolphGermany293 Nov 1890Dec. of Int.
Bayor (Baier), PaulPrussia236 May 1887Dec. of Int.
Bechert, J. W.Prussia2312 Jul 1886Dec. of Int.
Becker, CarlGermany2230 Oct 1886Dec. of Int.
Becker, CharlesPrussia.16 Sep 1871Aff. of Arr.
"..16 Sep 1871Pet. for Nat.
"..17 Jan 1895Grant of Cit.
Becker, Gustav HansGermany14 Jul 1886No DateStatement of Facts
"..3 Jul 1909Dec. of Int.
"..27 May 1922Dec. of Int.
"..10 Aug 1931Dec. of Int.
Becker, HenryGermany.30 Jun 1855Aff. of Arr..
"..30 Jun 1855Pet. for Nat.
Becker. LouisGermany.21 Dec 1854Aff. of Arr.
"..21 Dec 1854Pet. for Nat.
Beckman, JoachimPrussia.11 Sep 1871Aff. of Arr.
"..11 Sep 1871Pet. for Nat. Cert. received)
Beckmann, AlbertGermany.20 Jul 1852Dec. of Int.
Beckmann (Beckman) AugustPrussia - Germany3 Sep 185722 Nov 1887Dec. of Int.
"..1 Mar 1917Pet. for Nat.
"..2 Jun 1919Pet. Denied
"..25 Feb 1919Dec. of Int.
"..No DateStatement of Facts for Pet.
"..21 Feb 1922Pet. for Nat.
"..13 Jun 1922Grant of Cit.
Beckmann, Friedrich (F)Germany277 Jun 1887Dec. of Int.
"..7 Jun 1887Pet. for Nat.
"..7 Jun 1887Grant of Cit.
Beckmann, LeopoldGermany271 Nov 1886Dec. of Int.
Beckmann, LeopoldGermany657 Jun 1887Dec. of Int.
"..7 Jun 1887Pet. for Nat.
"..7 Jun 1887Grant of Cit.
Beckmann, PaulGermany237 Nov 1892Dec. of Int.
Bedaker, AugustGermany.8 Nov 1854Dec. of Int.
Bednac, FrankAustria2320 Sep 1888Dec. of Int.
Bednar, CirilAustria25 Sep 187224. 1896Dec. of Int.
"..No DateStatement of Facts for Pet.
"..15 Jun 1917Pet. for Nat.
"..2 Jun 1919Pet. Denied
Bednar, FrankAustria.5 Dec 1892Pet for Nat.
"..5 Dec 1892Grant of Cit.
Bednar, VincentAustria - Hungary18 Aug 1852No DateStatement of Facts
"..29 Jun 1917Dec. of Int.
Bedrich, FranzAustria5228 Jun 1887Dec. of Int.
Bedrich, JohnAustria.10 Jan 1905Grant of Cit.
Bedrih, Fenk (Tenk)Austria295 Oct 1892Dec. of Int.
"..3 Jan 1906Grant of Cit.
Beekman, AlbertGermany.18 Apr 1856Pet. for Nat.
"..18 Apr 1856Grant of Cit.
Beerwinkel, Fr.Germany289 Jun 1896Dec. of Int.
Beerwinkel, GeorgeGermany2312 Jan 1894Dec. of Int.
Begatt (Bigott), FranzPrussia-Austria336 May 1887Dec. of Int.
"..13 Jan 1893Grant of Cit.
Behne (Belme), OttoGermany.13 Jun 1866Aff. of Arr..
"..13 Jun 1866Pet. for Nat. (Cert. received)
Beier (Beir), G.Germany.4 Dec 1893Pet. for Nat.
"..4 Dec 1893Grant of Cit.
Belche (Belsche), Frederich (Frederick)Germany.29 Mar 1859Dec. of Int.
"..3 Aug 1871Pet. for Nat.
"..3 Aug 1871Grant of Cit.
Belme (Behne), OttoGermany.13 Jun 1866Aff. of Arr..
"..13 Jun 1866Pet. for Nat. (Cert. received)
Belunek, FrancAustria3011 Jun 1894Dec. of Int.
"..12 Jun 1905Pet. for Nat.
"..12 Jun 1905Grant of Cit.
Belunek, Michael (Mike)Austria2318 Oct 1904Dec. of Int.
"..26 Sep 1906Pet for Nat.
"..26 Sep 1906Grant of Cit.
Bender, JohannPrussia.18 Sep 1871Aff. of Arr.
"..18 Sep 1871Pet. for Nat. (Cert. received)
Benecke, GodfredGermany.5 Apr 1856Aff. of Arr.
"..5 Apr 1856Pet. for Nat.
Benewits, Federick A. T.Germany.15 Aug 1859Aff. of Arr.
"..15 Aug 1859Pet. for Nat.
Bengsten (Bengtson) William (Wm.) Henry (H.)Germany5 Sep 18988 May 1928Dec. of Int.
Bengtson, EdnaGermany23 Jan 18988 May 1928Dec. of Int.
Bentin, ChristophGermany.28 Jan 1867Dec. of Int.
"..24 Nov 1869Grant of Cit.
Berg, FerdinandGermany291 Dec 1884Dec. of Int
Berger, GeorgePrussia.24 Nov 1869Grant of Cit.
Berglund, John M.Sweden.28 Jun 1872Aff. of Arr.
"..28 Jun 1872Pet. for Nat. (Cert. received)
Bergmann, ErnstGermany.26 Jan 1850Dec. of Int.
"..20 Apr 1855Pet. for Nat.
"..20 Apr 1855Grant of Cit.
Berndt, AlbertGermany.15 Jan 1876Aff. of Arr.
"..15 Jan 1876Pet. for Nat. (Cert. received)
Berndt. AlbertGermany.15 Sep 1906Pet. for Nat.
"..15 Sep 1906Grant of Cit.
Berndt, C. H.Germany3513 Oct 1882Dec. of Int.
"..28 Aug 1906Pet. for Nat.
"..29 Aug 1906Grant of Cit.
Berndt, JuliusGermany.16 Aug 1852Dec. of Int.
"..7 Dec 1857Pet. for Nat.
"..7 Dec 1857Grant of Cit.
Bernshausen, JohnGermany.8 Feb 1876Dec. of Int. (Cert. received)
Bernshausen, ReinherdGermany.8 Sep 1871Aff. of Arr..
"..8 Sep 1871Pet. for Nat. (Cert. received)
Bernshoussen (BernsHaussen) (Bernshausen) John (JohannGermany.15 Sep 1851Dec. of Int.
"..7 Nov 1854Pet. for Nat.
"..7 Nov 1854Grant of Cit.
Beschaner (Beschoner), MaxGermany277 Jun 1887Dec. of Int.
"..7 Jun 1887Pet. for Nat.
"..7 Jun 1887Grant of Cit.
Beschoner, BenedictGermany567 Jun 1887Dec. of Int.
Bespaletz (Baspalitz) (Bespalitz), AlbertAustria2927 Oct 1888Dec. of Int.
"..10 Jan 1895Grant of Cit.
Beyer, F.Germany.7 Nov 1855Aff. of Arr..
"..7 Nov 1855Pet. for Nat.
Beyer, OttomerGermany.28 Oct 1878Grant of Cit.
Bieberstein, Herrman (Herrmann)Germany.14 Nov 1850Dec. of Int.
BielafeldMecklenburg.19 May 1859Dec. of Int.
Bielec, WalterAustria5 Mar 18874 May 1911Dec. of Int.
"..No DateStatement of Facts for Pet.
"..23 Apr 1917Pet. for Nat.
"..12 Jan 1918Grant of Cit.
Biesher (Busher), Casper H.Prussia.22 Dec 1854Aff. of Arr.
"..22 Dec 1854Pet. for Nat.
Biggs, GeorgeGr. Britain.18 Sep 1871Aff. of Arr.
"..18 Sep 1871Pet. for Nat. (Cert. received)
Bigott , Franz (See Begatt)....
Billert, George (G)Germany.14 Dec 1858Dec. of Int.
Birkelbach, FritzGermany24 May 1869No DateStatement of Facts for Dec.
"..23 Mar 1918Dec. of Int.
"..27 Mar 1920Pet. for Nat.
"..11 Jun 1921Grant of Cit.
Bischoff, Frederich (Friderick) (F.)Germany4424 Oct 1884Cec. Of Int.
"..23 Jun 1887Pet. for Nat.
"..23 Jun 1887Grant of Cit.
Bithe, WilliamGermany.19 Jul 1852Dec. of Int.
Blasche, PaulGermany.2 Nov 1886Dec. of Int.
Blaschik, IgnatzBohemia - Austria3827 Oct 1886Dec. of Int.
Blase, HenryGermany218 Jul 1890Dec. of Int.
Blase, WilliamGermany.7 Aug 1906Pet. for Nat.
Blashke, WentzelBohemia.14 Apr 1856Aff. of Arr.
".. 14 Apr 1856Pet. for Nat.
Blazek, IgnacAustria.17 Oct 1892Pet. for Nat.
"..17 Oct 1892Grant of Cit.
Blazek, JosephGermany6011 Jul 1897Dec. of Int.
Blazik, JosefGermany251 Nov 1892Dec. of Int.
Bleibler, HermanSwitzerland239 Jun 1894Dec. of Int.
Bleibler, RobertSwitzerland.1 Dec 1890Pet. for Nat.
"..1 Dec 1890Grant of Cit.
Blezinger, GeorgeGermany.19 Jul 1852Dec. of Int.
"..17 Apr 1855Pet. for Nat.
"..17 Apr 1855Grant of Cit.
Blismak, John (Johan)Austria23No DateDec. of Int.
Bloch (Block), JacquesGermany4 Mar 1869No DateStatement of Facts
"..7 Feb 1917Dec. of Int.
Bloch (Block), JosefGermany11 Jan 1878No DateStatement of Facts
"..8 Feb 1917Dec. of Int.
"..14 Mar 1919Pet. for Nat.
"..11 Jun 1921Grant of Cit.
Blum, WilliamGermany.4 Feb 1876Dec. of Int. (Cert. received)
Blumenthal, W. A.Prussia.28 May 1883Grant of Cit.
Bobalik, Frank (Frenk)Austria - Hungary27 Jun 1881No DateStatement of Facts
"..14 Apr 1917Dec. of Int.
Bock (Buck), Frederik (F.)Prussia - Germany251 Nov 1886Dec. of Int.
Bocler, Paul (P.)Germany.30 Jul 1860Dec. of Int.
Boebel, GustavGermany.22 Sep 1871Aff. of Arr..
"..22 Sep 1871Pet. for Nat. (Cert. received)
Boeche (Boscher) Wilhelm (William)Germany5014 Sep 1886Dec. of Int.
"..2 Jul 1888Grant of Cit.
Boedcker (Boedeker) OttoGermany.28 Jun 1855Dec. of Int.
"..28 Jun 1855Aff. of Arr..
"..28 Jun 1855Pet. for Nat.
Boedeker, HenryPrussia.24 Mar 1878Pet. for Nat.
"..24 Mar 1878Grant of Cit.
Boeger, Charles (Churles) W.Germany.21 Dec 1854Aff. of Arr.
"..21 Dec 1854Pet. for Nat.
"..11 Jun 1858Pet. for Nat.
"..11 Jun 1858Grant of Cit.
Boehm, Joseph (Jos)Austria1 Mar 1867No DateStatement of Facts
"..24 Oct 1896Dec. of Int.
"..31 May 1909Pet. for Nat.
"..8 Jan 1910Grant of Cit.
Boening, GerhardGermany.No DateAff. of Arr..
"..No DatePet. for Nat. (Cert. received)
Boezina, Steve..6 Jun 1906Grant of Cit.
Bogar, Annie (Anna)Czechoslovakia18 Mar 19045 Apr 1924Dec. of Int.
"..19 Mar 1926Cert. of Arr.
Bogar, John (Jhon) (Johan)Austria7 Nov 189228 Sep 1922Dec. of Int
"..23 Mar 1927Cert. of Arr.
"..11 Feb 1928Pet. for Nat.
"..8 Jun 1929Grant of Cit.
Bogar, MartinAustria20 Jun 186318 Sep 1928Dec. of Int.
Bogar, PaulAustria13 Dec 18983 Sep 1930Dec. of Int.
Bogar, PaulAustria13 Dec 189928 Sep 1922Dec. of Int.
Bogar, Paul (Pavel)Moravia13 Dec 19002 Aug 1930Cert. of Arr.
"..21 Sep 1937Dec. of Int.
Bohme (Bohne)Bohm) Fritz Henry WilliamGermany16 Mar 1859No DateStatement of Facts
"..6 Nov 1918Dec. of Int.
"..27 Aug 1922Pet. for Nat.
"..12 Jan 1924Grant of Cit.
Bohne, HenryGermany2727 Nov 1905Dec. of Int.
"..12 Feb 1906Pet. for Nat.
"..12 Feb 1906Grant of Cit.
Bohner, FritzGermany2725 Jun 1887Dec. of Int.
Boike, DanielGermany.30 Apr 1856Aff. of Arr..
"..30 Apr 1856Pet. for Nat.
Bolf, JohnAustria.10 Jan 1876Aff. of Arr..
"..10 Jan 1876Pet. for Nat. (Cert. received)
Bollmann, CarlGermany5218 Mar 1896Dec. of Int.
"..24 Aug 1906Pet. for Nat.
"..24 Aug 1906Grant of Cit.
Bollman, WilhelmGermany3021 Jul 1887Dec. of Int.
"..18 Jun 1906Pet. for Nat.
"..18 Jun 1906Grant of Cit.
Bolton (Bolten), Herman (Herman) (H.)Germany.4 Jul 1851Dec. of Int.
"..9 Nov 1853Pet. for Nat.
"..9 Nov 1853Grant of Cit.
Boresch (Bures), Franz (Frranc) (Frank) Franc)Austria - Hungary3 Dec 18626 May 1887Dec. of Int.
"..9 Oct 1912Pet. for Nat.
"..2 Jun 1913Grant of Cit.
Borgel, BernhardGermany445 Nov 1892Dec. of Int.
Borrmann, AdolphGermany.30 Sep 1853Dec. of Int
"..30 Sep 1853Aff. of Arr..
"..30 Sep 1853Pet. for Nat.
Boscher (Boeche), Wilhelm (William)Germany5014 Sep 1886Dec. of Int.
"..2 Jul 1888Grant of Cit.
Bosse, WilliamPrussia.18 Sep 1871Aff. of Arr.
"..18 Sep 1871Pet. for Nat. (Cert. received)
Bosshammer, AugustPrussia.2 Jan 1888Grant of Cit.
Bossler, ChristolfGermany.1 Sep 1871Aff. of Arr.
"..1 Sep 1871Pet. for Nat. (Cert. received)
Bower, JohnGermany.8 Sep 1871Aff. of Arr..
"..8 Sep 1871Pet. for Nat.
"..8 Sep 1871Cert. Received
Brabrand (Braband), PeterGermany3628 May 1877Dec. of Int. (Cert. received)
Brackmann, AugustGermany.15 Sep 1851Dec. of Int.
Bradshaw, JamesEngland.4 Sep 1871Aff. of Arr.
"..4 Sep 1871Pet. for Nat. (Cert. received)
Braesecke, AlbertGermany.24 Nov 1869Grant of Cit.
Brandel, SemonAustria.7 Nov 1872Aff. of Arr.
"..7 Nov 1872Pet. for Nat. (Cert. received)
Brandel, SimonAustria.4 Feb 1892Pet. for Nat.
"..4 Feb 1892Grant of Cit.
Brandes, Frederick Wm.Germany.24 Aug 1854Dec. of Int.
Brandstatt, Alexander (A)Austria.6 Sep 1859Dec. of Int.
Brandt, CarlGermany.14 Feb 1876Dec. of Int. (Cert. received)
Brandt, EmilGermany2624 Oct 1904Dec. of Int
"..31 Aug 1906Pet. for Nat.
"..31 Aug 1906Grant of Cit.
Brandt, JacobSwitzerland30No DateDec. of Int.
Brasch, FrankAustria.29 Oct 1894Pet. for Nat.
"..29 Oct 1894Grant of Cit.
Brasch, JosefAustria.29 Oct 1894Pet. for Nat.
"..29 Oct 1894Grant of Cit.
Brast, AdolphGermany.1 Feb 1876Aff. of Arr.
"..1 Feb 1876Pet. for Nat. (Cert. received)
Brast, Frederich (F.)Germany345 Nov 1878Dec. of Int.
"..18 Sep 1906Pet. for Nat.
"..18 Sep 1906Grant of Cit.
Brau, Carl (Charles)Germany25 Jan 1864No DateStatement of Facts
"..30 Jul 1887Dec. of Int.
"..12 Sep 1918Dec. of Int.
"..29 Sep 1921Pet. for Nat.
"..7 Jan 1922Grant of Cit.
Braum (Braun), ChristianGermany.15 Sep 1851Dec. of Int.
Braum (Braun), Gottfried (Gottfreid)Germany.15 Sep 1851Dec. of Int.
Braun, LeoGermany30 Sep 1865No DateStatement of Facts
"..31 Jan 1918Dec. of Int.
"..No DateStatement of Facts
"..12 May 1900Pet. for Nat.
"..13 Jun 1922Grant of Cit.
Bravenec, J. J.Austria227 Nov 1892Dec. of Int.
"..7 Nov 1892Pet. for Nat.
"..7 Nov 1892Grant of Cit.
Bravenec, JohnAustria - Hungary28 Jun 1866No DateStatement of Facts
"..7 Aug 1906Dec. of Int.
"..6 Apr 1918Dec. of Int.
"..5 Feb 1925Dec. of Int.
Bravenec, John, Jr.Austria - Hungary21 Mar 189211 Apr 1917Dec. of Int.
"..6 Dec 1921Pet. for Nat.
"..13 Jun 1922Grant of Cit.
Bravenitz, JohnAustria501 Nov 1886Dec. of Int.
Breenjer, AndrewGermany.9 Aug 1852Dec. of Int.
Bregenzer, GustavGermany4 Feb 1877No DateStatement of Facts
"..11 Oct 1911Dec. of Int.
"..14 Aug 1918Cert. of Arr.
"..7 Sep 1918Pet. for Nat.
"..2 Jun 1919Grant of Cit.
Brehl (Brhel), Frank (Freank)Austria27 Oct 1866No DateStatement of Facts
"..13 Jun 1910Dec. of Int.
"..10 Sep 1913Pet. for Nat.
"..29 Dec 1913Grant of Cit.
Breihan, Wilhelm (Wilhilm)Germany.13 Jul 1894Grant of Cit.
Breihen, H. A., Jr.Germany2513 Feb 1882Dec. of Int.
Breitkreutz, S.Germany2410 Oct 1892Dec. of Int.
Breitling, F. A.Germany.25 May 1853Dec. of Int.
"..18 Apr 1856Pet. for Nat.
"..18 Apr 1856Grant of Cit.
Brhel See (Brehl), Frank aboveAustria27 Oct 1866..
Briekel, JohnAustria.1 Feb 1876Dec. of Int. (Cert. received)
Brill, HenryPrussia.7 Aug 1871Aff. of Arr..
"..7 Aug 1871Pet. for Nat.
"..7 Aug 1871Grant of Cit.
Britel, AntonGermany.19 Sep 1871Aff. of Arr.
"..19 Sep 1871Pet. for Nat. (Cert. received)
Brockmann, AugustGermany.15 Sep 1851Dec. of Int.
Brockmann, RudolphGermany237 Nov 1876Dec. of Int.
Brockmayer, AugustPrussia.22 Dec 1854Aff. of Arr..
"..22 Dec 1854Pet. for Nat.
Brockschmidt, ChristophGermany.14 Feb 1876Dec. of Int (Cert. received)
Brodeck, AntonBohemia.15 Jun 1858Pet. for Nat.
"..15 Jun 1858Grant of Cit.
Broecker, WilhelmGermany.18 Oct 1904Pet. for Nat.
"..18 Oct 1904Grant of Cit.
Brondes, Frederick W...8 Jun 1858Pet. for Nat.
"..8 Jun 1858Grant of Cit.
Bronikourki (Bronikouski), Frank (Frenk)Germany3023 Oct 1886Dec. of Int.
Bros, JosephAustria.9 Feb 1976Dec. of Int. (Cert. received)
Brosig, TheodoreGermany.22 Oct 1855Dec. of Int.
"..22 Oct 1855Oath of Alleg.
"..22 Oct 1855Aff. of Arr.
"..22 Oct 1855Pet. for Nat.
Brost, CarlGermany.19 Sep 1871Aff. of Arr..
"..19 Sep 1871Pet. for Nat. (Cert. received)
Brtis, StephanAustria3228 Oct 1896Dec. of Int.
Brugger, AndreasSwitzerland2628 Oct 1880Dec. of Int.
"..6 Aug 1891Pet. for Nat.
"..6 Aug 1891Grant of Cit.
Brugger, SamuelSwitzerland4823 Dec 1886Dec. of Int.
Bruna, WilhelmGermany.18 May 1857Aff. of Arr..
"..18 May 1857Pet. for Nat.
Brune, HenryGermany.21 Nov 1854Dec. of Int.
"..4 Jun 1860Pet. for Nat.
"..4 Jun 1860Grant of Cit.
Brzak, MartinAustria25 Apr 188027 Nov 1905Dec. of Int.
"..No DateStatement of Facts
"..10 Jan 1910Pet. for Nat.
"..8 Jun 1910Grant of Cit.
Bubak, JohnBohemia.8 Dec 1855Aff. of Arr.
"..8 Dec 1855Pet. for Nat.
Bubela, FrancesAustria22 Apr 18802 Feb 1924Pet. for Nat.
"..7 Jun 1924Grant of Cit. (Cancelled under act of Sept. 1922)
Bubela, Stepan (Stefan) (Stephan) (Stephen) (Steve)Austria - Czechoslovakia15 Jan 18802 Aug 1921Dec. of Arr.
"..2 Jul 1923Cert. of Arr.
"..No DateStatement of Facts
"..22 Sep 1923Pet. for Nat.
"..12 Jan 1924Grant of Cit.
Buchold, JoeAustria.7 Jan 1892Grant of Cit.
Buchta, JosefAustria226 Jan 1905Dec. of Int.
"..7 Sep 1906Pet. for Nat.
"..7 Sep 1906Grant of Cit.
Buchta, Vinc (Vinceno) (Vincec)Austria14 Feb 18767 Sep 1906Dec. of Int.
"..No DateStatement of Facts
"..27 May 1910Pet. for Nat.
"..2 Jan 1911Grant of Cit.
Buchten, ChristianGermany.25 Jul 1855Aff. of Arr..
"..25 Jul 1855Pet. for Nat.
Buck (Bock), Frederik (F.)Prussia - Germany251 Nov 1886Dec. of Int.
Buechner, Wm (Will)Germany2823 Sep 1887Dec. of Int.
Buehring, TheodoreGermany.9 Jan 1892Grant of Cit.
Buenger, AndrewGermany.6 Nov 1854Pet. for Nat.
Buenger, JoachimGermany.5 Aug 1856Aff. of Arr.
"..5 Aug 1856Pet. for Nat.
Buessel, FrederickGermany.26 Apr 1858Aff. of Arr.
"..26 Apr 1858Pet. for Nat.
Buetling, JuliusPrussia4310 Oct 1882Dec. of Int.
Buhlert, Wm.Germany3711 Sep 1884Dec. of Int.
Bujnoch, John Frank (F.)Austria Czechoslavakia1 Apr 1873No DateStatement of Facts
"..27 Apr 1920Dec. of Int.
"..26 Sep 1922Pet. for Nat. for Nat.
"..6 Jan 1923Pet. for Nat. Denied
Buller, JoachimGermany.1 May 1866Dec. of Int. (Cert. received)
Bunde, AugustGermany.9 Feb 1876Dec. of Int. (Cert. received)
Buntzel, FrederickPrussia.20 May 1856Aff. of Arr..
"..20 May 1856Pet. for Nat.
Burchhardt, ChristianGermany.21 Dec 1854Aff. of Arr.
"..21 Dec 1854Pet. for Nat.
Bures (Boresch), Franz (Frranc) (Frank) (Franc)Austria-Hungary3 Dec 18626 May 1887Dec. of Int..
"..9 Oct 1912Pet. for Nat.
"..2 Jun 1913Grant of Cit.
Bures, TobiasAustria4426 Sep 1906Dec. of Int.
Burghardt (Burghart), HugoGermany343 Nov 1884Dec. of Int.
Burhkard (Hurkhardt) (Burkhard), AdamGermany.15 Sep 1851Dec. of Int.
Burkhardt, JohnGermany.30 Jun 1855Aff. of Arr.
"..30 Jun 1855Pet. for Nat.
Burmaester, WilliamGermany3728 Aug 1878Dec. of Int.
Burrans, FrederickGermany.11 Apr 1855Aff. of Arr.
"..11 Apr 1855Pet. for Nat.
Busher (Biesher), Casper H.Germany.22 Dec 1854Aff. of Arr.
"..22 Dec 1854Pet. for Nat.
Busher, HenryGermany.4 May 1868Dec. of Int. (Cert. received)
Bushwal, FranklinAustria.6 Jun 1866Grant of Cit.
Butner, AndreasGermany.27 Apr 1858Aff. of Arr.
"..27 Apr 1858Pet. for Nat.
Byer, FerdinandPrussia.17 May 1870Aff. of Arr.
"..17 May 1870Pet. for Nat. (Cert. received)