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World War I
First Conroe Death At Front In France – Lee McCowan, colored one of the draft soldiers, died on May 3rd in France of pneumonia after being accidentally wounded. So far as known, this is the first death of a Montgomery county soldier on the front. McCowan’s people live in Conroe and he is supposed to have had $10,000 life insurance. Conroe Courier ‑ May 9, 1918 |
Earl Hicks Dies at Sea; Wounded In France – Earl P. Hicks in, so far as it is known, the first white man of Montgomery County to yield up the noble sacrifice of his life on the fields of France in defense of liberty. He was wounded in action and died at sea on the way home. Full particulars of his death have not been sent to the family. |
Mr. J. H. Hicks, brother of Earl, received a telegram last Friday stating that the body had arrived at Hoboken, N. J. and would be sent home if desired. Mr. Hicks wired to have the body sent to Willis and it arrived there yesterday afternoon. The funeral was to be held today. |
Earl Hicks was 21 years old and enlisted in the National Guard in Conroe last year. Conroe Courier – July 11, 1918 |
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World War II Army & Air Force Casualties
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Montgomery County Texas Banner graphics were designed by and remain the property of Jean Huot Smoorenburg. If you are being charged to view/use any of this information or have questions or comments, please contact Jane Keppler. |
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Page Modified: 01 January 2023 |