Austin County, Texas

People of Austin County, Texas

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Click a letter below for an alphabetical listing of people by surname.

| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | X | Z |

People of Austin County, Texas (Y)
Name Born Died Notes
People of Austin County, Texas (Y)
Yakel, Infant..[Cemetery] San Felipe de Austin Cemetery.
Yakel, Joe Frank18871962
[Cemetery] San Felipe de Austin Cemetery.
Yakel, Mary Annie20 Apr 189015 Nov 1972 Maiden Name: Gaydosik
[Cemetery] San Felipe de Austin Cemetery.
Yancey, Earl Chapman, Jr. USFlag18 Dec 192812 Jun 1999
[Veteran] Korea, USAF
[Cemetery] Industry Methodist Cemetery
[Sources] BT-6/24/99 p4; VA death file.
Yancy, Andrew Jethro, Sr. USFlag..
[Veteran] WW2, US Army
[Sources] VA discharge; DC.
Yancy, Catarine USFlag..
[Veteran] US Army
[Sources] Discharge Records.
Yancy, Colquit Dubois17 Nov 1913..
Yancy, Edward11 Apr 1925.
[Family] Father: Wesley Yancy, Mother: Dovie V..
Yancy, Esther19 Sep 1922.
[Family] Father: Wesley Yancy, Mother: Dove Brown.
Yancy, Jessie Lee13 Aug 1926..
Yancy, John Wesley, Sr. USFlag3 Aug 19203 Jun 1996
[Veteran] WW2, US Army
[Cemetery] Jeff Cemetery
[Sources] VA enlistment; SSDI.
Yancy, Mathew USFlag..
[Sources] Ratliff.
Yancy, Matthew USFlag13 Sep 1918.
[Veteran] WW2, US Army
[Sources] VA enlistment; SSDI.
Yancy, Oliver James12 Aug 1900..
Yancy, Ollie20 Oct 1914.
[Family] Father: Wesley Yancy.
Yancy, Tallie16 Nov 1902..
Yanez, Catarino USFlag..
[Veteran] WW2, PFC, US Army
[Sources] BT-11/12/2009 p3; tombstone.
Yanez, Cipriano16 Sep 19024 May 1982
[Cemetery] Guardian Angel Cemetery.
Yanker, C....
Yanoushek, Albert USFlag..
[Veteran] WW2, US Army
[Sources] VA enlistment; HC-12/18/2008.
Yarber, James Harold USFlag11 Jul 19339 Oct 2014
[Veteran] Korea, SN, US Navy
[Family] Father: John Jackson Yarber, Mother: Pearlie Gideon, Spouse: Barbara Bains
[Cemetery] National Cemetery
[References] Obit exist
[Sources] BT-10/16/2014 p5; tombstone.
Yarcho, Paul Clinton1 Aug 195319 Apr 2001
[Cemetery] Pilgrims Rest Cemetery #01.
Yarcsco, Frank USFlag..
[Veteran] WW2, US Navy, 1944-46, USS LSt 835 Pacific
[Sources] USN Muster Rolls; VM; ToledoBlade-2/2010.
Yaunch, J....
Ybarro, unknown29 Jan 1930.
[Family] Father: Jose Ybarro, Mother: Jaciento Rodriguez.
Ydrogo, Flora29 Jul 1929..
Yeager, H. W....
Yeamans, Mary Belle23 May 191623 Aug 2004 Maiden Name: Schubert, Gruener
[Family] Spouse: Bennie C
[Cemetery] Sealy Cemetery.
Yetman, Lois Marie26 Jul 1919..
Yetman, Willie Mae18971976
[Cemetery] San Felipe Community Cemetery.
Yetter, Clifton Perry26 Jan 191426 Jan 1914
[Family] Father: Perry, Mother: Elfrieda
[Cemetery] Sealy Cemetery
[General] s/o Perry & Elfrieda | D.
Yetter, Evelyn Grace16 Nov 1916..
Yetter, Orville Leslie16 Feb 1915.
[Family] Father: ,Perry Yetter.
Yetter, Ruby Pearl5 Feb 1912.
[Family] Father: Perry Yetter.
Yoist, Hubert USFlag..
[Veteran] Vietnam, SGT, USMC, 1963-67.
York, John USFlag..
[Veteran] Early Wars, Tx Rev
[References] Obit exist.
Yost, Helena S.13 Apr 185112 Jun 1880
[Cemetery] Welcome Old Salem Lutheran Cemetery.
Youg, unknown...
Young, Arthur Butler18821947
[Cemetery] Oak Knoll Cemetery
[General] | B | 42 C4.
Young, Aster E.10 Aug 18925 Jan 1982 Maiden Name: Siegert
[Cemetery] Pilgrims Rest Cemetery #01.
Young, Brandon C. USFlag..
[Veteran] Gulf, CPL, USMC, 1990-94, Hawaii & Japan.
Young, Callie18881962 Maiden Name: Cumings
[Cemetery] Oak Knoll Cemetery
[General] | B | 31 D3.
Young, Chester1 Dec 1908..
Young, Christene17 Nov 1895..
Young, Clarence Otto USFlag2 Aug 192122 Oct 2004
[Veteran] WW2, PFC, US Army, 1942-45
[Family] Father: Jacob J. Young, Mother: Aster E. Siegert, Spouse: 2nd wife Margaret Kenjura
[Cemetery] Star Hill Cemetery
[References] Obit exist, FG
[Sources] S# 38241430; VM; BT-10/28/2004 p4.
Young, Daisy Hawkins18821962
[Cemetery] Oak Knoll Cemetery
[General] | B | 42 C4.
Young, Dallas16 May 1914..
Young, Davess May26 Sep 1915.
[Family] Father: M. B. Young, Mother: Callie Cumings.
Young, De Arthur9 Jan 1919.
[Family] Mother: Emma Bivins.
Young, Della Mae3 Jan 1898..
Young, Donald Curtis USFlag28 Dec 194920 May 2010
[Veteran] Vietnam, SP4, US Army, 1970-73, 1st Army 36th Infantry
[Cemetery] Pilgrims Rest Cemetery #01
[Sources] BT-5/27/2010 p6; VA; tombstone.
Young, Doris Mae26 Sep 1915.
[Family] Father: Napoleon Benjamin Young, Mother: Callie Cummings.
Young, Fred Earl, Jr.8 Nov 196216 Jan 2023 Nickname: Freddie
[Family] Father: Fred Young, Mother: Mary
[References] Obit exist
[COD] Glioblastoma.
Young, Gerald James USFlag15 Nov 192814 Sep 2005
[Veteran] Korea, CPL, USAF, 1947-53, Recon SQ 6910th AFSS ETO
[Cemetery] Sealy Cemetery (C)
[Sources] VM; USVetGravesites; tombstone.
Young, Helen Larice5 Nov 1925..
Young, Henry Benjamin26 Sep 1885..
Young, Hiram Miles USFlag..
[Veteran] CWCSA, PVT, Hunt's Co
[Sources] Frizzell p44; U.S., Civil War Soldiers.
Young, Jacob Julius15 Mar 189525 Jun 1986
[Cemetery] Pilgrims Rest Cemetery #01.
Young, Jake22 Nov 184627 Nov 1918
[Cemetery] Pilgrims Rest Cemetery #01.
Young, John B. USFlag..
[Veteran] CWCSA
[General] Pension App rejected.
Young, John Dennis22 May 1905..
Young, John Wellington11 Jul 1894..
Young, Joyce J21 Sep 195014 Dec 2003 Maiden Name: Witt
[Cemetery] Sealy Cemetery.
Young, Lee Roy16 Apr 191918 Apr 1919
[Family] Father: Jacob J. Young, Mother: Aster Ernestine Siegert
[Cemetery] Pilgrims Rest Cemetery #01.
Young, Lewis Franklin, Jr. USFlag..
[Veteran] WW2, US Navy, USS Daly
[Sources] VM; tombstone.
Young, Loletha10 Jun 1907..
Young, Lorene Lucile29 Sep 192225 Feb 1978 Maiden Name: Huebner
[Cemetery] Star Hill Cemetery.
Young, Marcel Augusta21 Jul 1925.
[Family] Father: Jacob Julius Young, Mother: Aster Ernestine Siegert.
Young, Massey Bell USFlag..
[Veteran] WW1
[Sources] Ratliff.
Young, Matthew Alexander USFlag..
[Veteran] CWCSA, PVT, Hunt's Co
[Sources] Pension #9428 h/o. M. A. Y.; Frizzell p44.
Young, Menthia1 Feb 1882..
Young, Mercedes Mary21 Jul 1925.
[Family] Father: Jacob Julius Young, Mother: Aster Ernestine Siegert.
Young, Milton Earl USFlag3 Dec 192911 Jan 2019
[Veteran] US Navy
[Family] Father: Edward Earl "Peck" Young, Mother: Annie Mae, Spouse: Clara Sens, Children: Vanessa Pearce; Bradley Young
[Cemetery] Sealy Cemetery
[Sources] KnesekFH-1/14/2019.
Young, Myrtle Hattie25 Jun 190823 Apr 2004
[Cemetery] Millheim Cemetery.
Young, Napoleon Benjamin17 Nov 18911959
[Cemetery] Oak Knoll Cemetery.
Young, Paul Benjamin23 Dec 1892..
Young, Robert USFlag..
[Veteran] WW1, CPL, US Army, 824 TR CPS
[Cemetery] Houston National Cemetery
[Sources] US Vet Gravesites; tombstone.
Young, Robert K. USFlag..
[Veteran] other, CAPT, US Army, 1990-1997, Somalia.
Young, Thomas15 Feb 185311 Apr 1946
[Cemetery] Oak Knoll Cemetery
[General] | C | 26 C9.
Young, W. B....
Young, Will17 Jun 1900..
Young, Zeddie23 Apr 1912..
Youngblood, Beatrice6 Mar 1923.
[Family] Father: Verna Lee Youngblood, Mother: Josephine Lyons.
Youngblood, Ray USFlag..
[Veteran] _
[Sources] Discharge Records.
Youngblood, Vera Bernice23 Sep 1930.
[Family] Father: V. L. Youngblood, Mother: Josephine Lyons.
Youngs, Donald, Sr. USFlag..
[Veteran] _, US Army Dgermany, 1961-63.
Page Last Updated: 22 December 2024